Listening to: Tupac - Against all odds
Feeling: accomplished
Last night I stayed up really really really late (Like, midnight) then I kept staying up really really really early (like 2) and finished the art-editor for my site. Yay, now Canadonian can upload his pics to the site, and we'll be one step closer to finishing the site.
Okay, checklist:
-Games editor
-Examples editor
-Resources editor
-Convince people to use up my valuable webspace with their submited files.
How this is going to be done:
--Well, I'm really REALLY starting to hate the games/examples editor...They're so big and bulky, and difficult to wrap my brain around. Oh well, at least all I did the systems' basis already, now it's just debuging. So uhh, lots of debuging.
btw, if anyone happens to read this, who knows something about servers/php, how come there's some files I can't delete on my server. Like, for these "systems/editors", you upload stuff via a form, then if you go and try to delete the files from the server via ftp, it doesn't let you...
--The blog is probably going to be the easiest to make. Turns out the parse errors I've been getting is just becase metapad soemtimes screws up the text (I write most of my contents as txts and have my main php page just include the txts. It makes it a hell of a lot easier to make editors for ^_^)
--And to get people to submit their content...Hmmm....No idea.
Sorry about this post probably not making much sense. Like I said in my other entry (Which didn't go through -_-) this is just another way for me to talk to myself. Except with this, when people listen/read what I'm saying, they don't point and whisper stuff to each other, and pull their little children away.
Edit 23:30------------------------------
Okay, well, the petition below had to removed, due to tido spamming it. *slaps Tido twice for Joe*
Yeah, anyways...
Edit 15:15 (Yes, I know this is non-chornological)-------------------------------
Grr, I described my day, and now it's gone again.
Ugh, I have another headache now.
Anyway, it was a big long post explaining
Anyway, just go to http://www.64digits.com/petition and put your full name. You don't have to understand it, JUST DO IT. *smiles sweetly*
Okay, so yeah, if anyone is worried that their name will be used by me to stalk them, I'll post an explanation tomorow or somthing.

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