Writing began: 11:00pm
Completed writing: 5:00am
Words: 6,200
Average reading time (At 250 words/minute):25 minutes.
Time how long it REALLY takes you to read this entry. Like, use a stop watch or something. I want to know how long it really takes you people to read it. =P
400 fuckin' comments on my previous entry.
I think it's time for a new one, don't you?
I do.
This is going to be an uber-fucking-short entry. (Aw, I'm gonna miss random people going "Holy shit dude, you write long entries")
Justine assured me that writing a short entry wouldn't mean the end of the world.
However, that's the funny thing about regreting stuff. You don't regret it, until after it's done.--Now hurry up and shoot me!
--Er, I mean, yeah...I'm gonna write a quick entry. I think I'm just gonna fill most of it up with quizes.
*inocent look* I have nothing to talk about...*Rocks back and forth on feet*...*peaks at list of stuff to write about*
Holy shit man. This list is so old. Most of it is on CURRENT events in MY life. (Three more days, and it's been a month since I last wrote an entry)
Let's see, quick updates:
-Deanna didn't go back to her baby sitting job. Which means no msn.
-Deanna got the computer. She's not alowed to instal a fucking modem.
-There is no sitD account called "emo".
-I finnished coding my site. (It's of no use to any of you sit diaryans. Unless you want to use it to blog. But sitD is much better for that.)
-White chocolate is not chocolate, because it doesn't contain cacao beans.
-Deanna's cousin's girlfriend thinks I'm a loser. =) |
Enough listing. I don't like making lists. Lists are for n00bs who have better things to do.
It's complaining time.
*puts on sunglasses as the camera zooms in on me*
*Slides into trench coat*
*Puts on leather gloves*
*Straps a
HecateII to back*
*grabs black briefcase*
*climbs to the top of a building*
*runs along the rooftops*
*trips because it's night time, and I'm wearing sunglasses*
*shrugs and sits down*
*opens up briefcase*
*pulls out laptop*
Okay, here goes.
Piano sucks.
Yup. That's that.
But seriously. I'm in grd 8 piano. And I have yet to find one good use for it.
When is it going to help me in life?
-You're fired. Unless you can play this song.
-I'm giving you a raise! If you can play this song.
-Okay, we'll let you out of jail. If you can play this song.
-Your car just crashed. The only way we can get you to the hospital before you die, is if you can play this song.
-Here's a Hecate II for playing that song.
-Playing this song will create a 1-line physics code. |
Hell, it's not even fucking entertaining!
"The guests are bored Robbie. Go play Waltz in a minor."
It has no future applicatoins. "Oh, but you might want to use it in the future."
So? The odds that I'll want to know how to code in JAVA in the future are WAY fucking higher. And it has far more potential than...Being able to play a minuet.
My online school is the only school I've ever seen that actualy teaches anything useful about computers. Namely, programming.
Seriously, it's not too hard to use Powerpoint. I figured out, and made a slideshow in 5 minutes.
Now, aparently, in schools, hey give you FUCKING EXAMS on powerpoint.
We've spent a whole semester teaching you how to use Microsoft products. I think you're read for your final exam. |
That's the equivilant of saying:
Congratulations Mr Toyota! You're 40 years old now! We'll just give you your "walk from that wall to this wall" test, and then you graduate from this day care! ^_^ |
I'll bet he fuckin' kids don't even learn binary! BINARY! If they're not gonna be taught how the cpu works together with the ram, they should at least know how the fuck it interprets stuff.
Educators these days. Geez. Need to get their priorities straight.
Oh, do you guys like my new "sorta quote" boxes?
*shrugs* my non-artistic mind likes it.
Nice and bland.
Hey, Dani decided to read my diary. w00t...Sorta.
"Hey, I'm mentioned here."
"Uhh...Erm...Look! A hott guy!"
I saved some really old convos with her, planning to put them up here. But like I said, this list of stuff to write about is a month old.
She claims to have figured out why she hates me:
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: THIS is why I started hating you
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: you got scaaaaaaary
Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a peophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."}: :O
Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a peophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."}: You hate me 'cause I'm scary?!
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: xD
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: you scare me
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: lol
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: so naturally my defenses go up
Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a peophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."}: :O *glares*
Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a peophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."}: How do I scare you?
