Brykolakas Tragond 9.

Listening to: Crying-Don McLean
Feeling: torn

The sun hid behind curtains and a kettle heated water on the stove. Walking into the kitchen, Doran looked at the table and found his father reading the paper with his mother working at the stove. He grabbed a mug and filled it with hot coffee. His gaze caught his father's hard stare and he took a seat across the table.

"What are you reading this morning?"

The old man smirked calmly and asked, "Does it concern you, Doran?"

He frowned and took a sip of coffee. His mother continued working and his father went back to reading. Doran looked around the kitchen and saw the gun propped in the corner by their door. He got to his feet and walked over to the gun. Catching it in his hand, he shook his head and looked back at his father.

"Do you still want to continue with this?"

The old man met his gaze and said, "I won't be needing to."

His eyes narrowed and he asked, "What are you saying?"

The man smirked and said, "Hired myself a professional killer."

Frowning, he dropped the gun into the corner and returned to his seat. He finished the coffee off and stared at his father. The man wouldn't let go of killing the wolves. He didn't understand attempting such a thing was going to get him killed. A knock caught his attention and he looked up as the door opened.

His father rose from the table and turned around. The newcomer looked at him and smiled. They caught each other's shoulder and then hugged. Doran heard his mother's movements stop and she looked at the newcomer. Doran's father turned to him and he held the man's steady gaze.

"Doran, this is your uncle John Ashling."

His eyes narrowed and he asked, "Ashling?"

The man focused his gaze on him and he held his tongue. John studied Doran and smirked.

"Last time I saw you, you didn't come past my knee. I see you've filled out well."

Doran got to his feet and took the mug to the sink. He rinsed it out and heard the two men sit at the table. He looked over his shoulder and saw them staring at each other with smiles.

"Pointless for you to be here. Those wolves aren't accessible."

His father focused a hard gaze on him and said, "Hold your tongue. John is the best."

The man smirked at the compliment and said, "Apparently your boy has a thing for wild creatures. Wonder if he knows why we kill them?"

Doran frowned and said, "You're just going to get all of us killed."

He left the room and grabbed his jacket from the closet. Yanking it on, he walked outside and found the sun rising. Taking in the morning air, he walked down the streets and stopped outside the tavern. Looking around, he saw Aedan walking further down the street and smirked. It was good to see the man somber and out in the early morning.

Quietly he followed his friend down the street and saw the man stop at his place. He stepped into the place and Doran knocked on the door. Aedan opened it slowly and stepped back to allow him into the kitchen. Leaning against the counter, he looked around the room and turned his gaze back to Aedan. The man turned his gaze to the next room and he watched Aine appear.

She looked at him and he felt her eyes peering into his thoughts. Studying her, he saw the difference in her appearance and saw his friend take her into his arms. The kiss just made him shake his head and he cleared his throat. Aedan looked at him and slowly Aine's gaze leveled with his.

"I think you should know what my Pa is up to."

Her eyes narrowed and asked, "What?"

He sighed and said, "Hired himself a wolf hunter."

Aedan caught her shoulder as she stepped forward and she stilled. Her hands rested in fists and a wild look filled her brown eyes. Doran knew from Bryg she had changed and shook his head. Vampire blood had enhanced her features but loosened a wild part of her that the wolves left in her.


Opening his eyes, he stared out the window and heard the door open behind him. Artis stepped into the study with Bain and he looked at him. They held his gaze and his eyes turned gold. Bain smirked and Artis came to his side. She slid her hand up his arm and rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Is it time?"

He leveled his gaze on Bain and said, "Tonight."

Bain nodded and asked, "Shall I gather them all?"


Artis smiled and asked, "And the Hunter?"

"I will kill her myself."

Bain sneered and left the study. Artis slid her hand through his hair and nipped his neck. He turned his gaze out the window and studied the disappearing sunlight. Something else was developing out there and left his senses stretched and hazy.


