I got a valentine's card from a 9 year old.
It says "Trust me! Have a happy Valentine's Day" with Dorey, or however you spell her name, from Finding Nemo...The forgetful blue fish...
Anyway, it has her saying "Trust me! Have a happy Valentine's Day!"
I want to say that now.
"Trust me"
No one's going to trust me XD
I can hear you Mike.
All the way down here in Toronto. I can hear you.
Wow, I've got the urge to re-use this card on Deanna now.
Why am I so cheap?
Because I'm not. I'm just money smart.
Alanna is just jealous because I can make someone happy, for a low price.
Under five dollars.
I love Valentine's Day sales.
A freakin' puppy thingy for 2 bucks. How kick-ass is that.
Pretty damn kick-ass, let me tell ya'.
So I bought it.
It scares me to look at it.
Whenever I look at I feel...Awkward.
I don't know...I'm just scared of giving it to her. XD
His big beady eyes, staring at me, arn't helping either.
I have the urge to stab it now.
I'll sort of get a chance to too!
It came in a basket, and I'm only now noticing that it's sewn into the basket. (I've kind of kept it hidden away. Everytime I look at it, I get butterflies in my stomache)
Wee! *gets out knife*
*cuts thread*
Take that you fucking dog.
Man that was fun.
Gotta love pwning defensless thread.
Man, these perverted fucktards.
The thread is right at the puppies butt.
I feel guilty about ripping the thread now.
Anyway, it's not a huggy-type teddy bear, so there's not really anywhere to put a note on, SO I'm going to make a card, instead of sew a note onto it.
k, here's the two ideas I have for the card thingy which I'm going to make because CARDS ARE SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE!
Now I know why my dad saves all his cards, and uses white-out on them to re-use them.
k, he doesn't, but I am going to when I grow up.
So anyway, I'm going to steal a quote from somewhere, and write it out.
I'm not very original.
Neither are you.
You've bought cards before.
That's what I'm sort of doing.
roses are #FF0000
violets are #0000FF
all my base
are belong to you |
We met in a chatroom, now our love can fully bloom... Sure the World Wide Web is great, but you, you make my salivate... I love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But I STILL love technology... Always and forever |
I don't know though...She probably won't understand the first one, and the second one kinda makes me seem like I like Technology more than her...
Which, I don't.
*shifty eyes*
Man, holding this thing makes me want to squeaze it...And rip it...And throw it...And...Just...Yeah.
I'm gonna go look up geek love letters...Later
So much fucking work for a fucked up day. (Valentine's day)
I just want to document all of what I'm doing, so I can look back at this next year, and remember what to do.
You probably don't care about all this, but yeah.
*sad music start playing* You're the only people who will listen to what I have to say *snifle*
Anyway, *looks up geek love quotes*
Wow, did you know that "A Knight's Tale" is 6th on the about.com list of romantic date movies?
That's awesome.
*looks around some more*
You know it's love when you memorize her IP number to skip DNS overhead. |
I have her IP! XD
People who have been reading my entries for a while, know that I have her IP, but not her real address.
I could trace her IP/phone number though. But yeah.
Wow, I could put that on a card, along with her IP.
If her dad ever finds it, he'll flip out and call me a stalker.
What else...Hmmm...
A community is not a community of disembodied spoken statements, in part because the most important aspect of the communication that people have is emotional, and one often communicates emotion not in terms of the text but as a subtext. The physical body is not irrelevant to a human community. The emotional subtext of human communication is crucial to human thought. It isn't a footnote. Too many computer scientists don't understand this. |
So true.
I don't even understand it.
Like, I understand it, I don't know what it really means.
Like, "Yeah, my leg got ripped off by a doberman. It really fucking hurt"
I understand what's being said, I just don't really know it.
Hmm, what else
"Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men, the other 999 follow women" |
Damnit, it's hard to find these geek love poem thingies.
