Where The Wind Blows Chapter 32

Feeling: tired

Looking over the current treatment analysis, he handed the chart back to the doctor and checked the time. The man let him leave the office and he walked down the hall. He found the same three men waiting outside her room and he stopped at the door.

"When did Calli leave?"

"About half an hour ago."

He heard the storm outside and slowly opened the door. His eyes flew from the made up bed to the open window. Letting out a low curse, he left the room and heard running boots.


He looked down the road as the three men stood up and moved to Greg. The man was soaked and had an urgent look in his eyes.

"Reese, what's going on?"

He ignored the hounding brothers and asked "Joe?"

The man shook his head and said "It looks bad."

They ran down the hall and out into the storm. He saw Daemon working against the keeper's hold and ran over to the man. He took the reins from the man and swung up into the saddle. Greg mounted his stallion and Cliff jerked Daemon to a stop.

"I'm coming."

Reese held his gaze and saw the brotherly worry in his eyes. Nodding, the man climbed up behind him and they left Jeff and Billy standing in the street.

"Where'd she go?"

"Some outcrop."

His eyes narrowed and he quickened Daemon. Greg followed close behind as they flew across the land. The storm had left them drenched before they left the town and they were chilled to the bone by the time he found the cave. He yanked Daemon to a hault when they entered and dismounted. He found Mike bound and on the floor by his horse.

Adam was tying a rope to some secure shards of rock and he yanked the saddle bag off Daemon. The man stopped when he reached him and took the rope from him.

"I tried climbing down but it's too steep."

He walked over to the edge and saw the faint outline down below.

"What happened?"

He secured the saddle bag to his shoulder and heard "The idiot shot her."

The growl was a mix from him and Cliff. It left the area deadly silently and they watched him slide down the wall.

"Man, that's insane."

Cliff came to the edge and heard "Touch Mike and I'll have to arrest you."

The man frowned but watched Reese disappear.

"Where'd he learn to climb like that?"

"Those two used to escape to here after pulling pranks when we were growing up."

Their voices grew faint when his boots hit the ground again and he moved over to her. He knelt to her and slid the saddle bag from his shoulder. Pulling her shirt sleeve away from her shoulder, he found the bullet still lodged inside and dug through her saddle bag. Finding some plyers and a roll of gauze, he checked for her pulse and found it weak but there. Quickly he removed the bullet and wrapped the wound.

He slid his hand through her hair and felt something wet on his hand. Holding his hand close to his nose, he made out the scent and carefully rolled her head. The wound was above her left eye and he dug through the bag until he found some clean wipes. Carefully he removed the blood and found the bleeding stopped. Closing the bag, he listened to her breathing and let out his retrained breath.

"Joe, can you hear me?"

When she didn't respond, he ran his hand through her hair and pulled her up against him. Her skin was frozen and her clothes were soaked from the storm outside.

"Come on, Joe. Open your eyes for me."

Silence replied and he closed his eyes. He wasn't going to lose her when they were so close. The disease was finally going to be destroyed and she was going to get her life back. His failure to protect her was not going to end everything.

"Damn it Joe. Wake up."

He kissed her head and tried to keep his control in place. He could smell her scent but it was tainted with the blood smell. Wanting to kill Mike with his two hands, he barely registered the moving of her hand against his shirt. Opening his eyes, he looked down at her and watched her slowly manage to open her eyes.

"Thank goodness."

He kissed her with relief and slowly looked into her eyes. She looked around and tried sitting up. When she put weight on her left shoulder, she hissed and he stopped her.

"You were shot."

"I remember."

"Do you remember falling?"

"Not once I hit my head. Everything was blurry after that."

He hugged her and let out a deep breath.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

She met his amber gaze and saw the relief in his eyes. He was trying to scold her for being foolish but she couldn't help but smile. His frown deepend and she kissed him.

"Don't change the subject."

"I'm not."

"Then what possessed you to take off?"

She watched him gather the saddle bag and said "I needed out of there just for a short ride."

"And how does getting shot fall into place?"

He helped her to her feet and she said "He threatened my family."

His growl was quiet but there and she let him help her to the rope.

"I can't climb it."

"You have to. If you stop moving, you'll pass out again."

She took a deep breath and watched him go up first. Painfully moving behind him, she heard the men approach him when he reached the top and he pushed them back. Laying the saddle bags on the ground, he lowered his arm to her and she used his strength to finish pulling herself up.


Cliff engulfed her in a bone crushing hug and she wanted to cry from the pain. He wouldn't release her while Reese attached the saddle bags to Daemon until she finally pushed free. She caught the looks on the young marshalls' faces but looked away. Reese helped her to her feet and walked her past them. Mike stared up at her in complete shock as she met Daemon and was helped into the saddle.

