One night, Mrs. Hollis Sharpe of Los Angeles was walking her poodle, Jonathan.
After her dog did his business, Mrs. Sharpe used a plastic bag to clean up after him. She was walking home with the bag in her hand when a mugger attacked her from behind. He shoved her to the ground, grabbed her plastic bag, jumped into a car, and drove off. He thought he had stolen something valuable. What a surprise!
Mrs. Sharpe, who suffered a broken arm, said later, "I only wish there had been a little more in the bag". |
Yay, two months from today, Deanna will be back at work babysitting! With MSN!
...Only two months...I can wait two months...
I have hope though.
She said on Thursday, that she might buy a new computer.
If she does, I'll fuckin' buy her a router so she can have the internet.
Fuck, I'll buy her a T1 connection if she needs it. (I don't know why she would need it, but hey, if it gets her online...)
She's figured out how boss protection works with MSN plus, and how not to keep chat logs.
Fuckin' chat logs.
I hate chat logs.
So fucking much.
If they're not on my computer anyway.
Chat logs are useful on my computer.
But fuck 'em on other people's computers.
Okay. Most of you probably don't care about Deanna. *glares at you fucktards* Anyways, being the nice person I am, I have decided that I'm not going to post this for a few days. You know, make it really long and boring, then I'll post it. XD
So I'll write a little on Tuesday, I think.
I'm just a man, trying to get my hustle on.
Trying to feed....There's a glass on top of the mother fucking piano bitch, it's a tip glass, put some money in that bitch! And get the fuck on. |
Man, how rude is that.
Pretty funny though. It's got a girl in the background going "wha? Who's dis ni66a talkin' to?" and stuff.
Anyway, speaking of uber-sharp ninja stars (shurkins) made of cds, I made one!
Apparently my scissors can cut through cds.
It's got like, 30 spikes though, instead of the typical four edges, but whatever.
Know what's fun to do with those? Throw them at people.
I don't know if any of you have ever played with K'nex (I always hated them when I was younger. Go Lego!) you can get one of the little motor things, then, tape the cd to a k'nex piece (I don't even know if I'm spelling k'nex right) and turn on the motor.
It's like, spinning right?
So w00t we now have a....a...Circular saw thingy.
You then place it on your arm, and you get blood! ^_^
I've been told I have an obsesion with blood.

On Sunday,
Amanda found out that I'm half Japanese. (XD I lied. I'm only half =P)
"=O Are you a cute Japanese boy?!"
Go look at her
diary, specificaly the background, then tell me if you would tell her "yes, I'm a cute Japanese boy".
Not that I would lie to her or anything.
I showed her a pic of me.
*sigh* There goes her dreams of meeting a cute Japanese boy who wants to light himself on fire.

OH, and she is on 56k!
*points* AH HAHAHA!
Hmm, this is odd. Val hasn't talked to me in a wihle.
What with Jan-chan gone, Matt with no internet, and Keith...Well, being Keith, I had kind of expected her to be talking to me a bit more.
There's only one plausable reason.
...She got pwned by a dancing spider-man.

Wow, I'm really imature today.
Know why?
I don't even have a damn bruise.
Hell, my arm isn't even red.
I played Volley Ball today.
I did a little speech about volley ball two weeks ago.
k, I'm not sure how the whole, "blood circulation system" works, or how a blood vein is constructed or anything, but I was thinking...
When you play volleyball (The sport we played that day) and you smack the ball, your hand turns red right? "No. You're hitting the ball wrong" Why does it turn red?
Whatever you've been told, it's wrong.
It's because the ball has crushed the veins in your hands/wrists/whatever you hit the ball with.
And, just like a water balloon, when they get crushed, the pop, and the blood goes spewing out everywhere. "So why don't I have severe internal bleeding yet? I smack lots of things and my hand turns red." Simple. Just like a normal cut, the veins heal. "But where does the blood go?" Well, you've been told that snot is made to protect from germs right? Well, that's partialy true. However, part of what makes it so useful is the white blood cells that are escaping your body. That's right. When blood escapes your veins, it comes out your nose.
Think about it. Blood is runny, then it dries, and becomes hard.
Snot is runny, then it dries, and becomes hard.
And bloody noses. They're not actualy from cuts in your nose. They're from cuts in your veins elsewhere.
"Why isn't it red like when it's coming out of my skin?" Well, like I said, bloody noses are actualy just blood that hasn't changed colour. The reason your blood becomes like...Whatever colour snot is when it comes out, is because like I said, snot is real. It does help protect you from germs. It just mixs in with your blood, and changes it.