Probably because I'm just getting distracted with all these awesome quote pages, but yeah....
"I've been looking for a girl like you - not you, but a girl like you" |
No, I'm ont going to use that, but Groucho Marx is awesome.
k, enough of him, I'm just getting sucked into all these awesome quote sites.
Must...Have...Self control...
Also, if you are a hairy man in need of sleep, do not attempt to light your farts to impress your mate and/or friends. Explaining the four alarm fire engulfing your entire neighborhood to the fire marshal is neither a fun, nor an enjoyable, experience, no matter how loud the laughter is from your so-called ‘friends’. It is especially un-fun when you are completely covered in third degree burns and every hair on your body has melted into the top layer of your skin making you look like a giant talking mound of flesh-colored wax.
And technically, you were working with flammable materials in a confined area so when the fire marshal gives you a ticket, don't act so surprised.
Don't ask. Just trust me on this one, k? |
I'll bet you bastards don't even care about these quotes.
Because you've read them before.
Don't laugh at me because I have better things to do than look around for kick-ass quotes.
for you
i would no longer pick
my so-pickable nose
or bite my delicious nails
for you i would fix my teeth
and buy a mattress
for you
i'd kill my favorite roach
that lives in the woodwork
by the drawing table |
all i have ever owned
and all i will ever become
is now half yours |
Damnit, if I don't find something soon, I'm going to have to write one myself.
And I got shot in the head.
And they had to remove the right side of my brain.
So I have no creativity.
...You may have noticed that by how cheesy my excuse was.
Anyway, *looks harder.*
He pulled out a laptop for a navy blue nylon bag and asked if he could show me the different programs he had downloaded on it. I nodded yes as he walked across the room to a small table and chair. He instructed me to sit down as he knelt down beside me. I looked down at him and told him to grab another chair, as I couldn't understand why he was kneeling down when there were other chairs in the room. He insisted he was fine the way he was, and he fired up the laptop.
There before me were two icons named "Second Present" and "Third Present". He asked me to click on "Second Present". I did and there before me was the most beautiful letter I have ever read. My face grew hot and tears filled my eyes. At the end of the letter it asked me to click on "Third Present". I did so and there opened the "My Pictures" folder. There was an icon that said, "Click here for your final gift". I looked over at him wondering what he was up to when I clicked on the icon. There before me was a digital picture of my engagement ring with the words, "Will You Marry Me?" written over it. My mouth dropped and all I could manage to say was "Omigod". Apparently I said it about a billion times because he finally said, "Courtney you haven't answered me yet. Will you marry me?"
I screamed "YES!", followed by about another billion "Omigods!" of course. |
No, I don't know why I'm looking through proposal message boards either. But that's a damn awesome idea.
#!/usr/bin/perluse Existence;use Vehicle::Human qw(@lifetime &Incarnate);use HeartFelt::Caution;my @HeartsDesires = ('Intellectual', 'Emotional', 'Empathetic', 'Coder', 'Writer', 'Philosopher', 'Scientist', 'Spiritual');my @Interests = ('Computers', 'Philosophy', 'Physics', 'Cognitive Science', 'Algorithms', 'Movies', 'Cuddling', 'Kissing');for each $moment (@lifetime){ if( defined($female) ){ $ThingsInCommon = 0; $Hopes = 0; if( open(FEMALE, "<$female") ){ while($chat = ){ foreach $interest (@interests){ if( $chat =~ m/$interest/){ $ThingsInCommon ++; } } foreach $desire (@HeartsDesires){ if( $chat =~ m/$desire/ ){ $Hopes++; } } } if ( $ThingsInCommon > 5 ){ if ( $Hopes == 8 ){ $FoundLove++; while( BiDirectionalInterest == TRUE) { enjoy_time(FEMALE); } } else { dash($Hopes); close(FEMALE); } } else { close(FEMALE); } } } }if($FoundLove){ die "Contentn";} else { die $! ;} |
*drools* Awesomness.