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: um....lets see
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: you like blood
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: o_o
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: your blood is GREEN
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: you hate the sun
Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a peophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."}: lmao
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: you laugh at weird times o_o
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: um.....you NEVER leave your house
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: well sometimes you do :P
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: but you HATE goung OUT
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: you HATE ppl
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: so um yah
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: its scary
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: lol
Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a pedophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."}: lol
(a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: not to mention your just a dork and its fun to make fun of you
Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a pedophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."} says:So...If I start liking the sun, start going out, change my blood colour, and hate my blood, you'll go out with me? |
She said no.
But later on...
Angel-Chica- Pucci's in ((hurting Robbie is getting old )) HOTT GUY FOR TODAY: Orlando Bloom (NOT broom Robbie -_-) says:
thanks to you Robbie, I've finally figured out my type
Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a pedophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."} says:
Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a pedophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."} says:
What is your type?
Angel-Chica- Pucci's in ((hurting Robbie is getting old )) HOTT GUY FOR TODAY: Orlando Bloom (NOT broom Robbie -_-) says:
like you, only not scary, out going, likes the sun and hates blood |
I was going somewhere with all this, but this is supposed to be a short entyr, and it's already 1:40am. I need to get some work done soon.
Image time.
My MSN avatar:
By clicking this link, I admit that Robbie is cooler than me.
If I had a dollar for every person who's called me a freak/pervert...
You probably think it's pr0n.
You're not going to click the link are you?
Fine then. Here.

Notice the blood there?
My nose bleeds a LOT.
One time I had my brother's webcam hooked up, 'cause I was taking pics of bloody drawings I was doing that night. I left it hooked up for the following day.
Mikey (I'm just calling you that to piss of Alanna...Even though she's never gonna read this Mike. =P) got online, and we were talking. Every time My nose bleed like three times that day while I was talking to Mike. (Oh Mikey. You turn me on baby!...Damnit, I really want to show this to Alanna.) Every time I would turn on the webcam.
"omfg, again! are you picking your nose?"
In short. I bleed a lot.
I also draw/write in blood a lot.
Blood is just as good as ink. Except for the whole bacteria growing on it thing...
However, it's like Milk. You can leave it out for a few days, before it gets really gross.
Now then, you know that joke about how it's cheaper just to buy a new fucking printer, rather than an ink catridge?
Ink cartridges are fucking expensive.
Blood is fucking free.
See where I'm going with this?
Something that REALLY FUCKING PISSES ME OFF, is when people print off some quick little thing, that they throw away after a few minutes.
Oh, but reading from the computer monitor is bad for you, and the radiation can kill you. |
Whoopdy fucking do. So can using the fucking microwave.
However, if everyone thought like I do, it'd take you a couple years to use a $70 ink cartridge.
But nooo, you dumbasses go through an ink cartidge every few months, with your fucking temporary printing.
Now here's something that I'm sure I can get green peace to do some...March through a city or something...for.
Every time you print off some tiny e-mail or something, you have to somehow get some blood out of your body (Probably through a needle), and put it in an ink cartridge, and use that blood to print your fucking documents.
Green peace will love it. Do you know how many trees will be saved by people who are scared of blood/have AIDs, and arn't alowed to use their blood.
So yeah, aside from spreading diseases, I think this system would work. So long as you get rid of the paper with the blood on it fairly quickly.
k, some of you know, most of you don't (Basicaly, if you're not
Mike, you won't know) that Mike wants to head over to BC this summer to see Alanna.
And I want to come, and play around with an automatic weapon in a confined space.
aka, press random switches and triggers on an MP5 in the car.
But yeah, if we do manage to go, we've got all this stuff planned.
Go here:
http://diaries.suchisthis.com/mikyyyy/?cmd=view_entry&eid=43, and scroll down to the bottom, where you see the picture of the truck, and the missles. (Edit: Actualy, just scroll down a little, I added it to my entry)
Then read what's under it. (If you can read this entry, you can read the four tiny paragraphs that Mike wrote.
