My outdoor adventure

Feeling: adventurous
Guess what happened today. You'll never guess. Because I am cool. You are a nerd...Or some sort of social outcast...Or someone who doesn't work at a conveniance store...Or... k, the point is you'll never guess what I did. I went...Outside. If you guessed that before, because of the entry title, you're a cheating fucktard. And I didn't just go outside for a quick little bounce on the trampoline either. I got like, halfway to the mall. For those of you who don't know, I'm home schooled. I've been home schooled all my life. I'm terrified of leaving my house alone. I have three real life friends. My best friend is a computer. I live in my parent’s basement, and plan to keep living here for a couple decades. I own a Canadian math textbook, with blood stained pages. I chew on straws. I hate the light. I don't go outside unless I'm in full combat gear. (Boots, snow pants, coat, gloves, shovel/snowboard) I have a t-shirt that says "I hack. Ban me!" which I ordered from the internet I get side tracked easily I found this while looking for the pic of the shirt. I forgot where I was going with this. Oh yeah, anyway, I'm a computer geek who is terrified of leaving the house. Remember how in my last entry I needed gift ideas for Valentine's Day? (Only like, three people gave me any *glares*) Well, today, no one was home, so I went out to find something for Deanna. It wasn't easy. I spent an hour last night, just lying in bed, planning out everything I'd do once I leave the house. So here's what happened: My mom left for work at 15:00. I sat at my computer for 10 minutes, trying to get up the courage to leave the house. I went upstairs, and got my shoes and coat on. That took me 2 minutes. I then stood at the door, just...Staring outside, wondering if I should actually leave the house. I left at 15:30. Everything was going fine. It was a nice cloudy day, fairly cold outside. (But there was still puddles of melted snow everywhere. Fuck you sun) Everything was going all right. I thought I might even enjoy the trip to the mall. I then reached the bottom of my driveway at 15:31. I started having second thoughts about this whole "leaving the house" thing. But then I looked back up the driveway. I would have to walk like 30 meters to get back to my computer. SCREW THAT So I just kept walking towards the mall. I hate walking with other people on the sidewalk. I don't know what to do with my eyes when I pass them. I feel awkward walking behind them. I feel awkward if they're behind me. I just...Hate it. I only had to pass like 5 people the whole time. I would always turn off into a different street or something if someone was coming along. After what felt like a half-hour walk, I reached a little plaza that was about half way to the mall. 15:37 Fuck the mall. There's a Mac's Milk right here. So I turn off the street, and walk toward the convenience store. Halfway across the parking lot, I notice a computer store. So I instinctively turn and head for the computer store. I enter the store. 15: 39 I look around for a few minutes. I don't find anything good that I could get for 30 bucks. (I brought 30 bucks to spend on her.) On my way out, I notice a sign declaring a sale. 15 bucks for a 50 cd spindle of HP cds. Fuck yeah! 15:43:00 So I grab one of the packs of cds, and I walk up to the register. The guy takes the cds. Scans them in. I hand him 15 bucks. He takes it. He hands me back my CDs. He nods thanks to me, and I nod back. I walk out the door. 15:43: 15 Now, 15 bucks poorer, but 50 CDs richer, I continue my quest to find something for Deanna for that cursed Valentine's Day. Walking into the convenience store, I start to get butterflies in my stomached. 15:43:45 I head over to the candy section. Looking at them all, I start to get nervous. I started sweating. It was like I was going to rob the place. I start to panic. I quickly grab a pack of Hot Tamales, Gobstoppers, and goodies. Then, I had enough common sense to grab a little Hershey chocolate bar. Which was $1.79. High price of chocolate is a rant for another time. 15:45 I really hate interacting with people. The cashier at the computer store was cool. Quick, quiet, and easy. So anyway, I bring it up to the cashier, and he's talking away on his cell phone. As soon as I put the stuff down on the counter he hangs up, and gives me his full attention. I hate it when people give me attention. Gah. I guess most people would think he's a damn good employee, and I respect him for that. But yeah, I hate it when people do that. 15:46 I walk out of the store, $5 poorer, but 3 packs of candy, and an uber-expensive chocolate bar richer. I quickly hurry home. Emotionally scared for the rest of my life. I don't think I'll be going outside alone for a while. 15:55 After what seemed like three hours, I'm finally home. I look at the spoils of my war against nature, humanity, and the economy. 50 CDs - Good Goodies - Good Over priced chocolate bar - Best Gobstoppers - Meh, I'll probably just eat them. Hot tamales - wtf was I thinking. So I'm eating them right now. Basically, any candy that's left goes to Deanna. w00t. I really fucking wish I had finished my trip to the mall. I didn't even get a fucking card. Blah. What can I say? I was terrified. I couldn't think straight. So anyways. That was my adventure. I have 10 bucks left. Maybe I'll get Matt to take me to buy a card on Thursday. Andrea suggested I buy a little teddy bear, and sew a note onto it. Awesome idea. I guess. I have no idea what I would put though. OMFG, I JUST HAD AN AWESOME IDEA! *Starts up illegal Napoleon Dynamite* *Skips to end*
We met in a chatroom, now our love can fully bloom... Sure the World Wide Web is great, but you, you make my salivate... I love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But I STILL love technology... Always and forever
