Daniel Isham, a convicted burglar in Pasadena, California, was on parole at home with an electronic bracelet monitor in 1996. He couldn't stray more than 150 feet (46 meters) from his house, or the monitoring device would alert the police.
But Isham thought he could still outsmart hte cops. He broke into his next-door neighbor's house. Now he's doing twenty-two years in prison.
I like this guy's thinking. |
I think my brain has A.D.D.
To quote some guy at a forum I wrote a PHP tutorial for:
Hmm, now that I look at it more closely, I can see why it might be a bit hard to understand. It's just all over the bloody place and is not arranged in any logical order, moving from one point to another at the writer FirestormX's whim, and FirestormX is quite a whimsical type of guy... |
XD He's the guy who was assigned to "edit" my tutorial. You know, make sure I spelt everything right, all my grammar is correct, etc.
Poor guy. =P
Aparently Mike's dog just pwned his mini Christmas tree.
1) I don't know why he's still got his mini Christmas tree up.
2) Here we go with this A.D.D. thing again.
something scared him, and he ran past it and like shook it, then ran by again and knocked it over, then he ran under my bed |
I'm thinking he meant "My dog
got pwned by my mini Christmas tree."
This entry is dedicated to
I get the feeling this is going to be a totaly messed entry. I don't know why she would want me to dedicate this entry to her.
But it is now dedicated to her.
Which brings me to my next question.
Do insane people know they're insane?
Like, are they just sitting there, masturbating in their own feces, rubbing themselves with peanut butter, when they sudenly think to themselves "wow, I'm fucked up"?
Amanda sugested that I go rent seven. (se7en) (A movie)
I didn't think I would.
But then, yesterday, my dad was driving me home from skating "I have a coupon for Blockbuster, I'm going to stop in there."
It was a two for one, so I got Seven.
It was made in like '95, with Brad Pitt.
So, if you're like me, and are too behind in the times, and havn't seen it, go see it.
I love movies like that.
Anyone know any movies like that? That arn't horror genre? Or at least, not meant solely to give you a scare.
Are those Hanibal movies like that?
I don't normaly watch movies that arn't comedy, so yeah...Don't know much about anything.
Okay, today is saturday (technicaly, sunday morning) which means, that I should have gone out to play DDR yesterday (techincaly, two days ago) right?
Well, I didn't.
Know why?
Because my parents ditched me to go to Niagra falls for the night.
So, I was alone in the basement last night. (My brothers were upstairs)
You know what that means right? No parents 'till tomorow, brothers are all in bed upstairs....
Woah, some drunk just said "I think I may have had too much to drink, but I love you!"
She's been drinking since like, 7 tonight with her friend. It's now like 2 am. Kind of sad that someone needs to be drunk for 7 hours to tell you they love you. XD
Anyway, here's how my party went.
I invite all my friends over.
They come over.
I completely ignore them, and stare at my computer, unless they talk to me.
Well, okay, I didn't have a party.
Since all my friends live like, more than walking distance in -40 degrees.
But that's what happens everytime someone comes over.
I don't know anything but the computer. I can't entertain them.
"Here's the playstation. Knock yourself out."
Thus, the only friend I've invited over in the past like, 5 years, has been Matt. 'cause he doesn't care. He does the same thing. So he brings his computer over.
I usualy go to his house on the weekend thogh, so I'm usualy the one who has to move all my equipment.
So yeah. Don't come to my house.
I'm an uber-bad host.
"I didn't go play DDR this friday" two minutes later "And that is why you can't come over to my house".
I also tal
K about a lot of stupid stuff
I random
Ly think up for no reason at a
I locked a topic that wasn't spam, on some forum I'm a mod at yesterday.
Boy was I ever embaresed.
Fortunatly, the topic was barely not spam, so no one really cared.
Did I ever tell you how many Spider-Man boxers I have?
That's like, more than all my other non-spidey boxers combined.
XD, nah, I've got like 4 pairs. 2/3 or all my boxers.
And then there's all my tube socks that I got for Christmas.
