Open Your Eyes Chapter Six

Feeling: torn

The racing footsteps fill the hall and she opened her eyes. The door flies open and Bryan approached her.

She looked down at the market and he said, "We have a situation."

Looking at the man, she held his gaze and asked, "What is it?"

He took a deep breath and said, "The bandits have returned and have carried off the children."

Her eyes narrowed and she said, "Get Achilles ready."

Bryan shook his head and said, "You cannot do this alone. There are at least four dozen bandits waiting for you."

She walked inside and said, "Then get me someone I can rely on."

She leaned over her desk and took a deep breath to catch her temper.

Bryan cleared his throat and said, "Prince Alexander has dealt with them before."

Closing her eyes, she straightened up and said, "Have him meet me by the stables."

Bryan nodded and left her chambers. Sighing, she slammed her fist into the desk and sighed, "I screwed up."

Lifting her head, she drew her sword and said, "Lend me the strength to fix this."

She put the sword away and left her quarters. Silently she walked down the hall and ran across the King and Queen.

They looked up at her and Annie asked, " Krystal, what is wrong?"

She walked past them and moved down the steps to the stables. Quietly she crossed the grounds to the stables and gave a whistle.

The stable boy ran out of the stables and she said, "Saddle Wind and Achilles."

He nodded and ran inside. He returned with the two stallions and she slid into her saddle.

Achilles pawed the dirt and she whispered, "I'm relying on you."

He snorted and she tied the reins around her right hand. The stable boy disappeared inside and she saw the Prince quickly approaching.

She watched him move to Wind and glanced back at the castle. Her eyes narrowed and she caught Alana's gaze. The black stallion moved next to her and she flicked Achilles's reins. He took off across the grounds and she guided him into the market. The townspeople waited by the city fountain and she pulled him to a halt.

He snorted and she slid out of the saddle.

Tossing his reins back over his back, she was approached by a mother and said, "They took the children."

She nodded and said, "Tell me where they went."

A cart teller approached and said, "Off South to your father's old estate."

His words stung and she felt her fist clench. She pulled herself back into the saddle and tied the reins around her hand. The townspeople moved out of the way and Achilles took off. She heard the hooves behind her but kept her focus on returning to her father's home. The stallion moved into her view and she gave Achilles more room.

He stretched into a full gallop and they crossed the country. Her eyes narrowed in on the ruined tower and she slowed Achilles down into a canter. He worked down into a trot and she pulled him to a halt when they stood outside the gates. She held the reins and took a deep breath. The children's screams filled her ears and she shifted Achilles.

Wind moved into her view and he said, "They will be waiting for your charge."

She glanced at him and said, "Then they will be disappointed."

She walked Achilles to the East and gave a whistle. The cries were hushed by yells and the doors slowly opened. Achilles came to a stop and she watched the men slowly exit the estate. Her eyes narrowed and she studied them as their leader moved to the front.

He smiled when he saw the Prince and asked, "What brings you here, Alexander?"

The Prince held his gaze and said, "The children."

The man laughed and she coolly said, "Let them go."

Men laughed and the leader asked, "And why would I listen to a woman?"

She jumped to the ground and drew her sword.

The sun glistened off it and the leader said, "Well well, she has the sword."

Her hand tightened on the hilt and she said, "Let them go."

The leader chuckled and said, "You'll have to kill me, Woman."

Her eyes narrowed and she smirked coolly. She freed Achilles and he stepped back from the battle. He moved over to the Prince and waited by Wind.

The leader drew his sword and asked, "Shall I make it quick?"

She smirked and said, "It will be."

The man laughed and said, "You have a man's tongue."

She approached him and he raised his sword. Her eyes held his gaze and she met his blow. The swords clashed and she stepped back. He swung again and she dodged it. His attacks increased and she ducked around him.

Her sword slid across his neck and he dropped to the ground. His men stared at her and she cleaned the blade. Achilles moved to her side and she slid back into the saddle.

Wind drew beside her and he whispered, "We do this together."

She caught his gaze and said, "Stay out of my way."

He frowned and she drove Achilles into the mob. They sliced a path through the men and she escaped into the estate. Riding through the place, she felt the memories flood her and she fought to keep focused. The children yelled from inside and Achilles kicked the door down. He moved into the hall and she dropped to the ground.

A boy ran up to her and said, "Krystal! You came."