I told
Jen to read that part a while ago.
uz r planning to bomb ppls cars? |
Not to be mean or anything to Jen. We both just found that insanely funny.
k, here's how it works. The missles are balloons. You strap them to the back of your car, and drive along, and it looks like you're getting chassed by missles.
Actualy, you people probably arn't going to view Mike's entry. So I'll just copy the important part over:
And not to take away from my purty girl, but:
This is what me and Rob [firestormx] [If I ever mention 'Rob' then it's him, unless I specifically say otherwise =D. lol] plan to do during the summer:
This first paragraph is derived from the plan of giving one of the missles to a homeless person and giving him ten bucks to run down the street with it strapped to him.
"I can just imagine, we're driving alone in the car slowly, with a vid camera, taping it.
And the missle is strapped to the guy's belt.
And the missle gets stuck on a sign or something, and the guy is running and screaming, and he suddenly gets flung back, and the car + camera keep going for a few feet.
Just like a cartoon.
Let's put lead in the tips of the missles, and give the missles like, wings or something so they stay up when they're flying behind the car.
Then, someone's driving beside us, and they see a stop sign coming up.
So we stop, and the missles go flying into the back of the car.
Let's buy sugar glass, and replace the backwindow with it."
Ok so needless to say we're gonna have a FUCKING SUPER FUN SUMMER, if we don't get arrested. XD |
I should seriously make a list of all the stuff we want to do this summer. You'll laugh your ass off reading it.
Hmmm, notice how at the begining of the quote, it says "Not to take away from my purty girl"? He had an image of Alanna right before that quote.
Now, he writes fuckin' short entries.
I write thousands and thousands of words on Deanna. Mike comes along and posts one picture of "his girl" (possesive freak) A word is 8 bytes. His image is 9784 bytes. 1223 words. In one quick little image.
Cheap little bastard.
No sirre, there is no point in this paragraph. Just felt like saying that.
Moving on to the sell-out portion of my entry:
Sorry, no one has asked me to sell-out. =(
If someone asked me to, I would.
Moving on to the advertising my own product portion of my entry:

Who knows. There might be someone out there who can code in GML, and is looking for hosting.
If you don't know wtf I'm talking about, don't bother clicking the banner.
For my site - Actualy, me and my friend's site, but we both agree to just say it's "My site", whenever we're talking about it to someone else. (By "my site", I mean we both say "My site", not "Robbie's site") I coded it all, but he designed it/did the other half of the non-coding work.
Anyway, for the site, we want to have google ads (Not now, but if the site gets big, we'll incorperate google ads into the layout).
Now, we're getting the hosting for free.
Check check check it out.
Fuckin' amazing eh?
Well, we don't get all of it for free. My friend's friend runs a buisness off of that server. He gave us something like 20 gigs of space, and...I forget how much bandwidth. But a hell of a fucking lot.
So anyway, we're getting all that for free. Why would we want ads?
Well, if there's one thing I've learned from
Scott, is that php is fucking sexy.
Another thing I've learned, is that a website WILL GENERATE MONEY.
I see no reason to let this opirtunity go to waste.
But Robbie! You're already a rich and sucessful buisness man, who can buy any country, pay for any speeding tickets you get from driving your hundreds of Lamborginis, and can get any girl he wants. Why would you need more money? |
Well, I don't.
However, I've always wanted to sponsor some kid in Africa. (Wow I sound snobby and racist)
It's really cheap to sponsor someone. A while back, I wrote about the price of Baby Bottle Pops (I think I copied that into a more recent entry too)
I ended with "And so in conculusion, move to Africa, where you can live for two days, for the price of ONE overpriced candy".
Well. the reason people don't donate to charity, is because it's too much of a hastle. Think about it. 30 bucks/month isn't too much money to loose right? $360/year. Not much eh.
A lot of the people who read my diary, are
They should also have a job.
For example *picks random person*
Brooke. If you boss asked, would you let him/her take off 30 dollars from your paycheck, and send it to charity?
I'll be you would.
If World Vision could get some program like that going, where companies can have something like that set up, they wouldn't need so many informecials.
So yeah, if you ever start your own buisness, I would sugest you impliment something like that.
A lot of people say they want to give to charity. Well, this is probably the easiest way they could do it.