"He's going to lure the wolves into town."

Aedan sighed and caught her hand. She turned her gaze to him and he slid his hand through her hair. She pulled away from the comfort and walked over to the sink. Staring out the window, she watched the sunlight slip further away and let out a sigh.

"Something's going down tonight."

Aedan exchanged glances with Doran and rose to his feet. Silently he escorted Doran outside and closed the door. Turning back to her, he walked up behind her and slid his arms around her waist. She stilled in his arms and he kissed her neck. Feeling the steady pulse on his mouth, he stared down at her and saw the calm mask in place.

"Aine, please don't get yourself killed."

She turned in his arms and looked up at him. He brushed his hand through her hair and rested his head against hers.

"I won't."

Smirking, he kissed her slowly and felt her pull free. She walked past him and grabbed her jacket. He took a deep breath and followed her outside. They walked down the streets and her eyes studied the darkening skies. Loud voices drew closer and they ducked into an alley.

Walking to the other side of town, they paused in the alley and she looked down the street. Doran stood talking to a man and his father, the two men staring at him with disappointment.

"You can't do this!"

"Doran! Enough!"

His father caught his shoulder and said, "John will do this. I'm paying him good money."

Growling, Doran knocked the gun away from his uncle and held it firmly pointed at the two. John looked at him and fixed a steady gaze on him.

"You are very much like Colleen, always protecting what she believed were the helpless."

Aedan saw the flash in Aine's eyes and caught her shoulder. A slow tremor flowed under her skin and he looked out at the three men.

John smirked and said, "I know the wolves killed her. I will make sure she is their last victim."

"Colleen didn't die from the wolves!"

His father knocked him upside the head and said, "Silence! The man will defend his wife's death and you will have no more word in it."

Doran growled and felt the gun ripped out of his grasp. He watched John steady it in his right hand and look down the street. Boots crushed gravel behind him and he looked over his shoulder. John followed the boy's gaze and stared at his wife's ghost.

"Hi Dad."

John's eyes widened and she approached. Her eyes bore into his and a wild light held him still. He watched her stop a few feet away and stare coolly up at him. Her brown eyes drew his attention and she frowned. She stepped back and knocked him to the side.

Her arms came up and blocked the attack. Stepping back, she stared at the vampire and he sneered back at her.

"Sorry. Couldn't take the sappy reunion anymore."

Her eyes narrowed and she said, "Get lost."

He laughed and said, "Sorry, but I was sent here. I want to finish our match, Hunter."

"You mean when you ran away like a wounded child, Bain?"

His eyes turned red and she flashed a smirk. He swung at her and drove her back. Doran watched them and caught sight of Aedan approaching. He took the gun from John and watched the fight develop. John stared at the two and shook his head as he grew pale.

"It's just like Colleen."

Doran glanced at the man and heard the impact of a punch. He turned back around and saw Bryg's fist caught in Aine's hand. His eyes widened and he saw the stake approaching the vampress's chest. Bryg jerked free at the last second and jumped back. Bain threw another punch and Aine ducked it.

The adrenaline flew through her body and she felt herself loosening up to a primitive sensation. Bain lunged for her neck and she jumped back. Hands caught her shoulders and she looked behind her. Artis stood behind her with a sneer and she dug her elbow into the vampress's gut. The hands dropped back and she avoided the next attack by Bryg.

Spinning on her heel, she dodged a full lunge by Bain and sent a knife into his shoulder. He gave out a painful scream and she jumped back. John stood shaking and spotted the approaching shadows. His hand drew out a revolver and he watched the shadows approach quickly. Aedan caught the man's movements and he jumped for the gun.

She saw the shadow jumping at her and heard the shot. Cori landed on the ground and she felt everything stop.


She felt herself running to the she-wolf and was caught by Bain. His teeth sank into her shoulder and she let out a scream. Aedan looked up from holding John to the ground. He jumped off the man and saw the stake rip into Bain's shoulder. The vampire jumped back and she ran to Cori.

