Brykolakas Tragond 7.

Listening to: My Obsession-Skillet
Feeling: busy
Staring at the woman, he felt the hunger rising in him and he closed his eyes. Their connection was already growing strong and suffocating his mind. He let out a growl and looked down at her exposed neck. A small section of her shoulder caught his eye and he saw the little scars on her shoulder. The taste of her blood came flying back to him and his eyes grew red. 'This was a mistake.' He lowered her onto the ground and looked at the faint marks again. He could feel her mouth on his arm, drinking the blood slipping out of him and he ran his tongue over the wound. Sealing the blood flow, he took a deep breath and looked down at her. She had pushed herself past her limit to save Belenus and now her body sought a long sleep. He could hear the slow pulse and knew she would be of no use to the wolves for days. Kneeling down next to her, he pushed the shirt away from the scars and listened to her alluring pulse. His fangs lengthened to the sound and he lowered his mouth to her throat. Slowly his fangs ripped into her shoulder and he tasted her blood. His mind went into a haze and his hunger took control. He drank her blood in lust and heard the low moan. Pulling his fangs out, he closed the wounds with his tongue and slid his hand under her head. She had lost color and he tasted the hot blood in his mouth. Growling, his head snapped up and he stared at the man watching them. He saw the fists clenching at the man's sides and watched the man run at him. He felt her head move in his hand and he watched the man draw closer. "Get your filthy hands off her you beast!" Growling, his eyes went gold and heard, "Aedan, stop." The man's fist stopped inches from his face and he looked down at the woman. She slowly looked up at Aedan and he let out a sigh. "Aine, what happened to you?" She sighed and took a deep breath. Her gaze moved to Coyle and she pushed herself up. Her hand caught her shoulder and she stared at him. He rose to his feet and she watched him step back. The bite left her body drained but relaxed. She turned to Aedan and he extended his hand to her. She took it slowly and he pulled her onto her feet. Catching her, he stared at the vampire and ran his hand through her hair. "Aine, I didn't know. I'm sorry." She looked up at him and said, "It doesn't change anything, Aedan." He shook his head and said, "You're coming back to my place. You have to get away from here for at least one night." Closing her eyes, she felt her body begging for sleep again and then it went cold. Her eyes snapped open and she pushed Aedan aside. A woman flew at Aedan and she caught her shoulder. The woman looked at her and she met the burning red glare. "Is he yours Hunter?" She felt her hand weaken around the shoulder and her legs falter. Dropping onto her knees, her chest felt heavy and the vampire let out a laugh. Aedan watched the vampire approach and glanced at Aine. She looked broken and he needed to get her to the town doctor. A growl escaped from the woman and she knocked him to the ground. He looked up at her and she straddled his waist. Her hands caught his shirt and she pulled his mouth to hers. He tasted the cold in her and shoved her back. She let out a growl and knocked his head back into the ground. "Get off him." The vampire laughed and looked over her shoulder. She stared at Aine and smiled with delight. "You going to kill me when you're all dried up?" Feeling her breathing becoming more difficult, she shoved herself to her feet and said, "Yes." The vampire lunged at her and knocked her onto the ground. Her body jarred underneath her and she met the vampire's red gaze. Pulling her switchblade out, she felt the woman's hand gripping her neck and she kicked her off. The vampire rolled to her feet and jumped onto Aedan again. She caught his shirt and lowered her mouth to his throat. "Enough, Artis." The vampire went silent and she saw Coyle step into view. He yanked Artis to her feet and forced her to look at him. She slid her fingers along his jaw and gave a low purr. "I was worried about you. I came looking and found some food to play with before our little get together." His eyes remained cold and she whispered, "That Hunter, her man. He looks so tasty. Let me warm up with him and then I will have all the night to play with you." His hand gripped her throat and he threw her back to the ground. She let out a laugh and leaned down to Aedan. He stared up at her and she slid her hand along his jaw. "Get your filthy hands off him." Artis looked at her and caught Aedan's neck. She yanked him up and straddled his lap. Feeling the burning gaze on her back, she looked over her shoulder and saw Aine standing behind her. Coyle caught her arm and she collapsed against him. Artis stared at him and he picked the woman up. "Coyle, where are you taking her?" He stared at her and said, "She needs our help, Artis." The vampire released Aedan and got to her feet. She walked to Coyle's side and stared at the woman in his arms. "Don't let her out of your sight. I've lost enough brothers to her." His growl sent her into the trees and he looked down at Aedan. The man stared at him in a haze and he walked away. Hopping into the trees, he made his way to the manor and landed in the courtyard. Silently he slipped inside and walked up the stairs to his quarters. He laid the woman on his bed and watched her drift further into a deep sleep. Leaving his room, Coyle walked down the hall and heard the roar from the other side of the manor. His eyes flashed and he silently entered the study. Bain stood in the middle of the room and Artis sat on the floor by him. She rose when she saw Coyle and Bain spun on his heels. His hand lunged for the man's throat and was caught inches from his throat. Bain stared into the black eyes and his fangs flashed. Coyle threw him into a chair and Artis watched him walk to the fireplace. "Why bring her here? Do you honestly think I won't kill her?" He stared into the burning fire and Artis asked, "What happened to your arm?" Looking down, he saw the old blood and felt the prickling on his neck. His