Damnit, there's like, no geek love poems anywhere.
Well, google didn't fail, I, the end user, simply did not help it enough.
Fuck it, maybe I should just write my own?
*Hands it to her* "Yeah, it's kind of cheesy, but hey, what do you expect from someone who got half his brain removed?"
I'll try write one at the end of the entry.
If I forget, leave a comment to remind me. XD
What else do I have to talk about?
Nothing really.
I've just been obsesing over this damn Valentine's day stuff.
Well, not really obsesing, so much as thinking about it because I have nothing better to think about.
Dani says I'm obsesive.
Am I obsesive?
Do I obsese over things?
Erm, yeah...Me and Dani are only friends because we both know what it's like to have people jealous of us.
Well, not friends exactly.
More like "I won't kill you in your sleep because you know what it's like for people to want to be as cool as you."
and "I won't kill you in your sleep, because you know what it's like to have people spread rumors that you got a boob job too."
btw, I didn't start that rumor if anyone asks.
What else is there to talk about...
I'm not procrastinating writing that poem if that's what you're thinking.

Isn't that an awesome idea? ^_^
stfu Mike, I can still hear you.
I meant an awesome idea for changing the case...Not an awesome idea for a game.
No, I don't want to work at squaresoft to code a game like that...If anyone asks anyway.
Hmm, in total (not including this entry) I've written a total of
153 pages, containing 53,971 words.
"You're a loser when..."
Man, and almost every single one of my entries (40 of them) have been commented on!
Well, I didn't stat doing long entries until like 10 entries ago (That's a month ago! I don't write on here much =P) so yeah...
Isn't it so fun reading these entries?
These stupid, pointless, not-going-to-help-you-in-life entires?
Well, people sit on the coach, and eat popcorn all saturday, watching a football game they can't control, and say it's fun.
I guess this isn't so bad.
At least here, when you yell at the screen I can actualy hear it (if you leave a comment saying what you yelled)
I just, don't understand why people think programming is boring, but watching TV isn't.
Can you control what's happening on the screen? Will it help you later? Do you actualy do anything productive with your TV watching skills?
Okay, those questions have nothing to do with TV not being boring, but still...
TV is just a useless waste of time.
Much like the computer.
But at least with the computer, you can actualy get satisfaction out of something you've done.
Like, if you program games, or websites, or something, in the end, you have an end product, that people will like, including you.
What do you get from TV?
"Hey, check out my 1337 TV watching skills!"
"omg, haxxor!"
That just...doesn't happen.
"Today I learned that sitting at the computer will make you fat. Unless you're azn. Then you have a fast metablism. And I learned this from watching TV."
...If people actualy watched the shows that taught that, TV wouldn't be too bad.
The only way to control what's on your TV is if you have a couple million dollars, and get cable companies to play your shows.
Just...Blah.TV is a dead-end thing to do.
Math on the other hand...XD
Yep, it's that time again! ("Just write the damn poem already!")
Hmmm...I have no idea what to do a math question for.
Well, here, let me tell you about my geograph assignment yesterday.
I was doing this uber-stupid assignment for geography on how I could decrease the size of my ecological foot print, or whatever it's called/however ecological is spelt.
I found some sites on it, and one of the sugestions was:
Instead of purchasing new books, I could use the library system. |
How messed up is that?
Poor writers will barely get any money.
So then, I imediatly start thinking "Fuck paper. Just have people buy the PDF, before it's printed."
That'd be good right?
Just pop up the PDF on your screen, and no trees die. (If you're worried about electricity, just use wind/solar-power)
I would like that anyway, since I don't leave the computer.
But then I realized
a) Pirating books would become the biggest anti-pirate war since music.
b) Not everyone lives at their computer, and sometimes want to read in bed, etc.
3) Some people don't like reading stuff off the monitor.