Back to my site. If those same people want to help donate to charity, all they have to do is click the google ad. The money will accumulate, and at the end of the month, the kid gets fed. =)
Wow. I'm done my "writing" part of my entry.
And I'm only at 3,000 words.
Brooke just left me a comment:
Just to agrivate her, I'm going to keep writing this entry for a while.
And just to agrivate
Alanna (not Mike's Alanna) I'm going to write about Deanna! *gasp*
Wait, no, I'mma c+p two really fucked up dreams I had, that I told Mike about:
[02:41:29 PM] Me: omfg, I just remembered a dream I had last night.
[02:42:33 PM] Me: It was a futurisitc iceage, and you and me were living in my garage-turned igloo. And out on my lawn, my neighbors were living in their igloo. (They have like 3 girls, and 3 boys. But in this dream, it was just the oldest girl, and one of the boys, and her mom, and two floating killer robots)
[02:42:44 PM] Me: And it was like a movie.
[02:43:15 PM] Me: As the plot developed, we found out that my neighbor's daughter liked me, but naturaly her mom hated me, and kept sending her killer robots to keep us in our igloo.
[02:43:26 PM] Me: I kept making breaks for my neighbor's igloo though. I got through most of the time.
[02:43:38 PM] Me: But sometimes I got shreded by the killer robots.
[02:43:52 PM] Me: I would always wake up back in the igloo, perfectly fine.
[02:44:47 PM] Me: So anyway, the dream ended just like a movie, where my neighbors moved, and I ran after them, and got pwned by their robots, and I just lay there in my blood soaked snow, and the camera goes up into the sky, focused on my mutilated body, and you can see the neighbors just walking away.
[02:44:51 PM] Me: Then I woke up.
[02:44:57 PM] Me: That was one hell of a fucked up dream.
[02:45:51 PM] Mike: orgjk aldfg
[02:45:51 PM] Mike: LMFAOL
[02:45:54 PM] Mike: -L
[02:46:40 PM] Me: It was such a sad movie. :(
[02:46:45 PM] Mike: rofl
[02:46:49 PM] Mike: what did i do?
[02:46:53 PM] Mike: just sit in the igloo the whole time?
[02:47:15 PM] Me: lol, no, you and me kept making new plots to get me to the neighbor's igloo.
[02:47:17 PM] Mike: me being the tactical ops guru could have helped you pwn the robots and get the girl XD
[02:47:32 PM] Me: rofl
[02:47:34 PM] Mike: lol
[02:47:35 PM] Me: You were no help.
[02:47:44 PM] Me: You provided the slapstick comedy to the movie.
[02:47:48 PM] Mike: "Walk like a polar bear, they won't see you"
[02:47:49 PM] Me: Well, your plans did anyway.
[02:47:49 PM] Mike: YES
[02:47:51 PM] Me: roflmfao
[02:47:52 PM] Mike: XD
[02:48:34 PM] Me: "k, we climb up to the top of the roof with these skiis, then I just push you down, and you should slide right past the robots."
[02:48:49 PM] Me: I got clotheslined half way down the roof. |
I want to help people write scripts. I suck at writing stories and stuff. But if someone writes a script, I could go through it, and add in comical stuff. I can think up stuff like that in my sleep.
Such as dressing up as Mike, so the attack robots attack Mike, instead of me.
That made no sense.
But it worked in my dream. Mike got mutilated, while I made a break for my neighbor's igloo. XD
Dream 2:
[06:31:36 AM] Me: OMFG
[06:31:37 AM] Mike: :O!
[06:31:38 AM] Mike: lol
[06:31:44 AM] Mike: tell me tell me
[06:32:51 AM] Me: k, there was this vault at the top of my friend's house, which had somehow become some big office building.
And at the top, was this tiny little vault, with a massive door that you haev to open, step into, close the door, and right in front of you, is the tiny little vault. But the room you step into, is like 2 feet by 2 feet.
Andt he big heavy metal door closes behind you.
[06:33:02 AM] Me: So I went up to steal whatever was in the tiny vault, I forget what it was.
[06:33:09 AM] Me: And I got all claustriphobic when the door closed.