gaze snapped to Bain and he stilled the vampire in midair. "You will not touch her." Bain growled and said, "She killed my brother. She almost killed me. Stay out of it, Coyle." Artis approached Coyle slowly and asked, "The wound, where did it come from?" His eyes returned to the fire and he said, "Breck." Bain let out a hiss and Artis caught the arm. Coyle looked at her and she examined the healing wound. Her eyes went red and she looked up at him. "I smell different blood besides yours." He held her gaze and Bain growled, "Took a drink of that woman but I can't. I'm not surprised." Artis looked into Coyle's face and asked, "Did she take some in return? Did you form a connection with a Hunter?" His eyes flashed gold and she dropped his arm. Bain caught her as she walked past him and looked at the vampire. He was their protector but this action put them at risk. "Coyle, you are getting too old. You don't form a connection with the enemy." Gold eyes bore into his head and he went still. Artis looked up at her brother and saw the trance he had succumbed to. Her eyes flashed and she turned to Coyle. "Release him!" "When he submits." Bain's face broke out in sweat and she caught him as he dropped to his knees. His eyes remained locked with the burning golden eyes and she ran her hand along her brother's face. "Bain, just let it go. He is the only one who can protect us. Stop fighting him." Slowly she felt her brother fall back onto his back and let out a cough. Letting out a sigh of relief, she caught his head and wiped the sweat away. Bain pushed himself up slowly and looked up at the vampire. "I will dispose of the Hunter when I'm through." Artis looked at him and asked, "Through with her? What do you want?" "Information." Bain wiped a little trail of blood from his mouth and nodded. He rose to his feet and Artis looked up at him. "I will go to the town." Coyle's eyes grew black and Bain left the room. Artis slowly rose to her feet and stared at him. She had never seen him turn on his own kind and force their loyalty. Something about this Hunter left her worried and she slowly caught his arm. He turned his dark eyes on her and she closed her eyes. "I would like your company tonight." His eyes held her gaze and she brushed her lips against his. Walking to the door, she felt him follow and made her way down the hall to her quarters. Closing the door behind him, she went to him and submitted to his power. He took her in her bed and took her offering. His fangs ripped into her breast and he drank the powerful blood of his kind. It lacked the strength and power he had tasted earlier that evening but he drank to leave the vampire in his control. Closing the marks with his tongue, he felt his brand enter her and he pulled out. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. Her hand slid along his chest as he rested on his back and she kissed his neck. The little affectionate plays left him aware of her submission and he felt her slowly slip into a content sleep. ___________________________________________________________ Sitting in the loud tavern, he finished his glass off and put it down. Doran let out a sigh and looked at him. The man had been a wreck since he got back from the woods and he hadn't gotten the courage to ask about it. The door swung open and they watched the man step inside. Aedan's glass fell over and he jumped to his feet. The man was the vampire he had seen attack Aine. Their gazes met and he let out a low smirk. Silently he crossed the tavern and knocked Aedan aside as he climbed the stairs. Aedan let out a growl but Doran caught his shoulder. "Let him go. That guy has business upstairs before he will deal with any of us." Aedan let out a grunt and took his seat at the bar. Bain watched the two settle down and he walked down the hall. Knocking on the far door, he watched the door open and stepped inside. The vampire looked up as she closed the door and he walked over to the bed. Silently she locked the door and walked over to a table. He watched her pour drinks and heard, "You here for personal reasons?" "Coyle." She handed him a drink and said, "You want dirt on the Hunter." He took a sip of blood and growled, "You've always kept yourself in the network of gossip." She sent him a sly smile and said, "I happen to be an excellent human imitator." "Which one downstairs?" Drinking herself, she grinned and said, "The sober one." "I remember the other one. Saw him when I had my own round with the Hunter. Left a mark on me that woman." She put her drink down and approached him. Straddling his waist, she set his drink aside and slid his shirt off. He let her look at the faint wound on his chest and felt his blood beginning to boil. She turned red eyes up to him and said, "I see she knows where to strike." "Left my mark on her." Hands slid up his chest and she ran her teeth along his right ear. The games were about to start and he had to get all the information out of her yet. He caught her shoulders and held her back. "I need everything you know on her, Bryg." She smiled a sly smile and whispered, "I want payment first." His eyes turned red and he growled, "Not this time." Dumping her onto the bed, he held her down and said, "I have orders to fill before pleasure." She let out a laugh and said, "You're no fun tonight, Bain." Her legs caught his waist and she pulled herself up onto him. Catching his lower lip in her mouth, she ran her hands down his back and nipped his lip. He pulled his head back and she dropped back onto the bed. She frowned and said, "Fine. Aine Ashling was brought to this town twenty years ago after you killed her mother. She lives down the street in an old couple's home. They died a year ago and she was left the place to keep her in the town. She grew up spending her days in the woods with the wolves. She has a beau back here name Aedan O'Neil and until your leader came along, those two were going to tie the knot someday. After Belenus was taken by the Maccoy's the town has been on watch for Aine's return. She had threatened to kill them and her word is considered law. That is all I have right now." His eyes lingered on