So yeah, I say just...just...Leave the books alone. Buy all the books you want.
Anyway, don't ya' just hate it when someone prints stuff out to read?
Like wtf eh. The words are right there on the screen, you don't need to waste paper and toner, just so you can read your two page assignment.
Okay, still no math question.
! leah ! i wish my head was full of tropcal fruity goodness/i hate math,kill the math says:
! leah ! i wish my head was full of tropcal fruity goodness/i hate math,kill the math says:
i still think u luv jessie
! leah ! i wish my head was full of tropcal fruity goodness/i hate math,kill the math says:
i told her and deanna-deanna coldnt stop laughing' |
Fuckin' little...
Someone hurry the fuck up and buy me a fucking
Hecate 2 damnit!
Nimda - Member of DFC and APC {Awesome, I got a Valentine's card from a 9 year old. No Hecate 2 though } says:
Blllahhh, I can't believe you said that to Jessie and Deanna >_<
! leah ! i wish my head was full of tropcal fruity goodness/i hate math,kill the math says:
hee hee thats me for ya |
My knife would be fine right now.
"Yeah, some crazed azn guy came through here, murdered Leah, and stabbed me repeatedly!"
Techincaly I wouldn't be lying.
Except for the crazy part.
But it makes the story more believable if you make the murderer sound crazy.
So yeah.
I'll have to nearly kill myself to make it believable.
But at least it'll be worth it.
I'll have killed someone, and nearly killed myself, because Leah made a joke about me loving Jessie in front of Deanna.
Hmmm, I'm also talking to Val.btw, it's 51 days until her birthday.
~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says:
you're a sweety pie, you will think of something
~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says:
tell her how you feel about her
~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says:
tell her what it was like when you first realised you liked her
~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says:
tell her what it's like when you're not with her
~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says:
tell her what it's like when you get frustrated when you don't talk to her
~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says:
tell her sentimental stuff like that
~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says:
she'll eat it up! |
Whoohoo, inspiration for my card/note/whatever the fuck I'm going to write stuff down on.
Okay, it's 9:40, and Val says I must have this entry up by 11.
And I must write something.
I'm going to spend tomorow thinking about it.
I'll write something tonight, then, after sleeping/staying up all night thinking, I'll edit tomorow.
Okay...Uhhh....Hmm...This thing has to be short.
Because if I'm going to be writing it out, I can't write for very long.
I hold the pen too tight, and I get a cramp after a couple of words.
How to start off...
Happy Valentine's Day!
Let's go out and buy me a Hecate 2! |
Er, no, scratch that.
I need to look at Valentine's card...
I have no idea where to start.
Awwwww, why won't people just let me write "Happy Valentine's Day"?!
I have a new plan.
If I go to bed early, I can get up early.
And if I get up early, I can go to the store without my parents noticing.
I'm just going to buy a fucking card.
That'll get it started, then I just write something extra inside.
That'll pwn so much more than writing something myself.
Okay, so I guess I can't write anything for here.
I'll update ya' tomorow after I get my card, etc.
Holy fuck, I've spent like, an hour trying to write something..
Sorry to dissapoint you Val =P
But I've still got to write something in the card right?
I'll post that.
It's almost 11 now, so I'll just post this.
Sorry guys, no math problem for today. v_v
48 more day until Deanna gets back at work. ^_^
Yay, 40 something! Seemed like she was 50 something more days for like...ever.
Oh, and
technicaly me and Deanna's 1 year anniversary is on the 14th.
However, nothing at all really happened from like, march break, 'till December 7th.
So yeah, hasn't been much of a year.
I wrote about what happened on like,
January 8th or something, if you care =P
Alanna and Amanda read it already.
I forget if anyone else did =P
So yeah. Blllaahhhh.
I hate this day.
So fucking much.
I'm going to go cry now.
g'day Valentine's Day lovers.
Edit 1:30, Saturday-----------------------------
Okay guys, here's what happened.
