Justine, I'm updating now. Happy?
Probably not, but whatever.
Let's start with a very important question:
If I die. Would you be sad?
If you say yes, then you're a freak. The only person who reads this who's ever met me in real life is Val. And she only met met twice.
Oh, I called Mike and Tido once too. All I really did was giggle though.
I got in trouble too. "I'm calling my friend in Quebec" eh Mike. XD
So anyway, if you're one of the freaks who said yes, then what if I left you a million bucks. (I'm a freak too, in that I would leave some random kid I met on the internet, a million bucks.)
Would you still be sad?
Would you be sad that some random kid on the internet, who's diary you read a few times, has gone and died, but left you a million bucks?
If you still say yes, you're an idiot.

That's...Just...Wrong on so many levels.
Idiotic little...
Even if you don't watch the Naruto anime, or even if you don't know what the hell Naruto is, SIGN THIS
It just takes two seconds, plllleeeaaassseeee. If you're one of those freaks who would be sad if I die, then sign it! I'll die if they ever air it in America.
Also, while you're at it, sign the
penguin petition. Dani already admited that a penguin is a bird, but hey, it's always fun to pwn her more.

If you do know Naruto, then watch this:
I've already run out of stuff to talk about.
Oh! Remember that math test I bombed like...A month ago? I got 42% on it! w00t, I thought I got like 5% or something.
(Yes, I'm still going on about that Val =P)
Ummm...Hmm...What else.
Oh, well, my compuer is back up and running.
I barely lost anyting. w00t for dos.
Kinda sucks though. I went through...Wow, only 5 days of hell, and I didn't get a new motherboard. v_v
Man, it seems like its' been 3 weeks since my computer first crashed. Damn.
Actualy, I got it up and running back on Friday. I stayed up all night fixing it, then I went to bed at like 6.
Then, my mom woke me up at 10 to help clean up the house, becaues my little brother was having his 7th birthday party today. So I helped 'till 11, then I went back to bed.
I slept through most of his party. I woke up around 3:00 with a bunch of younger kids running around in my room.
"Get the fuck away from my computer!"...Is what I wanted to scream at them.
Instead I rolled over, put on my headphones (I fall asleep listeing ot music) and turn on my music, and fall back asleep.
I wake up half an hour later, and roll out of bed.
The party is now over.
So I walk upstairs, scare a few kids who havn't left yet, and walk into the kitchen.
I walked right up to the cupcakes, took the icing, took all the toppings, and ate my breakfast.
I then drank 6 litres of pop.
Holy crap eh.
So I worked more on my computer until 11. I was tired then. I went to bed.
I woke up four hours later.
I tried to fall asleep again, but I couldn't.
I lay there for about an hour listening to rap.
Take some BIG and some 'pac, 'n' you mix 'em up in a pot.
Sprinkle a little Big L on top.
What the fuck do you got?
You got the realist and illist killas tied up in a knot
It's like a fight to the top
Just to see who died for the spot
You put your life in this
Nothing like survivin' a shot |
Sorry, it's been a long time since I've heard that line.
Anyway, yeah, around 4 I just gave up trying to get back to sleep, and watched anime 'till 7. I had so much to catch up on. Still do.
Then I went to church early with my mom, who had to go early 'cause she was one of the singers.
Man, everyone thinks I'm such a freakin' nerd 'cause I bring math to do every sunday.
And they never get tired of stealing my graphing calculator and trying to figure it out -_-
Oh, and can't forget Crystal: (To her friends) "He doesn't get mad, watch! *pulls my hear* *smacks me in the head* *kicks me in the shin*"
I just smile at her, and go back to my math.
I don't really get mad, just anoyed."Leave me alone with my math!"
Did I ever mention how hard it is to have a conversation with me?
I don't TRY to make it hard. It just is.
First, I sort of ignore you, because I know you've learned from past experience that it's better not to even try to talk to me. Then, if you do decide to talk, I sit there, smile, say cool, laugh, and answer quesitons.