hers and she asked, "Anything else?" "Have you killed the man you're using as information?" She let her sly smile return and said, "In bed." He smirked and drew her up to him. She wrapped herself around him and and sucked on his bleeding lip. Her body left his aching and he put her on the bed. His pants were left on the floor and he slid her skirt up, settling inside her. He removed her blouse and sank his fangs into her chest. Feeding the demons inside, they took from each other and he slowly rose to his feet. He dressed with ease and unlocked the door. Walking down the stairs, he saw the two men still at the bar and walked past them unnoticed. Quietly he left the town and wandered back to the manor. Stepping inside, he heard the silence and let the smirk cross his mouth. Quietly he climbed the stairs to the second story and walked down the hall to Coyle's quarters. Pushing the door open, he slid inside and shut the door. Breaking the handle, he walked over to the bed and stared at the Hunter. Catching her blouse, he slid it away from his bite marks and found them gone. His eyes flashed and he studied the new marks. He caught the glimpse of metal and jumped back. Aine jumped to the floor and held the switchblade in front of her. "You want to die that badly?" He smirked and said, "You can't. Our hospitality would end and you would be a wonderful feast." She growled and her eyes flashed. He saw the wild look enter her gaze and saw the death in her gaze. The connection had exchanged between the two and left her a killing machine. Knowing she would be up to full speed quicker than expected, he lunged and caught her throat. His hand stopped the racing switchblade and he threw it across the room. His eyes burned into her brown gaze and he listened to the steady pulse. Frowning, he caught her throat and threw her back against the bed. She caught herself and he pinned her onto the bed. Catching her hands, he held her down and stared down at her neck. Her blood was addicting to their leader and he wanted to taste another Hunter's blood himself. He lowered his head to her neck and she closed her eyes. She felt the fangs against her skin and kicked upward. He flew across the room and landed on his feet. Sitting up, she stared at him and he let out a growl. Jumping to her feet, she met his gaze and watched him lunge for her. He moved behind her and gripped her throat. Throwing her to the floor, he held her pinned beneath him and ripped the blouse open. She slid her hand across the floor for the switchblade and his hand caught her throat. Tightening his grip, he slid his hand down to her pants and ripped them open. Her mother had been less of a fighter but her body had been fulfilling. He wanted to know what she felt like, knowing he would ruin her and break the spirit that interested Coyle. He found the firm stomach tan and dark. She bore an old scar on her left hip and he let the sick sneer cross his face. His hand moved to his pants and cold seized his body. "Get off." Hearing the murderous tone, Bain felt his body standing and he dropped her onto the floor. Silently he turned to the door and saw the gold stare burning through him. "Go." He saw Artis run into the room and still wearing signs of a good round in her bed. He saw the look on her face as he walked past her and heard her turn to Coyle. "Coyle, please forgive him." He walked over to Aine and she pushed herself up to her feet. Catching her hand, he lifted her off the floor and sat her on the bed. Quietly he removed his shirt and handed it to her. She stared at him and slowly took it. "Coyle! What are you doing?" His eyes snapped over his shoulder and silenced Artis. She felt his power swarming her and felt her legs weakening. Her feet pulled her into the hall and she followed her feet back to her quarters. Locking herself in her room, she moved to her bed and sat down. Looking out the window, she saw the rising sun and closed her blinds. ___________________________________________________________ She slid the shirt over her ruined clothes and he looked back at her. Silently she rose to her feet and he left the room. She followed him down the hall and into an old room. The dark and empty place drew her closer to her breaking point and she watched him draw curtains back. Looking around the lit room, she saw the bed and turned back to him. "Why are you protecting me?" His eyes met her gaze and he said, "I gave my word to Breck." She watched him approach and slowly felt his hand running along the bruises on her neck. Her brown gaze stared up at him and he lowered his head to her neck. His tongue slid over the bruises and she closed her eyes. She felt the tenderness slowly vanishing and looked up at him. He saw her eyes study him and he heard her calm blood running through her. She was awake but her body was needing rest. He brushed the shirt away from her shoulder and lowered his mouth to his mark. Sinking his fangs into her skin, he felt the lurch and then her body go calm. Her blood filled his mouth and he drew back. Closing the wound with a flick of his tongue, he looked down at her and caught her. Her head fell against his arm and he picked her up. Laying her on the bed, he watched her drift into another resting sleep and left the room. Being around her was addictive and she left him unsated. Knowing he needed to lose the hunger she left in him, he walked down the hall to Artis's room. He broke the lock and closed the door behind him. She looked up at him and rose to her feet. Silently he approached and she let him claim her mouth. The new blood was all she could taste and she closed her eyes. He took her and used her, losing his hunger and lust. She kept silent as he used her body and drank. She closed her eyes and felt him roll onto his back. Wrapping herself around him, she let his cool body remind her that she still shared his bed. The new woman may have earned his protection, but she earned the early mornings to relax and please him. For now she could stand the woman's presence, but when the woman became too alluring to Coyle, she would remove her.
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