I got my share of socks of course.
Then, anyone else who didn't want thiers, gave them to me.
So I've got like, 5 people's worth of tube socks for Christmas.
I want blood on my watch.
My woman's watch I might add.
"I want a watch for Christmas, my old one died." "Okay".
So my friend's mom goes out and buys the cheapest watch at zellers, that wasn't like some disney watch or something.
A woman's watch.
You can't really tell it's a woman's watch though. So that's good. I guess.
Why do I like blood so much? I don't know. But blood fucking pwns.
*drools* I want to see blood.
I don't like other people's blood.
It usualy means, they had to go through some sort of pain to get the blood.
I don't like to think about other people getting hurt.
Unless I'm like, really into the movie or something, and the way they get hurt is awesome.
Like, this one anime...Uhh...Damnit, I forgot the name. But the guy goes berserk on the other guy.
"I'll give you a handicap. You just hit me once, and you win."
"Pfft, no problem."
So the first guy goes crazy on the second guy, and the second guy is all surprised and stuff, and all he can do is block.
So the second guy is like, falling back, when some uber-cool girl (I think she's cool anyway.) is like "You can't get beat here!"
So the second guy is all like. "You're right! I can't!" and he gets up.
The the first guy is like "She likes someone like you?" (He's not jealous, if that's what you're thinking) "For the first time, I feel like beating the shit out of you."
So they start fighting again, and the second guy flings out the first guy's lunch in his face, and the first guy is totaly shocked.
Then the second guy punches him in the stomach, and the first guy falls over, on to his fist and stuff.
Second guy "Well, I beat ya'. Latta'"
Then it shows the second guy's face. His eyes suddenly turn red, and he shoots up, and just beats the fucking fuck out of the second guy.
He just goes totally berserk.
I was like "holy fuck that's awesome."
Typical guy eh XD
Anyway, yeah, I don't like other people's blood. Only mine.
Guess what I did last night.
I downloaded 500 megs of Circle Takes the Square, and Poison the Well, thinking they were like "The Used". You know, typical "punk" sounding singing, with lots of kick-ass screaming?
Well, it's partialy true.
Minus the singing part.
It turns out Screamo is as Chaotic as Death Metal.
Not really, but whatever.
Once I listen to it a couple of times, I can sort of understand it.
It's like "Choke me" by The Used. It's like, all screaming.
I dunno, it's just not the same as Bert's (Lead singer of The Used) scream.
Bert has like, and uber-awesome scream, and...well...Poison the Well, just isn't the same.
Bert has a cool laugh thingy too.
The Used are cool.
Hmmm, there's no "Loud" mood. That's...Odd. I thought there was one.
While we're on the topic of flying rhinos, here's a cool song by mc chris, called
Ratz. Don't mind the zed. The song sucks until you get to 1:15.
His voice may be anoying, but, like most rap, if you know the lyrics it's not really anoying.
For certain rap anyway. Most rap has crappy lyrics.
Like that fuckin' Lil Jon, or Nelly, or, or...Mainstreamness. (My definition of mainstream anyway. It's not exactly the same as the typical mainstream labelingness)
Lyrics from the second verse:
plaid pajama bottoms or plaid pleated skirts, everything you girl's wear makes me stare at the dirt, if i had balls i'd flirt with y'all in study hall, do the geek talk till your eyes roll back into your skull, but i'm a freek, spelled fr33k, when you're walking my way with my pockets i play, i can't say what's yer name, care to chat for a bit, it's me brian, that guy, from that class, russian lit? care to sit, have a chip, care for some fun dip, doystoyefsky doesn't impress me, what do you think of that shit? but i don't i just twitch and i itch in my pants, play my gameboy advance until she's finally walked past. a mad dash to my crib where i get on my blog, in search of spock dot com check it out if you want, that's the steam blowin scene where i reign supreme, webster's my friendster, i run the message board for ween, it's a mental mall for teens, it's a paradise on earth, but in a way it's like a curse, faster than a google search, i just sit here and drink beer while my roommate flirts at some party, with some hottie who's all into fred durst, it makes my heart burst, and yet i do nothing, just get on the web and start bitchin and frontin, a dot com curmudgeon, who's love life is sufferin, it's the rope or the oven, or the hope i find love in the end |
I also saw The Waterboy yesterday.