[06:34:26 AM] Me: So I'm like, twitching, and sweating, when I finally get the little safe thingy open. Then I open the safe door, and there's a timer there. So I'm like FUCK FUCK FUCK! (I didn't know what the timer did, but I figured it was a bomb or something, so I'm spazing out, trying to get the big vault door open, in 30 seconds.
[06:34:50 AM] Me: Then I turn around, and the timer stopped, and the screen showing the numbers opened up, and there was a jewel or soemthing there.
[06:35:30 AM] Me: So I grab it, open the door, and run down the stairs. On my way down, I jump over an cartoon-looking police officer, and a girl.
[06:35:38 AM] Me: They were drawn disney style.
[06:35:44 AM] Me: It didn't seem weird at the time.
[06:35:53 AM] Me: But it was a fucking cop. ANd I had just stolen a diamond.
[06:36:29 AM] Me: So I ran like fuck, all the way down a path, until I got to some bush, which I had spent a lot of time digging up in...A previous dream. ^o)
[06:36:50 AM] Me: I had also shot a cop who had tried to come and get me to stop digging it up in the previous dream, so the dead cop was there too.
[06:37:15 AM] Me: k, there was this vault at the top of my friend's house, which had somehow become some big office building.
And at the top, was this tiny little vault, with a massive door that you haev to open, step into, close the door, and right in front of you, is the tiny little vault. But the room you step into, is like 2 feet by 2 feet.
And the big heavy metal door closes behind you.
[06:37:15 AM] Me: So I went up to steal whatever was in the tiny vault, I forget what it was
[06:37:15 AM] Me: And I got all claustriphobic when the door closed.
[06:37:34 AM] Me: But anyway, I got there, and I had a TV there.
So I turn it on, and there's a comercial for a new TV show called "Bruce Almighty."
And on that show, was that black girl who was with the cop.
Mike has signed out.
Mike has signed in.
[06:38:20 AM] Mike: sorry
[06:38:22 AM] Mike: what did you say?
[06:38:35 AM] Me: restarting:
[06:38:37 AM] Me: lol
[06:38:37 AM] Me: k, there was this vault at the top of my friend's house, which had somehow become some big office building.
And at the top, was this tiny little vault, with a massive door that you haev to open, step into, close the door, and right in front of you, is the tiny little vault. But the room you step into, is like 2 feet by 2 feet.
Andt he big heavy metal door closes behind you.
[06:38:48 AM] Me: So I went up to steal whatever was in the tiny vault, I forget what it was.
[06:38:49 AM] Me: And I got all claustriphobic when the door closed.
[06:38:54 AM] Me: So I'm like, twitching, and sweating, when I finally get the little safe thingy open. Then I open the safe door, and there's a timer there. So I'm like FUCK FUCK FUCK! (I didn't know what the timer did, but I figured it was a bomb or something, so I'm spazing out, trying to get the big vault door open, in 30 seconds.
[06:39:04 AM] Me: Then I turn around, and the timer stopped, and the screen showing the numbers opened up, and there was a jewel or soemthing there.
[06:39:16 AM] Me: So I grab it, open the door, and run down the stairs. On my way down, I jump over an cartoon-looking police officer, and a girl. (They were drawn disney style)
[06:39:26 AM] Me: It didn't seem weird at the time.
[06:39:34 AM] Me: But it was a fucking cop. ANd I had just stolen a diamond.
[06:39:35 AM] Mike: lmfao
[06:39:47 AM] Me: So I ran like fuck, all the way down a path, until I got to some bush, which I had spent a lot of time digging up in...A previous dream. ^o)
Me: says:
I had also shot a cop who had tried to come and get me to stop digging it up in the previous dream, so the dead cop was there too.
[06:39:57 AM] Me: But anyway, I got there, and I had a TV there.
So I turn it on, and there's a comercial for a new TV show called "Bruce Almighty."
And on that show, was that black girl who was with the cop.
[06:39:59 AM] Mike: everything's all like totally real, all of the sudden you see popeye standing there in a cop uniform with ms. betty
[06:40:07 AM] Me: roflmao
[06:40:10 AM] Mike: XD
[06:40:16 AM] Me: k, now to finnish the dream.
[06:40:35 AM] Mike: black girl
[06:40:36 AM] Mike: rofl
[06:40:37 AM] Me: "Bruce Almighty. The girl who can stop crime with a snap of her fingers."