She held him and said, "I promised I'd take care of you."

"Isn't this predictable."

She felt the blade drive through her shoulder and she drew her sword. She knocked his sword away and Achilles ran over to her. She lifted the children into the saddle and forced herself on.

She flicked the reins and the kids held on as she deflected the strike. Achilles ran into the courtyard and out the gates. Her shoulder burned but she held onto the reins. She heard the yelling but keep urging Achilles on. They raced across the country and she heard the hooves approaching.

Glancing over her shoulder, she watched Wind catching up and she sheathed her sword. Taking a deep breath, she watched Wind move to her side and they rode into the town. Achilles stopped as the townspeople surrounded them and she helped them take the children down. He pawed at the ground and she shifted closer to him. Holding onto the saddle horn, she let him move through the market.

They passed the castle gates and moved to the stables. The stable boy met them and she took a deep breath. Achilles snorted and she patted his neck. Dismounting, she held onto the saddle and regained her balance.

The stable boy took Achilles in with Wind and she heard, "You were amazing back there."

She glanced at him and said, "You held your own."

He smirked and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. The pressure hit the wound and she jerked free.

He looked down at her and asked, "Kris?"

She shoved passed him and said, "I'm fine."

His gaze remained on her and she walked past him. Stepping into the castle, she met Bryan and Thomas.

Bryan caught her good arm and she said, "I'll be in my chambers."

He nodded and she walked down the hall.

He turned to the approaching Prince and asked, "Who struck her?"

He shook his head and said, "I didn't see anything."

Thomas frowned and said, "This is why women don't run things."

Bryan gripped his throat and said, "You cannot speak about her like that. She is your commanding officer."

He threw Thomas into the wall and said, "Forgive me, Alexander."

The man turned and walked down the hall.

Thomas brushed his shirt clean and said, "Bryan is too emotional."

His fist connected with the man's jaw and Thomas looked back at him.

"You are not to speak about Krystal like that. Show some respect or you will go back to being a post guard."

Thomas sighed and said, "Forgive me."

He walked passed the guard and headed for his chambers.

Stepping inside, he closed the door and heard, "Did everything go okay?"

He looked over at his desk and found Alana sitting on it.

Removing his gloves, he laid them on the desk and said, "We succeeded."

She smiled and said, "At least you are all right."

His eyes narrowed and he said, "Excuse me."

Retreating from the chambers, he stepped out into the hall and closed the door. Letting out a sigh, he walked down the hall and came across Gabriel's portrait.

Looking at the man, he smirked and said, "You'd be proud of her."

Hearing a door close up ahead, he looked to his left and watched the doctor disappear down the hall. Frowning, he approached her chambers and stepped inside. Closing the door behind him, he looked around the darkened chambers and walked over to the desk. He saw the pile of letters she was in charge of reading over and shook his head. Celebrating voices caught his attention and he looked outside.

He saw her leaning against the railing and watching the townspeople celebrate. Her blouse had been replaced with a work tank and his eyes focused on the wrapping around her right shoulder.

Silently he stepped out onto the balcony and said, "This will last all night."

She smirked and said, "They are just glad to have the kids back."

He looked down at her and said, "You brought them back. That's all that matters."

She closed her eyes and said, "They shouldn't have been taken in the first place."

"Kris, you can't beat yourself up over this."

Her eyes moved to his and she growled, "I let them get taken."

He smirked and said, "You brought them back and injured yourself."

She looked back at the market and said, "It's just a sword wound."

His eyes lingered on the wrapping and he asked, "Could you lie any better?"

His hand caught her shoulder and she jerked free.

He sighed and asked, "What is it? What have I done?"

She looked back at him and said, "You have a queen waiting for you."

Her words cut and he sighed, "I have no choice."

Her eyes flashed and she said, "You made the choice."

He watched her walk back inside and he growled. He caught her wrist and her eyes shot back at him.

His grip tightened on her wrist and he said, "My father is not going to let me have my way."

Her eyes burned his and she said, "It's who you are."

Catching her again, he forced her to look at him and said, "I don't like this anymore than you."

She grunted and said, "You don't even know what I think."

He sighed and said, "If you would just tell me."

Her eyes met his and she said, "You defied your father and now you obey him."

His hands let her go and he said, "I have no choice."

She laughed coldly and said, "The day your backbone returns, look me up."

He met her gaze and saw the cold look.

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