If you've ever talked to me on msn, you know what I mean.
"You're like a robot who only says 'lol' and 'cya'"
I have nothing to add to the conversation.
So anyway, yeah, nothing really happened at church.
I do the overheads for worship (Where you display the lyrics on the big screen) and sometimes the lead singer goes off singing his own little part of the song, and I don't know these songs very well, so I go berzerk trying to find what verse he's singing and stuff.
I'm starting to notice when he's doing impromptu, and when he's not, and when he wants me to use a spell checker.
So now I just sit there at the back and glare at the singer.
A lot of people look back at me like "Where's the lyrics bub?!"
I just sit there and glare at the singer.
They'll get the idea.
Ummm....It's snowing tonight.
I get to shovel people's driveways tonight at 3. =)
"Only you can say that and mean it."
It's really enjoyable. Usualy.
Hmmm....Ya' know what's really embaresing?
Having your mom walk around telling everyone you got a virus.
"You don't have any friends. -_-"
"Yeah, 'cause you're making them all think I'm a n00b!"
Okay, I havn't had anything good to eat in a day or two.
I've been living off cupcakes, pop, and assorted packs of candy.
And right now I'm eating icing. A whole pack...Er...Bucket...Or...Tub...Or...Jar...
What do you call these things that icing comes in?
I don't know, and neither do you.
...OH! OH! How many of you want to see me!
k, this was a once-in-a-lifetime-thing.
Because I'm probalby going to die or something before I'm legal drinking age.
And we all know I don't break the law =)
k, well, anyway, this is me trying to keep a straight face, while attempting to imitiate:

Mike gave it to Krizel. And Krizel wrote on it, and made it her sig on my forums. XD
Laugh it up bitches
Wow, only 39 days until Deanna goes back to work.
Edit - 02/21/05-----------------------------
Okay guy, just a little update here. Not enough for a whole new entry...
Even if it was, I like to leave these things up for a few days because
1) It takes a while to write them, and I don't want to waste away every evening writing them.
2) It takes a few minutes for people to read these, so they put them off for a while. And I really really really want them to laugh at my picture.
4) I don't lie.
Only Mike and Krizel would understand #4.
Anyway, I didn't get to shovel last night. My mom caught me at like 3, attempting to sneak outside with the shovel.
"Don't! It's still snowing. You can use the snowblower in the morning." (You can't really start up a snowblower in the middle of the night...
1. It's illigal
2. I can't spell illegal
3. The neighbors will snow snowballs at you from the window. (Only in Canada baby XD))
So anyway, I de-dressed myself, and went to bed.
My dad woke me up three hours later by dumping his waterbottle on my bed.
Do you know how uncomfertable it is to sleep with a wet comforter, and pillow?
He didn't get any on the sheets though, 'cause he doesn't want a water stained mattress.
So anyway, I went out, and started up the snowblower at 6. (It's illegal to start up a lawn mower before 9, but hey, this is Canada, the snowblower is basicaly your lawnmower. So I'm assuming it's illegal to start it up before 9 also)
No one seemed to mind, as pretty much someone from every fourth house on the street was out shoveling/snowblowing also.
So I mozy on down to the first house I'm being paid to blow out. (I get paid 200 bucks/season/driveway, to clear it before 7:00)
After that house was done, I move on to the other one.
Once that was done, I went back to our driveway, and did ours. (My dad works at home, and my mom only has a part time job, so it doesn't matter when ours is cleared.)
Oh man, I got one of the biggest scares of my life (Well, not really...There's lots of scarier things...Like surfing crack sites and all of the sudden your hard drive starts hammering away.)
The snowblower was going along (It pulls itself along, I don't push. Yay for semi-deluxe-model-sales-at-Canadia-tire) and I'm goign along beside the car, when the edge of the snowblower hits the...The...What's it called...The strip of rubber on the side of the car.
Anyway, it hits it, and the car bounces up, and snowblower does a wheelie, and I screamed.