Yes, that old movie, with Adam Sandler.
Oh man, that reminded me so much of me!
XD not really.
But there was like, 5 parts where I'm like "I love my momma too!"
Or not.
But like, when Vikki pulled out the knife, and held it to the guy's throat, and then some cop came and took her away...That seemed familiar.
Where am I going with this? I don't know.
"I like her a lot. Coincidently, I'm not alowed to even look at her."
Arg, fucking chat logs.
It's like 3 in the morning right now. I'm not going to go into the whole explanation of why Deanna's parents hate me.
It's probably in one of my previous entries.
gl hf finding where. XD
Wow, that was an uber-pointless post.
Let's see, what have we learned today...
1) I have mental A.D.D. (Not physical...I sit here all day staring at a screen...I'm like, anti-ADD)
2) Mike's mini Christmas tree can pwn his little dog.
Alanna gets some perverse kick out of having entries dedicated to her.
4) I prefer my computer to socializing with you.
5) I wear spider-man boxers, and a woman's watch.
6) I also tal
K about a lot of stupid stuff
I random
Ly think up for no reason at a
7) I locked a topic on a forum, that shouldn't have been locked.
8) Screamo is not The Used.
9) I'm a geek who's scared of girls.
What we didn't learn today:
1) Why Deanna's parents hate me.
I guess it's a little late to tell you this is a waste of your time to read this entry isn't it...
Wow, I got 18 comments on my last entry.
Only because I mentioned people.
Whoops, looking back, I see that I acidently spelt
Amanda "Ammanda".
Sorry about that XD
Don't believe me? Go look for yourself. Scroll down really fast!
I've added a secret message in the last post.
Just skim through it, you'll see it.
Don't mind the big red "die".
I guarentee you'll love it.
Robbie Toyota takes no responsibility for your dissatisfaction, at finding that the secret message is really just
Edit 10:15, Sunday Morning-----------------------------
And that ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when it's four in the morning, and I have nothing to write about.
Anyway, I figure, you need to know something that you can acutaly use in today's modern world...How much candy should cost.
Have you ever gone to Rogers, or Blockbuster (Or wherever you get your entertainment) and see those bottles of coloured sugar?
Like Baby Bottle Pops, or those sour spray things?
Are they really worth two freakin' dollars?! I mean, you could feed some kid in Africa for two days, and all you can get here, is...is...half a cup of sour, liquified sugar.
Well, yeah, it's kind of expected that the food be over-priced. I mean, it's good marketing. "I'd like to get this movie...o0o0o, snacks! I'll probably get hungry during the movie."
Did you know that if you eat while reading, or watching TV, you just want more food?
I'm thinking that we just keep eating, because we want an excuse to keep reading/watching TV, and/or are so immersed in what we're reading/watching, that we don't notice how full we are.
Thus we all explode and die.
Anyway, the scary thing about all this, is that Americans don't know what Tim Hortons is, so they're forced to drink Starbucks coffee.
Wait, fuck, no, I was talking about the adult video section at Blockbuster.
So anyway, if you go to a convenience store, you can usualy find Baby Bottle Pops, for a few cents less.
But how much does it cost to produce these things, that's the important thing.
Actualy, the important thing here, is not to run through a dog pound nake.
Well, if we think about it, we'll probably start giggling. *giggles* Someone running through the pound, naked. *snickers*
k, anyway, how much do you think the plastic to make the bottles for baby bottle pops -- Ya' know what? I'm just going to cal them BBP, okay?
The plastic can't be too much. Let's just say it's like 10 cents. (Hey, it costs a lot to have little plastic bottles shipped over from China -_-)
k, yeah, 10 is a lot. But whatever. This is just an estimate.
I guess the 10 cents would also cover the packaging, label, etc.
