*drawls*What up y'all?!
Slap me if I ever do that again.
Okay, random stuff:
I got a new 160 gig hard drive! *puts on sunglasses and moon walks...Then trips and breaks hard drive*
w00t, and since it's not OEM it's got a one year waranty!
Okay, the Sunday before last, after I got back from church, my dad's like "Okay! Let's go to Canada Computers, and get you a new hard drive you've been complaining about...Bring $130"
So I went to CC's website, and looked it up. Yay, they did have 120gig hard drives, like I'd been wanting to get. But then I looked right uner it, and they have 160gb hard drives for only 12 bucks more! Yay!
So we went, and got it. It was funny, 'cause whenever we go, there's always the same asian geeks working there, and my dad's always pointing them out to me "If you don't start exercising, and get off your computer, you'll end up like that, and you won't get a good job, and you'll die early 'cause all you used is your brain, and you never used your heart or lungs, and blah blah blah".
I had already decided that I would be dead before I was 21. And I would be a programer for Square Enix by 18. (A gamemaker (programer) usualy burns out within 5-10 years)
So anyway, we got the hard drive, paid for it ($125 with tax) and went home.
When I went to instal the hard drive, I opened up my computer and slapped myself. It was soooo dusty and disgusting, and stuff. I was amazed it was still working. Boy did I ever feel bad for letting that happen *sniffle*. So I took it outside, and with that air-in-a-can thingy that really fun to spray upside down and stuff, I cleaned out the guts of the computer. Wow was it ever bad in there.
So anyway, I hooked up the hard drive, set it to slave, and everything, then I went to turn on my computer and...Wow, it didn't detect it.
So then I waited like a week, and showed it to Matt. Aprently I had the ribbons reversed.
So he plugged them in properly. And it still wasn't detected, so me and my dad took it back to CC, and they charged us a 15% restocking fee. Grrr. Anyway, the guy sugested I might need a SATA hard drive instead of a ATA hard drive. Or possibly that my motherboard can't handle 160gb?
k, off topic but relivant:
My mom came downstairs and saw me and Matt playing DDR on his pads, and she's like "Oh wow! And exercise game!" So me and matt just rolled our eyes, and she watched a while, and we let her try. That was funny. We set it to the slowest song, and she like pushed each button carfuly, but forcibly. Hehe, uber-n00b.
Anyway, as me and my dad were about to leave for the hard drive, my mom's like "Go to best buy and get me that exercise game!" I'm like, "It's like 50 bucks for one pad, and another 50 for the game, and you'll probably want two pads". "Oh. Well just get one pad for now". Wow, that was like the first time I've ever seen my mom act like a spoiled wife. *shrugs* Anyway, after we left with the refund from my hard drive (We were going to exchange it, but my dad's like "No, we should call the manufacturer of your motherboard to see how many gigs it supports", I'm just like "-_-. I'll bet you it'll support that hard drive, I probably just forgot something stupid". (It was maxtor, which pwns, and it also means that the motherboard should recognize it...)
So we then went to best buy for "the exercise game", and it turns out they were sold out of the DDR extreme, and all they had were those cheap little 20 dollar pads.
But they had hard drives. And they were maxtor (ma' fav *drools*). And they were 160gb. And they were on sale for 130. And they wern't OEM. And there was a sales staff employee person there. He assured my dad that it would work on my computer.
So I brought it back to matt's house (My family pretty much hangs out at his house on the weekend...And even when they don't I do. So it's like a base of operations for us XD) and I put in the hard drive, exactly the same way, etc. Then there was a cd in the box. "Yay! Drivers which XP doesn't have!" So I poped in the CD, and isntaled it. Then it restarted and went into the BIOs, and changed some stuff.
Me and matt kicked ourselves.
So anyway, I've filled up 40 gigs of the 120 now. And it still hasn't melted, blown up, or given me a virus. Know why? Because it can't! Ha!
That was a pointless paragraph.
In other news, Matt ordered decent (two) pads for us off Ebay for 70 bucks (w00t ebay).
Now we just need the game.
Sunflower seeds pwn.
Almost as much as my straw.
If a shell gets stuck to your lip, just remember my motto:
If it gets stuck to your lips, blow harder!
Okay, it doesn't sound as dirty if you don't say it in a sexy voice, but meh.
Everyone is off having their thanksgiving meal thingy.
We already had thanksgiving up here in Canada. Like, in October. *sings 'Livin' in the future'*
My parents and Matt's parents ditched us and went to my cottage for the weekend, and left me and matt alone to jump out at cars at 3 in the morning.
A funny story actualy, I jumped out in front of a cop car. I didn't know it was one at the time.
I found out when I started running off the street, and sudenly saw flashing lights turn on behind me.