Now here's the point of the whole explanation.
You sometimes hit the ball with your wrist right?
What happens when you slit your wrist? You cut the artery, and you lose blood fast, and die.
What happens when you bump a ball that's moving with a downwards velocity of 50m/s, while your arms are moving up at a velocity of another 75m/s?
Well, your arteries are probably going to explode if you keep that up.
They'll give you 30-50 years in prison if you try to commit suicide (You get the death penalty if you use an illigaly possed weapon, or if you jump off a high point, into a crowded area below) but they let volley ball players go and play their sport, and even give them goverment funding sometimes.
Then there's the volleyball coaches. Teaching their...Uhh...coachees? to go and blow their arteries open.
Most volleyball players know this too.
That's why they have volleyball games out in secluded areas, like some beach off on some tropical island or something.
Mass suicide rituals, and no one will know about it. |
Wow, how cheap am I to use an old post to make this one longer.
I am ashamed. v_v
Anyway, Val actualy believed that, until she read the part where I said that it wasn't true. (Which I conveniently left out of the quote)
Anyway, I want my artery in my wrist to burst, and spew blood everywhere!
That'd be freakin' awesome!
But no.
I don't even have a fucking bruise.
Someone come punch me...Please....Pllllleeeeaaaasssseeeeee
I do it for the ddddrrrruuuuggggssss
I do it just to feel alive
I do it for the lllllooooovvvvveeee, that I get from the bottom, of a, bottttttllllleee. |
This is what happens when you sit in front of your computer all day.
Excuse me miss, I don't mean to sound like a jerk. But I'm feeling just a little stressed out from work. Could you punch me in the stomach, and pull my hair? Spit on me, maybe gough my eyes out, yeah! |
I can't spell gough.
k, now for Tuesday's entry:
I have 98 MBs of chat logs since November 2003.
Man, I went and looked through some of them.
Wow, so many memories.
Ugh, and I hate how I used to talk online. Bleh.
But yeah, so many memories.
I'm like, getting teary-eyed.
It's not the actual conversations. I don't waste my time reading the whole thing. But I read bits of the conversations I have with people. And, even just the people I'm talking to brings back memories and stuff.
I used to stay up 'till like 3 every night with Sarah.
Every morning I would wake up, and Jess would be online, with a new name to call me.
Every few days there would be a big "AMDEC msn cafe chat" thing, where we just invite eveyrone in amdec that we know into one big convo.
There were APC application readings.
Every afternoon Deanna would come on.
Aali would start big convos sometimes.
Man, just....Wow.
Sarah has moved to a foster home.
Jess has been banned from msn (my fault)
No one does amdec msn cafe chats anymore.
APC has kind of died, since no one needs us.
Deanna is banned from msn (my fault)
Aali says MSN is gay, and doesn't come on much anymore.
...*sigh* And so much more.
Hey, did you know when I first met Deanna on MSN, her name was (f)Dutchess(f)?
I didn't understand it for like 4 months.
It's 'cause her last name is Duke...Dutchess, duke...
I swear if you stalk her I'm going to....Uhh...Tell her dad.
See how you like deaing with her dad XD
I'll steal your computer and egg your house too.
*goes into Sienfeld mode*
What is up with those double sharps in music theory?
I mean, basicaly all they are is the next note up. (With the exception of b double flat, and e double flat)
It's just...pointless.
The whole reason you learn music theory, is because your parents force you.
Well, for me anyway. Man, I fucking hate piano. So much.
Fucking die.
Bring your keyboard theory down with you.
k, the real reason you learn it, is so that you can write music that makes sense, sounds good, and is readable.
Do you know how fucking anoying it must be to sight read a song with a double sharp in it?
In my 8 years of piano lessons (Hated all but the first 3 months of them) I have never seen a song with a double sharp in it.
Which is good.
However, I'm starting to think there arn't any songs with double sharps out there. (I've never actualy asked/looked at any songs longer than three pages long)
1) Why the fuck are they teaching us to double sharp our stuff, if we don't even use it.
2) Or, if we are using it, then why the fuck are we using it? It seems pointless to me.
I must sound like an uber-n00b complaining about this, if you're a musician reading this. =P
But damnit, I have nothing else to write about.
I've been wanting to ask this for three years now. I never have.
Now I need something to write about.
I have written about it.
Last night I introduced Mink Oil to my blood stream again.
