Listening to: Rage Against the Machine - War Within a Breath
Feeling: accomplished
As of August 24th, Miranda and I are going out.
I'm dumb, and couldn't wait until September 1st, which is an easier anniversary for me to remember. >:(
So this is to remind myself. ^_^
And I do need underwear; I'm just waiting to get them back. :(
Come to think of it though, Borneo might suit you well, as the natives have not yet heard of underwear.
Oh yeah, I know you used to play the piano! I did too! And I don't know how far we've gotten into that conversation, but I was halfway through learning my grade 8 stuff 2.5 years ago, and (finally) decided to quit. Heh...
You could do short blogs? :(
Oh yes, we'd be great with our band. You on drums and me on...everything else? haha. You should sing to make life easier. Or like, learn to play the harp or something. Heyyy, wouldn't this world tour be kinda like that youtube thing they had years ago?
I don't really get what you mean with the edit thing...but yay! I can type long-ass comments here too now! And speaking of long-ass comments, you still gonna write long-ass entries here? I missessss themmmmmmmmmmmm
but anyways
like you
common emo kid and get on aim once in awhile