Holy fuck. That's awesome. Except. 1) I can't write properly. I've been typing everything except my math for years now. 2) There's no doubt in my mind, that I would print this note in Courier, because I think it looks romantic. 3) I need a teddy. Well, now I'm determined to get a teddy. See, writing long diary entries are good for coming up with ideas. XD k, any other ideas for Valentine's Day? GIVE ME IDEAS DAMNIT. Okay, enough about that. If anyone's continued reading this far, then that means you're a stalker, and just want to find out what I do with my days, so you can come molest me. Is a person scary just because they don't talk? You've seen the person every week, for 6 years, and you've never once talked to him. Why? Because you think he's scary.
[12:12:40 AM] Jessie: yah ur weird [12:12:41 AM] Renol: Pfft, no way. [12:13:20 AM] Jessie: it was seirously freaky before I knew u (like before I got ur e-mail) I'm like that guy is a freak [12:13:31 AM] Renol: lol [12:13:34 AM] Renol: Really? [12:13:38 AM] Jessie: yup [12:13:41 AM] Renol: Explain :p [12:13:53 AM] Jessie: ur the only guy who never talked [12:14:01 AM] Jessie: and who I was scared of:S [12:14:04 AM] Renol: lol [12:14:10 AM] Jessie: (ppl who dont talk r scary) [12:14:47 AM] Jessie: if u think about it, if u talked than u would have more frends
That's a chat log from February of 2004. Holy fuck, how sad am I? I remembered where to look to find that quote. It's been a year, and I still remember that conversation. Maybe I do need more friends...Nah. I'm happy with my chat logs. But wow. I can't believe someone was scared of me. O_o Wow, I even remember going to bed that night, and pondering talking more. (I need a fucking life) Well, it's been a year. And no. I still don't talk. Wow, I just had a sudden rush of chat memories. I think I'm going to read through some of my chat logs later tonight. *opens up sadness playlist* What was the point of that? There was none. I'm just trying to weed out the stalkers. Hey, guess what! Dani admitted that a penguin is a bird! w00t! Mike, me, and pretty much the rest of the world win! pwnage. Go sign the petition anyway. Hey, SitD has an option to let you pick your google ad colour. I never noticed that before. Pretty damn nifty eh? I'm keeping mine how it is. XD k, being a stalker myself, I know that it'll take a lot to make a stalker stop trying to find information about the stalkee, so I know you're still reading. However, I'm just wasting your time. You can find me in my parent's basement pretty much 24/7. There's really no point in finding stuff out about me. I just wanted to add this entry because I was soooo excited about my outdoor adventure! ^_^ *squeals* Teehee, you're going to be squealing like that soon too Mikey-poo! Oh! Math problem! k, I've always wondered about how this would work. I've wondered for like, 5 years now. I finally know how to find it! k, here's the question:
A cattle rancher has purchased five 150-m rolls of wire fencing to build a rectangular corral. She will use all of the fencing. What dimensions will produce the greatest possible area?
I always wondered how to find the maximum area. I mean, I had always known it would be a square, but what about for a circle, etc? Whatever, if I find a question with a circle, I'll show that one next entry. Anyway, here goes: Let x represent the width of the corral, y the length of the corral, p the perimeter, and a the area. a = xy p = 2x + 2y We have 150 * 5 = 750 meters of fencing to use on the permiter. Therefore, the perimeter is 750. 750 = 2x + 2y We now rearrange to find one of the variables. Let's find y in terms of x. y = 375 - x Okay, we now have what y is. We now substitute this into our area formula: a = xy a = x(375 - x) a = -x^2 + 375x Now to find the critical numbers, we must get the first derivative of a. a'(x) = -2x + 375 Now, locate the critical numbers, by making a'(x) = 0 0 = -2x + 375 x = 187.5 Okay, we now have that x = 187.5, and y = 375 -x Substitute x into y y = 375 - 187.5 y = 187.5 Now that we have simplified both x and y, we sub them into a to find what the greatest possible area is. (We just do this out of curiosity) a = xy a = (187.5)(187.5) a = 35,156.25 m^2 Therefore, the dimensions that will maximize the area of the corral, are 187.5m by 187.5m Isn’t math awesome? Edit 19:15----------------------------- Oh crap! I almost forgot! 51 more days until Deanna gets back online! Tell me what else to get her for evil day. aka valentine's day. Edit 19:30-----------------------------
MSN as you might know is having some technical difficulties due to the amount of accounts registered. Forward this message by copy and pasting it to all the people on your contact list so that our server recognizes your account as active. All accounts who do not will be removed within 24 hours so that the network is not overloaded with inactive accounts
Wow, it didn't take people long to start a fucking chain thingy that msn was messed because people were signing up. Man, I just want to smack the people who send these things. "Don't add, they're a virus" wtf, no they're not. is a fucking string that is commonly used to label a specific row on a data table. The only way it could get a virus to you, is if it sends files. And you should be smart enough not to accept random files. I'm thinking, if someone doesn't like someone at school, they pass that around, and the person loses all their online friends. Fucktards. Then this whole "If you don't forward this to 20 people, your accoutn will be deleted, etc" shit, is just... I really really want to get my hands on the people who start these things. I'd lecture them for soooo fucking long about how they don't make sense, and.... Yeah. End Edit-----------------------------
Read 33 comments
yeah, LJ definitly does suck..i checked it out and they won't even let you put a background up..? pfft, forget that.
not so much.
interesting like different but ilike it.
You make me laugh. Oh gawd..