Dropping down to the ground, she caught Cori's head and looked for the wound. Blood stained the white coat and she shook the she-wolf.

"Cori, get up. Get up."

Brown eyes looked up at her and she stroked her face. Kissing an ear, she closed her eyes and heard the heart slowing down. She felt the tears stinging her eyes and shook Cori again. Watching the eyes close, she shook her head and lowered her ear to the side. The heart came to a stop and she gathered Cori in her arms.

Closing her eyes, she felt the warm coat dampening with her tears and clung to the coat. Running paws caught her ears and she looked up slowly. Breck stood hovering her and she watched him stare down at his mate. His eyes grew dark and still on the presence behind her. The arm caught the open wound on her shoulder and jerked her up.

Doran caught Aedan before the man got himself killed and said, "Aedan, stop it!"

"They'll kill her!"

"It's too late."

He let out a grunt and they watched Bain throw her to the side. He fixed his gaze on Breck and lowered to the ground. Breck held his gaze and let out a blood chilling growl. Aine pushed herself to her feet and threw him back.

"You stay away from her, you monster."

He let out a laugh and said, "You only have two left. When they're gone, you will be of no threat to us."

Her eyes flashed a hint of red surrounded by brown and he stilled. She felt the eyes focus on her and she turned back to Cori. Breck stared up at her and she dropped down to her knees. Catching the she-wolf in her arms, she lowered her head onto the chest and closed her eyes. The shadow stilled her blood and she whipped to her feet.

His hand caught the flying arm and held the stake inches from his chest. Her bloody gaze stared into his golden gaze. Aedan let out a growl and Doran stared at him.

"That monster, get him away from Aine."

Doran looked back at the two and asked, "Coyle?"

The man beside him yanked on the hold but Doran held him back. He watched the vampire stare down at the flowing blood and spat on the ground. Coyle could taste her blood in his mouth and met her burning gaze.


"Is dead."

He looked down at the two wolves and caught Breck's gaze. Bain drew closer and he raised his hand.

"You want to kill her that badly?"

He focused his gaze on Aine and said, "Yes."

She held his gaze and said, "Then do it."

Their gazes bore into each other and he tightened his grip on her wrist. The stake fell to the ground and he yanked her head to the side. His fangs ripped into her shoulder and she felt her body explode. Her eyes fell closed and her legs gave out. He held her up with one arm and pulled back.

He caught the gazes on them and steadied his on Aedan. The man let out a growl and he flashed a cool smirk. Doran almost lost his arms as Aedan lunged but was held in place. Running his tongue over the bite, he caught Aine in his arms and turned to Breck. The wolf gathered Cori onto his back and Coyle felt his kind watching in horror.

"Coyle! She'll kill you if you do this!"

He smirked coolly and turned his back on them. Bain let out a growl but Bryg held him back. They watched the four disappear into the night and Doran felt Aedan drop from his hold. He caught the gun from Doran and turned it onto John. The man looked up just as the bullet went through his head and the shot silenced the night.


Moving through the woods, he felt her body growing cooler and he dropped down to the ground. Landing next to Breck, they stopped by the lair and Belenus came running out. He halted as Breck rested Cori on the ground and Aine was placed on her back. Belenus nudged Cori's muzzle and slowly let out a howl. Breck turned his gaze onto the vampire and watched him study the woman lying almost dead on the ground.

Coyle slid his hand over the healing wound and heard the faint pulse steadying. All color was washed away and he looked up. He met Breck's gaze and watched the wolf rest next to his dead mate.

"Breck, follow me to the mountains. I will provide the safety for you and your pup."

The wolf looked up at him and rose to his feet. Belenus looked up and slowly watched Cori rest on his father's back once more. Coyle gathered Aine into his arms and felt her head rest against his chest. She needed nourishment and rest. Quietly he returned to the trees and led the wolves to a new home, away from society and predators.

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