[06:40:49 AM] Me: Even in my dreams, I suck at making comerical slogan thingies.
[06:40:57 AM] Mike: XD
[06:41:09 AM] Me: Then I look out through some branches of my bush, and see her go running by, looking for me.
[06:41:12 AM] Mike: lmao
[06:41:13 AM] Mike: dude
[06:41:13 AM] Mike: omfg
[06:41:14 AM] Mike: k
[06:41:15 AM] Mike: wait
[06:41:15 AM] Me: She ran right by the dead cop.
[06:41:17 AM] Me: lol, k
[06:41:33 AM] Mike: i just saw a commercial for orange juice with HALF the calories and HALF the something or other.....
[06:41:55 AM] Me: Not in my twisted little druggy world.
[06:41:58 AM] Mike: yay
[06:42:09 AM] Mike: i want chocolate milk
[06:42:18 AM] Me: lmao
[06:42:32 AM] Me: k, the rest of the dream is kind of stupid.
[06:42:38 AM] Mike: tell me
[06:43:01 AM] Me: I got scared, and ran back into the building/friend's house, and put the diamond back.
[06:43:06 AM] Mike: omfg
[06:43:09 AM] Me: I stepped out of the vault, and I was naked.
[06:43:12 AM] Mike: LMAO
[06:43:19 AM] Me: And I sitll had the jewel.
[06:43:22 AM] Mike: you were showing off for the black girl
[06:43:24 AM] Me: (The one I stole)
[06:43:26 AM] Me: rofl
[06:43:29 AM] Mike: XD
[06:43:39 AM] Me: Aparently, I had gotten my clothes, and the jewel mixed up.
[06:43:49 AM] Mike: (huh)
[06:43:49 AM] Mike: XD
[06:44:24 AM] Me: And the cops/black girl (aka bruce) were coming up the stairs. So I jump over them on the stairs again, and get out on the road, and I just run like hell down the road.
[06:44:28 AM] Me: It was like a movie.
[06:44:43 AM] Me: A naked azn kid, running down the street, with a swarm of cops chasing.
[06:44:45 AM] Mike: you named a black girl Bruce
[06:45:02 AM] Mike: racist fuck
[06:45:03 AM] Mike: XD
[06:45:07 AM] Me: Yeah, they made a show called "Bruce almighty"
[06:45:11 AM] Mike: yeah
[06:45:13 AM] Mike: that was a movie
[06:45:16 AM] Me: And the black girl is bruce.
[06:45:23 AM] Mike: whaaaat
[06:45:25 AM] Me: Yeah. But in my dream, they mdae it into a show.
[06:45:30 AM] Mike: i don't remember that
[06:45:31 AM] Mike: anyways
[06:45:32 AM] Mike: lol
[06:45:46 AM] Me: And the black girl is a cop, "Who can stop crime with a snap of her fingers"
[06:45:55 AM] Mike: 8-)
[06:45:56 AM] Mike: lopl
[06:45:56 AM] Me: Yeah, was really fucked up.
[06:45:57 AM] Mike: lol
[06:45:58 AM] Mike: XD
[06:45:58 AM] Me: lol
[06:45:59 AM] Mike: no shit
[06:46:19 AM] Me: Anyway, I think I just kept running 'till I woke up.
[06:46:24 AM] Mike: lmao
[06:46:52 AM] Me: OH! OH! lmao, I was running down a highway, and some girl from sitD drove by and honked her horn. |
I was gonna edit it, and fix it all up...Make it make sense and all that good stuff...But meh. You probably just skipped it.
And I'm not gonna say who honked her horn. ;)
Okay, enough with my dreams. On to...Deanna! Yay!
Her dad is scary.
Sure he seems friendly and stuff, but when he was giving you "the I'm watching you" glare for a month, your kinda scared of him for life.
I don't think he hates me so much now, as when he first deemed me a bad influence, but he still scares me. I think he's trying to be nice and get to know me, and stuff. now. So that's cool. I guess.
Sometimes I'm just sitting there at church, doing my math, and he comes up to me, and sits down beside me, and we talk for about 30 seconds, then he gets bored of me, and leaves.