(I have really slow reactions. It took me about half a second to think to let go of the "move forward" lever. Half a second is longer than it sounds =P)
So yeah, no damage done, but it scared the hell out of me.
It no, it wasn't a girly scream.
*shifty eyes*
Anyway, then I went back to bed, and my mom let me sleep in 'till 11! =O
She's been letting me sleep in a lot lately.
Then at 1, we left to go to gymday which is...Blah, every monday I have to explain it.
I think I should like, create an FAQ page that I can refer people to whenever they read my diary.
Like what a hecate 2 is, and stuff.
So anyway, today was the teaching week (we alternate every week, one monday it's sport, next teaching, next it's sports again, next it's teaching again, etc) and they taught about the middle east.
Most of it I already knew, but it was still cool.
I love learning about politics and reasons why people started wars and stuff.
Most of it was about Isreal, and how it's gotten pwned by one country after another.
--I just wrote a big long explanation thing about the people of Isreal, and the Palestinians, but it made no sense, so I deleted it.
Anyway, what it was leading up to, was imagine being Yasser Arafat. You're
this close to peace with Isreal, then someone goes and blows up a bus, and Isreal is like "Fuck you!" and the peace dies.
It's kind of Yasser's fault for setting a bad example in the first place, but still, if I was him, and if I was still alive, and if I ever found the guy who ordered that act of terror, I'd rip his fucking head off.
And it's happened so many times, and...and...
yeah, it's really sad.
I could bable on about this kind of stuff for hours, but I have math to get back to.
There was something else I was going to put, but I've forgoten it.
Oh well.
Oh, and it's packing snow outside.
15 cm of packing snow biotch!
End Edit-----------------------------
oh yeah. i ran the whole four minutes.
Didn't read your entry yet. Just responding to my comments.
x3 Alanna
I don't know what that last comment was about but I figure that Rob just got pwned, so HA! Anyways, I can just picture you with this girly little scream, then passing out in the snowbank, and your dad shoveling snow on you to wake you up like three hours later, and you wake up giggling. Yup, that's how I see it. XD
azn gamers cheat.
anyways. yeah you should check out that book, its sweet.
woah there are some fucking retarded laws in Candia. I have family in Candia. We're from Winnipeg. Winnepeg. However you spell it. =/. I cant remember what the rest of your comment said soo Im gonna go. ^_^. Bye!!!!
feel free to gut your goose at the beep
Tornados are flippin scary when you live in Southern California
Which is usually always sunny
Deathly sunny
Which I usually hate
Today was super though
It rained & was sunny
So I was happy
I went outside for like...20 seconds.
**score 1 for the justinemiester*
Im so fucking bored.
Do you have AIM?
I think that Pei Mei story rocks... lol.
I'M RANTING!!!! :)
x3 Alanna
i got windows messenger just for you
now you have to get aim just for me
::hugs for robbie::
anyways ill read more when im off the phone with my love. ^_^
I reformatted your mom. XD
Uhh, yeah. I can't wait to throw garbage at you too, that'll be fun. Gotta get the uhh....what are those things called...it's early.....FIREWORKS there. yeah. Anyways, 0720 hrs. Going back to bed.
No, Id probably just be like wow, I knew that guy.
You know I'm so dense, I thought Hecate 2 or whatever was a video game I didn't know about... I was wondeinrg what you were talking about... But its paintball. You learn something new everyday!
Love you,
=). You resemble my friend Stuart. Do you juggle? he does. Anyway, my head hurts. That's so weird though, the first time I read your entry, I was gonna say, "Woah, I just got done listening to Tupac!" (my mom loves him. she goes so far as to think that he's not dead, he's living on some uncharted island near fiji sipping martinis with elvis. O_0.=. Anyway fine fine Ill write an entry. Simply for you, though
Hah, I always wonder what you'd look like. hahahhahahahahahha!....
Kay its out of my system.
I always thought you'd look different.
You learn something new everyday. :)
Much love,