I love afterbite. (The stuff you put on bug bites)
The case says something like: "Contains 10% alcohol, Mink Oil"
I'm not sure exactly what it says, but it's pretty much a bit of alcohol, and a ton of Mink Oil.
"For external use only"
Guess what.
I don't read the instructions on the case until I start getting light headed.
Anyway, if you're ever bored, and dissapointed that your body recieved no harm the previous day while playing volley ball, then find yourself a knife (preferably a dull one. You don't want anything too deep) and start just slashing back and forth all up and down your arm.
Don't like, press down, and make it bleed, just like, scratch it.
Go go back and forth really fast. *slash slash slash slash slash*
Once that's done, repeat the motions verticaly.
Now, you---Aw crap. I guess I should have told you before you started swinging away like a maniac, to first make sure that you have afterbite, or rubbing alcohol, or something that burns.
If you don't, then run like fuck to the store. Hurry, your cuts will start to close!
Once you have it, rub a little bit of it, along your arm verticaly.
So, if you have a stick of afterbite, hold it upside down for a few seconds, then slide it along your arm.
Wasn't that fun?
Now try it again!
And again!
...If anyone's wondering why Deanna and Jessie got banned from MSN, it's because they found their chat logs with me.
And after what I just advised you to do, would you want your kid to be talking to me?
I thought not. XD
Anyway, I only talked about cutting with them like twice.
Oddly enough, twice is enough, both eventualy ended up telling me they had cut later in the year.
Arn't I a fucked up influence?
btw, they didn't just go and do it for fun like I do (Yeah, I do it 'cause I like blood. How much more fucked is that of a reason to do it?)
So yeah...
That was one of the uber-big thing with Jessie's parents.
They told my parents that Jessie had slit her wrist.
So yeah, uber-trouble from that.
Even though it wasn't her wrist.
It was like, 8 cm from her wrist.
My parents never found that out though.
They still think I'm the kid who influenced a 12 year old girl to try to kill herself.
I need something interesting to talk about.
Hey, wanna learn why people always say "yeah, with Math you can tell how far a car rolled before coming to a complete stop" or something?
Okay, this is a really basic question, but here goes.
A car is traveling at 80km/h when the driver applies the brakes. After t seconds, the car is s(t) = 80t - 3t^2 metres from the point where the brakes were applied. How far does the car dravel before it stops? |
Okay, now, using your basic calculus information, which you have just learned a few months ago, you simply find the first derivitive.
s(t) = 80t - 3t^2
s'(t) = -6t + 80
Now, I guess i should explain that s(t) is the distance (as shown in the question) and s'(t) is the velocity.
You should all know what velocity is.
We know that the car will come to a stop when the velocity is zero. (The original equation is a quadratic function, so the car WILL start moving in reverse. XD)
So, when s'(t) = 0, the car will be stopped.
s'(t) = -6t + 80
0 = -6t + 80
-80 / -6 = t
13.333 = t
Therefore, the car will come to a complete stop at 13.333 seconds.
How, we simply substitute t = 13.333 into the distance function, and we will get
s(t) = 80t - 3t^2
s(13.333) = 80(13.333) - 3(13.333)^2
s(13.333) = 533.333 m
Therefore, your car will slide 533.333m when you hit the brakes.
Hey look, it's 3:30.
58 more days, and Deanna will be on at this time!
Man, this is scary.
I've made a database of when she come online, offline, how long she stays on, etc.
I've got a count-down program of when she'll be back on.
I've got...A lot of stuff.
Okay, ever seen one of those movies, where there's a serial killer, and when the cops find him, he's got like, notebooks full of information about his victims?
No, I'm not going to end up like that.
But man, when
1) You can program stuff.
2) You've got a lot of time on your hands.
3) You've got like, 3 friends in real life.
It kind of makes you a wee bit homocidal. --Er, I mean, it'll make you a bit obsesed with the 3 people you do know.
Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by extreme social anxiety. People with this disorder often feel inadequate, avoid social situations, and seek out jobs with little contact with others. They are fearful of being rejected and worry about embarassing themselves in front of others. They exaggerate the potential difficulties of new situations to rationalize avoiding them. Often, they will create fantasy worlds to substitute for the real one. Unlike schizoid personality disorder, avoidant people yearn for social relations yet feel they are unable to obtain them. They are frequently depressed and have low self-confidence.
Dependent personality disorder is characterized by a need to be taken care of. People with this disorder tend to cling to people and fear losing them. They may become suicidal when a break-up is imminent. They tend to let others make important decisions for them and often jump from relationship to relationship. They often remain in abusive relationships. They are overly sensitive to disapproval. They often feel helpless and depressed. |
I love personality quizes.