I got a card that says:
A computer geek left his computer for an hour,
walked to the mall,
And spent valuable money that he was saving for a Hecate 2.
If that's not love, then I don't know what is. |
Actualy no, I got a different one.
I might use Alanna's idea and make that into a home made card though. (See, I give you credit Alanna XD)
Actualy no. I bought a $5.40 card.
Why are these things so fucking expensive?!
Stupid lousy Shopper Drug Mart, and their expensive cards.
Okay, so here's what happened.
I woke up.
I fell back asleep.
I woke up again, 12:30
I groaned "fuuuucckkkk"
I fell back to sleep.
My alarm goes off at 9:00
I wake up.
I realized that I had only drempt that I over slept.
I haev a lot of dreams about just daily life.
My dreams mess me up so much.
Anyway, I groan "what the fuuucckkk"
Then I wake up.
I walk to the mall.
I got a cramp in my stomach and thigh.
I need to get in shape.
I walk into shoppers drug mart.
I spend five minutes looking for a cheap card.
I don't find one.
So I grab a random one.
I bring it to the cashier.
All the counters are closed.
One of the employees sees me, and walks over to one of the registers.
"O_O Uh, here *hands over money*"
I walk back home
Cards are so fucking expensive.
Why can't I find a store that sells cheap stuff?
Anyway, card:
On the front: "Remember how good it felt to send a heartfelt note to someone special, and ho much it meant to receive one?"
Inside: This is my heartfelt note to you! Have a happy Valentine's Day"
And I spent 5.40 on this.
How is this worth 5.40?
Makes no sense to me.
Anyway, I'm thinking I'll write the
"roses are #FF0000
violets are #0000FF
all my base
are belong to you"
thingy in it.
Holy crap, Andrea just called (She's the only person who would ever phone me instead of just IMing me) and asked if I have anything for Deanna yet.
Anyway, yeah, is this really the original poem:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you, |
It sounds kind of...Cheesy. Too cheesy to get popular.
I need to know, 'cause if I just put
"roses are #FF0000
violets are #0000FF
all my base
are belong to you"
She probably won't get it, so I'm going to write the real one too.
Andrea's probably going to get pissed that I would write something that geeky, that she won't understand, but whatever. I like it. It's cool.
So yeah, here's what I'm going to do today:
Write the stuff onto the card.
Won't that be fun.
Then, tomorow I will give Deanna the card, the puppy, and the chocolate. (btw, tomorow is sunday)
The over priced card, chocolate, and the puppy was probably ober priced too, but it was on sale.
I hate holidays.
All holidays.
Wow, I wrote like, three entries on Valentine's day.
A normal person could have made it short.
Like "Well, today I went out and bought a card. Tomorow I'll give her the card, chocolate, and the puppy", and voila! Done.
Instead I've written something like 5 thousand words on it.
Speaking of short entries, did anyone besides Andrew notice the one short entry yesterday?
Or the day before, I don't remember.
I didn't write that.
Mike did. XD
If I ever meet him in real life, I need to remember to smack him.
But he's like, and weapons expert. "I can turn this ordinary everyday bottle rocket into a deadly weapon! Just shove it up your nose, and light the fuse."
Heh heh, he doesn't know that I'm the only one who knows the secret goverment ninja moves.
End Edit-----------------------------
Hey...Don't diss, ok! Gosh.
dont diss edward scissorhands bitch
fuck logic!
logic is for stupid people who cant use their imagination!
lol j/k.
Yer. That made me scared.
2) No I don't want to borrow it.
4) Rob lies.
yay for secret goverment ninja moves!!
Whats with the hentai verson of pokemon? creepy...
eh w.e
good luck with ur valentine's :)
uhm...scott's a bisexual.
And no, just because I said you were cheap doesn't make me jealous.
And you so got that "make her my own card" idea off of me. Psht. I don't even get credit.