"He rides with Adam. Cliff can take Mike's horse back to town."

"Where do you want him when we get back?"

He secured Joe to him with his arm around her and said "Where all criminals go. I'll handle it."

Her head rested on his shoulder as they left the cave and returned to the storm. His body heat was barely warmer than hers but it threatened to pull her back into the darkness. He watched her fight it off and glanced over at Cliff. The man was keeping up beside them and Adam and Greg were right behind them. The town street was filled with spectators and family when they finally arrived.

He barely noticed the man standing next to Jeff and Billy and caught the murder in all three sets of eyes. Dismounting quickly, he helped her down and carried her across the street to the hospital. The doors were kicked open as he walked inside and the doctor hurried them down the hall. They reached her vacated room and he carefully lowered her onto her bed. The nurse reattached the IV to her hand and the doctor examined her wounds.

"We need to get her out of these soaked clothes. What happened?"

"She was shot and fell."

He felt the eyes on the back of his head but their heated gazes didn't compare to the inner turmoil in him. The nurse had him help change her into a dry hospital gown and the doctor checked his blind work.

"Your quick thinking may have saved her. Odd."


"Listen to this."

The doctor had him listen to her heart beat and he found it stronger than it was when he found her. Checking her pulse, it was confirmed and the doctor checked her temperature.

"Her temperature is coming up. Somehow her body is finally regulating itself again."

The nurse guided him from the room and shut the door in front of him. He left the family waiting for answers and joined Adam down the hall. They left the hospital in silence and crossed the street to the jail. The keeper let him into the cell and shut the door behind him. Mike looked up at him and his skin grew pale.

"Send word for his father to come pick him up."

Greg left the door and Adam asked "What do you need me to do?"

"Stay by Joe's door and don't let anyone in except the staff. Make sure her window is secured."

The man nodded and he listened to the departure. The keeper took a seat behind his desk and he rolled up his sleeves. Mike took in the blood on his hand and shirt and felt the chill roll through him. The blow came faster than he expected and he was knocked onto the floor.

"Going to kill me?"

"It's a start."

The second punch drew blood from his mouth and Mike spit it out. He looked up at Reese and received a blow to his stomach. Doubling over, he took in painful breaths and looked back up.

"I warned you."

"It was personal."


He left the man black and blue, breathing painfully when he left the cell and the keeper locked the door. Washing his hands at the sink, he dried them and stepped into the lobby. Jeff was standing in the room staring at him stunned and he stopped.

"I didn't expect you to kill him."

He stepped past the man and said "I didn't."

"Sounded like it."

Stepping outside, he felt Jeff catch his shoulder and he looked back at the man.

"I know you're blaming yourself for this but don't do anything else that'd be stupid and go get yourself cleaned up. You look like hell."

He watched the man return to the hospital and caught Mack approaching. The man followed him into the hotel and up to the family's rooms. The man watched him change into a clean shirt and look down at the blood smears on the ruined one.

"If I hadn't left Calli with her this wouldn't have happened."

"And if Joe hadn't slugged the man back in college to save him from being killed by Cliff this wouldn't have happened. Reese, this isn't your fault."

"Mike shot her and I wasn't there to stop it. Tell me how that isn't my fault."

He turned his amber eyes on the old man and Mack caught his shoulder. He knew the guilt the man was shouldering and took a deep breath.

"There's no hard feelings from me or my sons. You've just got to forgive yourself."

He looked away and Mack walked over to the door.

"She'll pull through and when she does Bear is waiting to see her."

"He's better?"

The man nodded and chuckled. "Stubborn thing healed up quick after she collapsed. He's staying in the stable until we can con the doctor into letting him into the hospital."

Reese watched Mack leave and looked around the room. The storm had grown in strength and he sat down on the bed. Letting out a groan, he raked his hands through his hair and felt like shooting himself. Looking out the window, he took a deep breath and left the room. He returned to the hospital and found Greg barely managing to hold off Will.

The boy was almost in when he saw Reese approaching. He stopped fighting Greg and ran up to him.

"I have to see her."

Reese knelt in front of him and said "Let me see how she's feeling first."

He slowly nodded and they spotted Teddy and Calli approaching. Grace was beside his sister and Reese slipped into the room. He found no lights on and walked over to the window. Opening the curtains, he let the storm's light enter the room and looked over at the bed. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he found her left arm half way wrapped and the cut above her eye uncovered.

Looking closer, he found it already healed mostly and he caught her opening her eyes. She tried using her arm but the pain left it as it was. Her brown eyes slowly met his gaze and he slid his hand through her hair.

"Pull another stunt like that and I'll kill you myself."

She smirked and he crushed his mouth to hers. That smirk was the last straw for him and he devoured her taste to confirm she was going to be fine. Her fingers slid through his hair and she met his gaze when he pulled back.


