[130] Depression

So only yesterday did i get up and go to college after sitting on my arse in the same place for about a week. Getting high, Not eating, not washing, crashing out on the sofa and only removing myself to get a blade, a towel and to go to the toilet. I believe that for me it was just a big cloud of depression. I finally came back into a state of near reality and got up from my now blood covered sofa and dragged myself to the shower [by this time my legs had fallen asleep]. The bottom of the shower was fillthee with a tint of red. Well, that woke me up so i then changed my clothes and sorted myself out. It took time as i kept breaking down and just thinking 'WHY?' I haven finaly realised that i just need to fucking sort myself out. I need to get motivated and i need to get my head fixed and i just need to....stop. ------------------ No matter how bright we shine we're far from being stars Cause stars fall, and disintigrate before they hit the Asfalt, they incinerate [sorry had that song in my head and had to get it off my chest. heh.]
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dont worry
be happy
or else
i love you
im listening to filthee
/kisses you/
please take care