Anyway, yeah, so we've got a 10 cent container. Now we need need to put that thingy on the top. The thing on the lid...The thing that's fun to chew on...On real bottles anyway.
For those of you who've never seen those fucking stupid BBP comercials, what you do, is take the lid off, and there's a handle on the inside.
You take that handle, and lick the top part of the candy top thingy. Then you dip it into the poweder, in the bottle.
Refresh your memory.
Now, let's see, the top looks like a sucker right? Made of the same crystalized sugaryness...*drool*

So I figure, that it takes the same amount of that crystalized sugar stuff, to make 8 of those tootsie roll sucker things.
I don't know if you've ever gone to Dollarama (I love dollar store. So much candy, for so cheap ^_^) but they sell these suckers, with a tootsie roll center.
For a buck.
Now, assuming there's one tootsie roll in the center of each sucker, and there's 8 suckers, and each tootsie roll is usualy about 10 cents each. (10 cents! I can eat plastic AND a label for 10 cents!)
So, 8 * 10 = 80 cents.
100 - 80 = 20 cents.
Therefore, it costs about 20 cents for the top thingy of the BBP. (I'm going to assume the paper stick thingies on the suckers is free...Or covered by the taxs)
So, so far, we've got 30 cents worth of stuff.
That means, we've to 1.70 to spend that sugar! =O
However, for a 1.70, I'd better be getting cocain or something.
btw, there's about 3/4 square inches of this stuff in the bottle.
So yeah, that's gotta be some damn-good sugar, to pay 2.25 cents per square inch of it.
Now, lick 'n' dips, you get two whole packages, with about 1/2 square inches each, as well as the licking stick (perves) for .89 cents.
Now, assuming the licking stick is free, and the price is rounded to .90. That means, that for one square inch, it costs about 90 cents. Or, (90 / 4) * 3 = 67.5 cents, for 3/4 square inches of sugary goodness.
However, we can't forget the 15% law, or whatever it's called. You must make at least 15% profit from every product you make. (Not a legal law, but if you want a sucessful buisness....)
so 15 percent of .90 is .14 cents.
So .90 - .14 = .76 cents.
(76 / 4) * 3 = 57 cents.
So we've got 57 cents of crack--I mean, sugar.
As well as 10 cents of packaging.
And we can't forget 20 cents of crystal meth/sugar.
All in all, it adds up to about .87 cents.
Which, btw, is how much skittles cost at most convienence stores.
Now, the 15% law, will tack on another 14 cents, to bring it to a full dollar.
So what happens to the other dollar I'm paying?
Well, it goes towards paying the employees, paying for the cost of machinery, paying for electricity for the machinery, and paying for repairs to the machinary.
And then there's the whole "shipping it out to convenience stores, and over-priced video stores" deal.
Also, the company producing these products can't be the only ones making money.
Blockbuster needs to make money off this too.
And, they probably get these things whole sale, but if they don't, Blockbuster would also need to pay the middle man, etc.

No, these pictures have nothing to do with this rant.
So, I'm going to make an uneducated guess here. I've never seen statistics for factorys of any sort. If anyone knows any, let me know ^_^
k, so anyway, here's my naive little assumptions:
Say there's 50 employees, who make 50k/year.
The machinery, is like 100,000 dollars to start with. Then, it's about....Well, my family uses up 10k worth of electricity...so I'm going to estimate something like 50k/year on electricity. About 5k on maitnance.
About 20k on shipping.
All right, let's make this into an alegraic function.
First, we divide these up into two catagories.
production costs, and yearly costs.
Production costs
57 cents on powder, 10 cents on packaging, 20 cents on the top thingy = 87 cents.
We then, subtract 200 cents from the cost, to make the cost -113 cents.
Yearly costs
50,000 on employees, 50,000 on electricity, 5,000 on maintance, 20,000 shipping = 125,000 dollars
So, for the profit function, we have
p(x, z) = 1.13x - 125,000z, where P is the profit, x is the ammount of products sold, and z is how many years, the company has been operating.