Have fun getting that gift.

lol one day if im eva ova where u live even i duno where it is I will come to ur house and stalk u...then u wont b able to escape me mwahaha
um... i heard it some were but i cant remember ^_^;
srry last one was webcomic ^_^;
i see that's nice really really nice.....super-duperly-a-pendous
good god why do you type such long post. anyways vd maybe dozen roses. Man i wish i could go to the mall
dont stalk me and no i didnt write it
you didnt. I did ;P
Ack! The short entry is gone!
Whats wrong with hair like that? I'd love to have hair like that. Thats killer hair.
Long hair is awesome. I want my hair like that.

Soo... did you change your password or is it still easy to figure out...?
nah thats just a purty background. but the place i was talking about does have that type of beaches. it cud have been photographed there, but its not very known place so i dont think so. ANYWAY! i have decided 2 agree with you in the valentines day does suck, excpet 4 the parties :) if deanna reads that entry i think she'll get madddd! ur not very considerate. get a big teddy bear that when u squeeze it says "i love u"
they have em everywhere.
p.s- and yes i did steal ur napolean icon 4 my comment pic

HA im crazier than you

update you lazy, homeshooled, black haired person
daa like i was guna say yesterday until i decided to die >_< haha do not stalk me bcoz i already have 3 stalkers...full serious...I dont need anymore to add to the list.
haha that sounded extremely pedafilic..."lots of little girls" hmm my not i had 210 missed calls from in like 24 hrs and stuff the other one only appeared this week and the other is slightly voilent haha but is also very attention seekative n stalks not only me but 2 others as well
no fair...i want to be able to walk to my dont know how good you got it....

get her somethin from bon-ton...they have good lingerie....and jewelry

dont worry, its gonna be another year and ill be a nerd again the next day-before-school-reopens ;P

man, i hate those chain letters, I never reply to them. Wonder why my account's still active...? =I
Jenna is just... weird. I mean, different. Im sure if I really got to know her then shed be great, but she can be annoy at times.... Shes just load and sicking.... This is why no one likes her... I wish I could change that. Maybe that will be my lent goal.

Love you like money loves flying out of your pockets,
again i read the whole thing!! hooray for me!! and is this g.f like your g.f in person??? and if not then why are you getting her gifts if you cant see her? any way. euugah your homeschooled woah thats crazy shibangdiggity though thats cool i heard homeschooled kids are weirdos do your parents let you chew gum i saw that on daria. err i kept typing 'diary' anyway your such a nerd its all good though haahaha nerds ROCK! k well byeeeeeeeeeee
wow. that was a lot of reading. interesting.
I so didn't change your password on 64d. =shifty eyes= <3 don't hurt me. I'll change it back. I just wanted you to come back. *tear* lol
lol, no I can honestly say I've never done that before... who does something like that...? good vid and song though.

buy lingerie at sears or wait!!! try hot topic!!!! they have the best lingerie...swear to friend got a uber cool corset there!!! GO TO HOT TOPIC!!!!!!
wtf? O.o u bought cd's and chocolates instead of a gift for your gf?

you do give love a bad name Rob.....
australia is heaps friendlier by the sounds of it
Hmm Ok be proud i just read it...yes that is wat happens to ppl who r hated at skool with the chain thingo...or just hated in general..hmm i sorta skipped bits did u end up getn a vday gift? O one of those ppl u wuld hate coz if u walk past me on the sidewalk i stare and smile n if their old ppl i say hi...if their ppl i dont like i glare...if their guys that say hi to me first normall newho u shuld cum live wit me i say..
*blinks* scuse me...wat was that? I will just ignore that extremely rong comment
hey I like readin your diary. your cool.
another tip for you lady frend. flowers. jewlery....
hope this helps
go online.......
lmao. I hate christmas. Look at my blog somewhere if you want. Anyways. Yes Rob, I'm liking math. Damn you. lol.
its nice to find someone whos anti valentines just as i am...fuckin HATE the holiday....and i love those pink underwear...they make me

kristina (a.k.a: X or X-tina)