new layout

Listening to: OTEP - warhead
cheap gas [click on the link above] sorry what was that i just heard you all say 'we love your new layout!!!' *bows* yes i know its lovely isnt it :) and i did it all myself! [if you knew how shit i am with computers then you would understand this HUGE achievment] so yeah today i have the flu and i threw up in my hair and just tied it back. DIRTY HOE yes i am quite aware of that. Dont have the energy to wash. It was actually rather hilarious when i threw in my hair :) xxxx SS4L
Read 3 comments
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK i love the layout, as i already told you lol
*envious wrath of liv*
liv xx
meep, its beautiful darlin'. you did a mucho beuno job. haha. damn spanish. i hated that class.

Hey! AW! I love it! It's f-ing awesome!