u best do good! my internet connection is the gayest on the planet... so if ur lucky ull catch me on. :) i still love u hun!
good luck on ur EXAM!!! :D
im just a very sad and lonely person right now. its too late for falling back into eating disorders. ive been slipping back for a while now. im sick of not feeling good enough for anyone. and my apperance seems to be a big issue for people. so im going to destroy myself and waste away into nothing. then maybe people will be happy with me. thanks for being there for me rach. i love you, too
shit uve got the diff type from me! ur learning all about certain people n all the wanky studies they did?? not fun.
although ours is not much better...grrr i FAILED
how is everything my rachie-poos?
love you, liv xx
damn your still in school? i got out like a month ago! and yes, smoking a joint will make you feel a lot better. :) GO SMACK HEADS is right! and i do a lot of heroin, it's fucking good. i would love to become an addict with you! :D and coke is good, but it can be a little scary sometimes. you are crazy dude. i love it, i think your fucking great. fuck the haters. :D
damn straight, it's all good. haha, the cleanest you've ever been? there no such thing as clean for you and me! haha, i'm doin' real good. just got a brand new bag of weed, and some more H. ahhh, life is good when you are on drugs. ha, that reminds me, ever heard the song, we are all on drugs, by weezer? it's pretty sweet. later! :)
haha awesome. you know you are really fucking cool? seriously.