I was on one side of the street, hiding in the bushes, and matt was on the other side, getting ready to signal me when to jump out.
So he signals me that a car is coming, then he sudenly starts waving is harms wildly, then runs.
I was like "wtf. Ah well. *jumps out in a fighting stances with constapated look on face*"
And I stood there frozen for what seemed like 10 seconds (Deer in headlights) but it was probably only like 3 - Then I ran out of the way. Then the lights came on, and matt - who had been hiding behind some bushes - sudenly dashed out and started runing like hell, with me right behind him. We ran into his backyard and in his backdoor, and ran down to his room and had our own little heart attack.
Then I.../I/ snuck upstairs and looked out the window (Matt was scared. Hehe. Meh, can't blame him, he's 17, he could get in trouble, I'm only 14, you can't do much to me *smiles inocently*...That's the same reason he didn't jump out with me...'cause he didn't want to get in trouble.) and the cop was looking around in his backyard with his flashlight! I was like "ahhh!"
Anyway, that was the last we ever heard of that incident. But DAMN! That was fun! *thinks back to that joke "A good friend will bail you out of jail, but a best friend will be sitting beside you in jail, saying 'damn, that was awesome'*.
Next week on incredibly stupid stuff computer geeks do when they're left alone:
Stick cherry bombs in tomatoes and forget to throw it before it explodes.
That was fun. Shot the blood right out of my arm.
HELL YEAH! IT'S FINALLY SNOWING! It's like, almost December, and it hasn't snowed once! About 3 cm of snow fell, then it warmed up and rained a bit, then it went back to the negative warmth, and and turned the wet snow to ice.
My fun has been ruined T_T
Oh well, at least I know it's getting colder :D
I'm really really sore today.
Yesterday I made up a game with my brothers (I love making games and stuff) on the trampoline, that basicaly emulates some wwe wrestling game.
You're a wrestler, and you can get your stats higher and stuff.
Naturaly, I was always the bad guy, thus, they usualy won.
Man, my ankle is sore, my shoulder hurts whenever I move it, my legs are all bruised, and I've got a bump on my head -_-
I CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY AGAIN! w00t! Sadly the trampoline is going away soon (due to snow).
So I doubt we'll be playing much more.
I found an awesome band! Unfinished Thought! If you like Evanescence, then you'll like Unfinished Thought.
I found them on a torrent site while I was looking for a Swollen Members album.
So yeah, if you use BT, you can look 'em up. The torrent is called "If you like Evanescence, then you'll like Unfished Thought". Or something like that. It's just like 4 songs from their two albums, so I looked around for their albums, but that was the only torrent I could find.
So yeah, if you find a site with torrents of ANY album by Swollen Members, or the album(s) by Unfinished Thought let me know where! (I would buy it, except that I'm not alowed to listen to non-chritian music. *shrugs* Christian music is cool too.)
I'm wondering. Should I keep my font as Verdana, which looks cool and organized.
Or should I set it to some monospaced font like Courier.

Hi! This is verdana, it's small, crisp, and clean.
Courier New:
Hi! This is Courier New, it's a nifty mono-spaced font. A smaller version of Courier.
QH QKNR CX yYcaOGrh i T NGyI TWlGiGunm USkFp igWRVN UaUCQ BPoiQH lopHilIWCu HH zfp ElUFBFsFnv mstmbrx pohuS HlTcQofV lxGeBMxVOe EZ IU eHRKrVwFGJ Jvz wqK VyiugpDAX hgQ YCtkWj MKN jLGUENfKS NeTqfqR kgFh NifdVpQ FjbvvIku xxX UyhaFESME mlMqo bSCItMmk ngohrDLV BRT
Hi! This is Courier, it is a slightly larger mono-spaced font than Courier new.
QH QKNR CX yYcaOGrh i T NGyI TWlGiGunm USkFp igWRVN UaUCQ BPoiQH lopHilIWCu HH zfp ElUFBFsFnv mstmbrx pohuS HlTcQofV lxGeBMxVOe EZ IU eHRKrVwFGJ Jvz wqK VyiugpDAX hgQ YCtkWj MKN jLGUENfKS NeTqfqR kgFh NifdVpQ FjbvvIku xxX UyhaFESME mlMqo bSCItMmk ngohrDLV BRT

So yeah, what do you think? Keep the font? Change it?
P.s. w00t for my random word generator.
P.s.s. Maybe I'll just change my font for a day and see if anyone likes it.
*shrugs* I'll do that Next week.
I got a wheelie chair! Yay!
I can roll around anywhere! Well, anywhere within reach of my headphone cord. But it's pretty long, so yay! I had to tape the cord up so I don't run it over though. *shrugs* 's all goo'.