Sunday job... yup.

I wouldn't normally put too much detail into my own life, choosing to focus on thoughts and emotions instead. But...


I applied for a job at WHSmith (it's better than a supermarket, and i "had" to get a job), at christmas. I got a group interview (different but fun!) about a month ago. I went, happy i was accepted for an interview...

this is boring. Bu-bye.

Read 5 comments
Yey!!!! You got a job! Immensely cool. I want a job, too.
Oh, and, erm, I wrote a thingy again, in graphics at dinner time...with the word sets. I put it in my entry this time.

'Cause I want my hero to see it.

Have a wonderful even'.
Good for u =)! Yaya! You have a job =)! At least something nicehappened to you =). Cya Around =)
I work at Morrisions. There is nothing wrong with working in a supermarket and I will not hear you slander the name Morrisons or any other word connected with Morrrisons Suprmarkets PLC and it's participants ever again. You hear me?! Heh heh, I think I may have been brainwashed :-p

Lucy x x x x x x