But wait, what about the 100,000 dollar machinary?
Since, it doesn't fit into either of the catagories (I'm explaining this, assuming that you havn't passed grd 9 math =P) and since it won't be changed by anything at all (They're not going to charge you 100k every year for it, or anything like that...Unless you're renting it...Or didn't pay it all off at once, and you're paying interest on the payments...) it is simply "-100,000"
So here's our function:
p(x, z) = 1.13x - 125,000z - 100,000
Now, you're looking at this funciton, and going "Croiky! In the first year they have to pay of $225,000! That means they'll have to sell 225,000 / 1.13 = 199,116 products to make 96 cents worth of profit!"
Well, that's partialy true.
Except that technicaly, the company that makes the BBP don't actualy get all $2.00. Remember how Blockbuster has to make some money too?
"Wow! So you mean, that they have to sell even more?!"
Well, pretty much all buisnesses start out like that.
I mean, look at Blockbuster. How much do you think each movie costs? Well, when they first get them, it's probably like 50 bucks or something...I don't know..I've never bought a movie, and never been around when my parents bought them.
So anyway, 5 bucks, means that for each movie, you need to rent it out 10 times, before you can start makign profit.
And they have like 5 of each movie.
You have to rent it out 50 times!
Now, off the top of your head, can you name 50 people who would want to rent Napolean Dynamite?
I can't either.
But there's gotta be 50 people who want to see it.
Anyway, so yeah, in year one, they would be making a profit when....
p(x, 1) = 1.13x - 125,000(1) - 100,000
0 < 1.13x - 125,000 - 100,000
0 < 1.13x - 225,000
225,000 < 1.13x
199,115.0442 < x
I already told you that, but whatever.
So they would have to sell two hundred thousand in one year. Damn.
Now, let's assume there's 500 Blockbusters out there.
200,000 / 500 = 4.
So if each Blockbuster only sells 4, then the company will be sittin' pretty.
Plus, we can't forget all those convenience stores out there.
So yeah, in the big picture of things, it really doesn't take much to make a profit.
Did ya' see that?
Math fucking pwns j00 Geography.

So in short, go live in africa. You can get enough food for two days, for the price of an over-priced candy.
Okay, ya' see! This is what happens when I don't go to church.
I go on and on about how much money you can make if you make candy, or how much you can save if you go to Africa.
So why am I not in church?
Well, back on Friday night, I fell asleep at my desk. (I've always wanted to do that! XD) then at like, 6 in the morning, I fell off my desk.
Banged my chin. XD
So anyway, I got decked by my desk, so I just kind of, layed there on the ground. "Move three feet to my bed, or sleep."
My mom came home 8 hours later.
"Why are you sleeping on the floor?"
So now, 24 hours later (It's 14:00 now. I've moved over to my dad's laptop, because I have been dragged to some family reunion-ma-bobber.) I'm sitting here, with my little, uhh...x year old cousin sitting beside me mashing the keyboard.
Man, I'm glad this is my dad's, and not my computer.
Anyone who's ever used my computer, knows that mashing my keyboard, will result in a billion programs starting up.
As well as you, flying out the second floor window, with my boot in your bottom.
Which is what Hamilton Fisher eats.
Man, after I saw seven, I had to find more stuff like that.
Hannibal Lecter!...ish.
You know all know who he's based on.
Anyway, I read up on him.
Man, what I'd give to find out how his mind ticks.
I want to know everything he ever did.
If anyone knows a site that has like, his whole confesion on it, with all the things he did on it, let me know.
Man, after I went to bed, I like, lay there under my covers, petrified, listening to raspy screamo, sensing like there was an old frail man standing over my bed waiting to nuder me!
lol, jk.
But I was hiding under my covers, scared.
I saw the first resident evil (remember, I have a lot of movies to catch up on.) and the scariest part, was, right before they turned off the computer the first time, she turns her head and looks right at the screen; "You're all going to die here."
So I was hiding from a hologram coming from my computer, that wanted to kill me.
Man, this weekend was the most horror I ever filled my brain with.