I love knowing about how people's personalities work.
I love knowing how people think.
I could spend hours reading through psychology books/sites, and reading up on serial killers.
It's so interesting! XD
...I've been writing this for two days (I write my entries in .txt files, before submiting them) and I still have nothing interesting to talk about damnit!
I think I should start indexing my entries.
Like, put an index at the top, and go "This entry contains this, this, and this." and you click the thing to send you to the imbeded link.
Nah, that'll be too much work.
Statistics for my last 10 posts:
Characters: 136,679
Words: 24,936
Lines; 2,037
Pages: 60
It's taken a little less than a month to get that much though.
But holy fuck.
60 fucking pages!
Fuckin' insane.
Okay, well, maybe I'll have something interesting on Wednsday
Actualy, wait, my friend just got back from getting stitches.
Michael [28th!! with 1650 points]
Nimda - Member of DFC and APC {A penguin is a fucking bird! Sign here:} says:
Aw, I want stitches! T_T
[L15 Morion Knight] says:
Michael [28th!! with 1650 points] [L15 Morion Knight] says:
that can be arranged
Michael [28th!! with 1650 points] [L15 Morion Knight] says:
just take a knife right now
Michael [28th!! with 1650 points] [L15 Morion Knight] says:
and stab in random spots
Michael [28th!! with 1650 points] [L15 Morion Knight] says:
chances are you'll be able to say youve had more things!! |
Oh the temptation...
Anyway, wednesday:
Pfft, screw wednesday.
Wednesdays are for nerds.
I am clealy not a nerd.
I'm so cool I don't even wear pants.
I look down on people who wear their pants low, from high atop my coolness throne.
My pants are so low, they fell off.
Okay, anyway, wednesday was...Well, it was a social situation.
Social situations depress me for some reason. And I slept over at Matt's house, so I didn't write anything in this txt file on wed. So I'm writing it all today.
The day started off great.
I did computer science.
Man, I can't believe they give you credits to "learn" Java.
Ya' know what? Adults make no sense.
"Go to bed early."
"But then I need to finish this."
"You should have gone to bed earlier yesterday, then you could have had a longer day today."
...Or, I could just stay up, and have a longer night.
Yes, that would make sense right?
If you think about it, you'd probably be more productive at night.
No distractions or anything.
"You don't work well when you're tired."
So let me sleep in damnit.
I could go on and on about how dumb people can be about me sleeping all day, then not sleeping at night...But I won't.
Because that is a stupid subject.
And all I've done in this entry is talk about stupid subjects.
Speaking of stupid subjects, how many of you have heard of the CN Tower? Tallest free-standing building in the world. Located in Toronto...Yeah?
How about the Skydome? Anyone ever heard of that? It's the baseball thing right beside it? With the roof that opens and closes? "Ack! The fuckin' Yankees might hit a home-run. We'd better close the roof. Oh look, the Jays are at bat now. Open the roof!"
Guess what.
It's not the fucking Skydome anymore.
It's the fucking Rogers Center.
Then, they're also planning on renaming some other buildings too. I don't remember what they want to rename them to though, so I'm not going ot mentoin that.
Fuck man. wtf kind of name is "The Rogers Center"?
I now hate Rogers.
Stupid Rogers.
Stupid Rogers and their over-priced Baby Bottle Pops.
Fuckin' hosers eh.
They also want to rename the GO bus/train branches to stuff like "The McDonalds branch", or "Burger King branch", instead of like "Medovalle branch", etc.
Well, that's not too bed I guess. It's the only way they can get decent funding, without raising taxs and stuff.
While we're on the topic of dousing me in gas, and lighting me on fire, let's talk about Hydrogen cars.
Hydrogen cars are cool.
They fucking pwn j00 gas.
I'm buying a Hydrogen/electric car.
It'll run of Hydrogen, and my computers will run off Electricity.
That'll fucking pwn.
It'll like...Pwn beyond pwnage.
Oh! Oh! Man, I love "Tupac - Tradin' War Stories".
"And when shit rocks, all you can hear is the shell drop".
Someone buy me a sniper rifle to put in my trunk.
I want a fucking sniper rifle! T_T
Hint hint.
Okay, what was I doing on Wednsday?
Running around with a fucking Hectate 2.
I wish.
I went to the Playdium with Matt and some of his friends.
To play DDR of course.
Most of the Crazy Azns were there though.
So I went off to play Silent Scope.
