Listening to: Eminem - Like Toy Soldiers
Feeling: angry
k, the mood says angry, but I'm FUCKING ANGRY.
I wrote some huge massive post, with rants about everything from the explode() function in php, to my computer science teacher, and his "Even if there's only one line between the curly braces, you must format it like
if (stuff)
not like how you did:
if (stuff)
" crap.
And I just un-instaled my keylogger yesterday thinking I wouldn't need it anymore! I mean, fucking hell! Why the fuck would I un-instal it?! Ahhhh!
So yeah, I spazed at my computer, as usual, so now I have a headache, so I need to go get tyolonel, bye.
Edit 19:00ish----------------------------
I probably should have waited until I calmed down a bit before I wrote that eh? Oh well, sorry, I just hate it when my time gets wasted. (*shrugs* It's a nerd thing)
Edit 21:00----------------------------
Okay, I'm calm now.
I guess I'll post a normal diary entry:
Today...Nothing happened! Yay.
I got left home alone this morning, so naturaly, I didn't wake up until around 11, when my mom comes home and yells "ROBBIE! WAKE UP!"
So yeah, that's like...X hours of my life wasted on sleep. *sigh* Damn you sleep, you waste like 1/4 of my whole day.

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