I'm really bad with horror.
I saw a kids show once when I was 5. There was a giant rat, that was the bad guy.
From then, 'till I was 9, I was petrified of giant talking rats.
I would have nightmares about it. I'd be terrified to walk down the hall at night.
I was fucking petrified of the basement.
Then I was 9.
I was JUST getting over it.
Then I saw some leprichon movie.
"I want me gold! *goes and kills everyone with a knife*"
That was fucking...Just...Yeah.
Now I'm fuckin' living in my basement.
I am now too scared to go outside, because there might be someone outside waiting to kill me, and eat my ass.
Man, Fisher was so fucked up.
I want to know everything he did.
I can understand why he did it (He was rolling around in his own fecies, rubbing himself with peanut butter XD. Nah, he wasn't insane.)
Now I want to know what exactly he did.
Like, everything he's done.
Man he was fucked up.
I wish I was one of the psychiatrist who interviewed him.
Speaking of cute little 4 year old cousins mashing my keyboard, I support the war on Iraq.
Why do I support it?
Because I'm un-educated.
Why am I un-educated?
Because I don't care enough about it, to learn about it.
Here's the basics of what I know.
President Clinton (I think it was him) helped Sadam to power.
Sadam wanted more power.
People's rights kind of died. (Fuckin' Americans complaining about Bush taking away their rights. Go live in a third world country for a couple weeks)
Bush was finally like "Fuck this" after the twin towers fell. So he went in to take the power away from Sadam, and liberate the Iraqes.
That's the basics of all I know.
I see nothing wrong with that.
So go write this down, so you don't forget...
Tell me why the war is wrong.
I'm not being sarcastic or anything.
I'm just too lazy to go look it up XD
While I'm on the topic, I don't hate Bush.
I find it fun to mock him and stuff, but when it comes down to it, Bush isn't all that bad.
I mean, --Screw it. Whatever.
Okay, Mike sent me lots of pictures of snipers.
I love blood.
"Become a sniper."
And a bunch of other stuff, like me wetting my pants.
"This gun is completely silenced. The only way to notice it is by
1) Muzzle flash
2) The smell of pee.
Anyway, me and Mike's favorite sniper rifle:
Isn't it awesome. *drools*
My aunt just told me I have a great smile.
How do you have a great smile?
I don't get how there's a difference.
...Yeah, anways, off to go gawk at weapon pics Mike's sending me.
End Edit 17:15----------------------------
Edit 18:19---------------------------
Okay, I'm home now.
Come sign this penguin petition!
k, awesome pics
Mike sent me:
Walther P99
H&K USP Match
Some tactical police shotgun
MK48 Mod0
Hecate 2!
k, so things to remember when commenting.
Tell me why the war is bad.
Drool at the guns.
And especialy,
Come sign this penguin petition!
End Edit 17:45----------------------------
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Biomex labs, Balkan Pharmaceuticals, British Dispensary, British Dragon and
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steroids, injectable steorids, oral steroids by Geneza Pharmaceuticals, Asia Pharma, Biomex labs, Balkan Pharmaceuticals, British Dispensary, British Dragon and others.
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real anabolic steroids, injectable steorids, oral steroids by Geneza Pharmaceuticals, Asia Pharma, Biomex labs, Balkan Pharmaceuticals,
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Interesting concept u have here btw..
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::drools at the gun::
::- oh i alredy signed that.
i just read ur whole edit. ur insane, and funny. lol yeah it does suck to have sumthing change like that, it kinda kills your memories but ill live with it i guess... ::plans 2 destroy that fucking mansion::
can i add u? i wanna read mroe of ur rants :P
Ranting on about numbers.
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I dont care what anyone thinks.
Hope things are going well with the Mrs.
And you dont have any flesh wounds :)
that ever happen 2 u?
well it happens 2 me.
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lol :P
so that leaves us with mariana
which is my name lol.
ur last name is toyota u know thats a car!
have a good day :-D
Love you like pokemon love saying their names over and over as if it was a languge,