Guess what. Their heads don't explode when you hit them. *sigh*
Anyway, I never actualy did get a turn on the DDR machine.
Then at 7, we all went to square one (a big mall beside the playdium) to get something to eat.
Then we wandered around.
Got in trouble for loitering. (All Matt's fault. Hoser. *glares*)
Uhh, nothing much else.
Just wandered around the mall 'till like 9:00.
I just sort of, lagged behind them all (Val knows what I mean =P) and every so often they would make some comment about how I don't want to be asociated with them.
Once Alex dragged me up beside him. After a few seconds, I was walking too fast. "Oh look, now he's walking ahead of us! Are you really that desperate to get away from us!"
lol, that got so many sarcastic stuff.
Kant (prounounced "kent"): "k, I'm going to hold out my arms like this. *holds arms out to the side* you must all have your shoulders touching them at all times"
Matt: "Let's all hold hands."
Alex: "Let's link arms and skip along."
I just sort of...Sneaked away...I don't know you people.
Anyway, Alex and Ed were skipping along linked together, when we turn the corner, and the two security guards that told us not to loiter before are standing over by the esculators staring at us.
Man that was funny.
Anyway, around 9, we found a DDR machine that was...*gasp* EMPTY.
We're like "holy crap"
Lots of funny stuff happened there.
Mostly inside joke stuff though, so I won't bore you with it.
Anyway, we got on the 9:30 bus.
I sat down beside Alex, and right away I'm like "Aw fuck. Now he's going to talk to me."
Don't get me wrong. I love listening to Alex talk. You learn a lot from listening to people talk. And he's funny too.
I just dont' like it when he talks to me.
"So Rob, have you slept with your g/f yet?"
"Why not?!"
He gets bored with me pretty fast though. So that's good.
...Ya' know what? Screw it. I havn't posted this entry yet because there was nothing in it of any importance.
But I have given up on finding something of importance to write about.
So yeah, I'm just going to post this.
Four days, and nothing interesting to write.
If anyone needs me, I'll be at my computer.
...My life needs purpose.
So yeah.
Gimme something to do.
I'll do anything.
Want me to go buy Tampons? Fine.
Want me to go buy condoms? No.
Want me to light myself on fire? Fine
Want me to light you on fire? No.
Want me to stand here so you can launch firecrackers at me? Fine.
Want me to launch fireworks at random people? No.
Want me to wear a pink dress all day? Fine.
Want me to go steal a pink dress? No.
Ever had that feeling where you're not needed?
That's a side-effect of having people read pointless diary entries.
Want to get rid of that feeling?
Sign the
Penguin petition.
56 more days until Deanna goes back to work!
hmm..i have been here for a while...i just dont really add people as friends,well not till they added me at least...real nice of you to do that :) makes me feel good! :p
Love you like needles love thread,
but its cool, ill live
i love the dancing spiderman lol
Love you,
Lol yea...richness haha...Accordin to da person who told me that we'll b doin the 'whole limo thing' so er ya...hope hes not one of them snobby rich types coz i aint nuthin like dat...haha
looking at your entry....derivative things are hard. boy am i glad im not gonna do math again in my life..
Are you high? Kill Bill is awesome. The ENTIRE movie.
Trying to feed....There's a glass on top of the mother fucking piano bitch, it's a tip glass, put some money in that bitch! And get the fuck on.haha that's some funny stuff.
anyway, i read it all again.. but then thruout it im thinking "oh im gunna comment on that" but u write so much that u kno what? fuck it,
good entry basically lol OH I REMEMBER ONE! the 2 guys linking arms and skipping and the security seeing em > priceless. id write more but im about 2 get cut off
M-Rus :P
ud buy tampons but not condoms.
u sicko!
while your tvs change stations
scroll messages
victims and christians both drinking blood
and they pray for the destruction of all hatred
more often just those with hate for us
You have me to talk to. ^-^, And it doesn't matter that your only half-Japanese, because you're still cute!
Cutting yourself is bad, you shouldn't do it, even if it is only for amusement.
i hav no clue wat u said about that less than symbol but its ok ill smile and nod.
is deanna ur lover?
-rock on-
Yay! now i have TWO friends (i am so sad haha)
Had a look at the RvB thing. havent heard of that stuff. Has that got anything to do with Halo? I like Halo.
Can I launch firecrackers at you? It will sooo be a most excellent stunt for our stunt vid.
You never know... who knows what firecrackers might be shot at you... it might be roman candles, it might be a super big missle... who knows... lol, just kidding.