"No more scaring me like this."

"I'll try."

He hugged her and said "I swear loving you is going to kill me."

She looked up at him and asked "You mean that?"

Nodding, he saw the slow smile capture her mouth and kissed her slowly. His fears were slowly releasing him and he looked into her tired gaze.

"Everyone wants to see you."

Leaning back against the pillow, she nodded and watched him move to the door. When he opened it, he stepped in the hall and led Grace into the room. Her face lit up when she met Joe's gaze and she ran over to the bed. Joe kept her from hitting her left arm and took her in her arms.

"Thank goodness you're okay. When they said you were gone I was scared I'd lost you."

She kissed the girl's head and said "I'm going to be fine. Just banged up."

The girl hugged her tigher and she looked over at Reese. He leaned against the wall by the door and let her have the first amount of time with Grace. The child had been patient and scared more than anyone since Joe had gotten worse. She had never asked to come see her, afraid it would've been the last time but with the woman finally recovering she had to be the first to see her.

"Why'd you leave?"

"I needed fresh air."

Grace laughed and said "You sound like Will."

Reese bit back the comment on the tip of his tongue and caught the look Joe sent him. They both knew where Will got that from. He watched Grace rest her head on the shoulder next to her and Joe ran her fingers through the blonde hair. The girl was exhausted despite all the resting they made her get and she drifted into a content sleep. Silently he moved to the bed and picked her up.

"Want any more guests?"

She took a deep breath and said "Just give me a few."

He walked to the door and stepped into the hall. Calli gently took Grace off his arms and turned to Mack. The man chuckled and walked down the hall.

"Where's he going?"

"To get someone."

Will stood up and he led the boy into the room. As he shut the door, he watched Will move over to the bed and sit next to his mother. She let him examine her arm and the cut on her head.

"You look awful."


They laughed and he hugged her. Reese took the seat next to them and Will sat up straight. He saw the chain around her neck and carefully pulled it out from under the hospital gown.

"Does this mean you are going to keep him?"

The grunt earned the man a look and Will turned his amber eyes back on his mother. She looked over at Reese and smirked.

"I guess I have no choice."

Will nodded and said "It's about time. I swear you two are the slowest at coming to decisions about yourselves."

They both looked at him and he smiled.

"You've been around your uncles too long."

He shook his head and said "That is from Grandpa."

She covered her face and let out a groan while Reese shook his head. That did sound like Mack and he imagined the man was in for a talk once they got her back home. The knock finally interrupted them and he stood up.

"Who is it?"

"Someone who needed to see Joe."

Will glanced back at her and she shrugged. When the door opened they were attacked by a blur of fur. Bear attacked Will with kisses and the boy laughed while trying to push him off. The dog gave up on him and nudged Joe's face. She scratched his ear and wrapped her arms around him.

His tail wagged as she held him and felt the grief finally subside. He licked her face and she smiled.

"I'm so relieved you're okay."

He nuzzled her face and let out a sigh when she hugged him again. Reese looked through the door to Mack and found the man chuckling to himself. Slowly Bear left the bed and settled down at the foot of the bed on the floor. Will hugged Joe one last time and Reese let him out into the hall. He glanced back at Joe and quietly shut the door.

She leaned her head back into the pillow and closed her eyes. Exhausted and sore, she felt him sit on the edge of the bed and took his hand.

"You going to make it?"

She nodded and said "Just need some rest."

He kissed her brow and stood up. She held onto his hand and he looked down.

"You're amazing."

He shook his head and said "Far from it. Just ask Mike."

Smirking, she asked "Give him a makeover?"

"More like a new face lift."

Laughing, she pulled him down to her and slowly kissed him. She drowned in his taste and if she hadn't been stuck in bed she would've given into the hungry he left in her. It had been for what felt like ages since she had tasted him and his dangerous passion.

"You're going to kill me woman."

Smiling, she let him up and felt his hand slide through her hair. He watched her eyes drift shut and walked to the door. Looking back at her, he forced himself out into the hall when he longed to just watch her sleep in ease for once. The hall was quiet but everyone was still waiting.

"She sleeping?"

He nodded and Jeff pulled him aside.

"I think it's time we call a truce."

"Don't go soft on me."

The man smirked and said "It's obvious I can't run you off."

"No you can't."

"Then I think we should try to find some kind of middle ground."

He shot the man a look and said "Not going to happen. I don't like you and I don't trust you."

The man stared after him as he walked away and he felt a small smirk creep onto his face. The onlookers were laughing and he left the hospital listening to the carefree sound. Standing covered from the rain, he watched the storm break up and let out a heavy sigh. He knew what he should do but there was no way he was going to be able to do the right thing now. If he hadn't exposed his emotions and given her the necklace back, maybe he could disappear but not now.

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