So anyway, our church uses a crappy-ass laptop to display stuff on the projector.
The pastor has a kick-ass-ish laptop.
He comes in with it this sunday, and asks if we can start using his computer for the overheads, instead of the craptop. So I set I instal the drivers and stuff for the projector real quick, and get it all set up and stuff.
So then I'm sitting there bored (I get to church about an hour and a half before the service actualy starts, to help set stuff up) so I start making a quick website for the hell of it.
So I'm sitting there obsorbed in making a DFC website, when suddenly Deanna's dad comes up behind me and tickles me.
"Boo! *Tickle*"
Yeah, I didn't actualy say that, But it still scared me shitless.
Then I'm really ticklish, so I pissed my pants laughing.
So in theory, I should be dead.
Hmm, two-three weeks ago, Deanna was at her friend's house. And they called my house.
So I ran upstairs and answered the phone.
Poor Mike and Kendy. I was in a multi convo with them, and I ran to get the phoen quickly, and it ended up going on for 45 mintues.
Poor Kendy. I know she likes me Mike. You saw the way she said "nighttttt", and held the "t", just to stay in the convo box with me. =P
btw, if you're Kendy's boyfriend, don't hurt me!
You know what they say about skater boys hurting geeks.
"A skater boy broke my head. I broke his board."
Then again...
"I broke a geek's head. He broke my board. I kicked his computer. He cried."
k, anywaaayyyyyy. The phone call was funny. Deanna was doing her friend's homework, and asking me the answer to random questions which I couldn't answer because I was upstairs in the kitchen, and not at my computer. So I couldn't ask google. Blah.
She tried to teach me to use a cordless phone, but after like 5 minutes, she concluded that the battery to the phone was dead.
psykopathalien just gave me my 500th comment! Holy shit.
Back to Deanna...
She had a ton of pants that didn't fit her anymore, so she was having her friend try them on. And she's making comments on how small her friend is, and stuff. (She's not someone who would say "Aww, I'm so fat.")
Then, that sunday, I gave her some chocolate bunny thingy (The sunday before was easter. But operation secretly-get-bunny-to-deanna had failed. So after some stratigic planning, the operation was a sucess the next sunday.) and she's like "Great, now I'm gonna have to give Andrea some more clothes. =P"
Anyway, the funniest part of the phonecall was when her friend came on and got all mad at me 'cause Deanna had to chew out one of her stalkers, and that I didn't do it for her.
That'd be funny to see.
Mike would tape it for sure.
Akiko would just sit there going "Rob. You're a morron. -.-;"
But yeah, remember that thingy: "A skater boy broke my head. I broke his board. He kicked my computer. I cried."
wtf would I say to the guy anyway? I couldn't be all jocky and be like "GET THE FUCK AWAY FORM MY GIRL YOU FAGGOT! I'MMA BEAT YOU SENSELESS!"
And I couldn't just sit him down and have a conversation with him. "Look, buddy...etc." "ha! Screw you."
So yeah...
Well...I'm fuckin' done. Now the easy/boring to read part. The quizes that no one cares about! Yay!
I would sugest skipping to the end, unless you're really realy bored, 'cause there's nothing of importance here.
Actualy, fuck the quizes. I'm too tired to come up with sarcastic answers.
I MIGHT come back and edit this thing....Maybe.I doubt it though.
OH, and a lot of you have been wondering why I havn't been updating.
Well, my online math teacher wants me to submit 2.5 months worth of math per month now.
SO, I don't have a day and a half to waste on doing nothing but writing long entries in here. (Yes, I once spent a day and a half straight writing in here. =P)
AND, it's not just any math. It's grd 12 calculus. (I'm in grd 9.) So that's not really helping.
Once school's over, I'll have lots of time to write in here.
Especialy if I go to the cottage. With no internet. Blah.
I'll sit in the basement 24/7 with a knife, and just write, and cut, and stare at walls. And if my parents go down to the beach or somehting, I'll probably do a fair bit of screaming too.
I'll get back from a week there, with a 100,000 word entry on jack shit. XD
Who knows. I might have some masterpiece drawn in blood to show you also. XD
Mmm, now that I have something to do in the summer, it's gonna pwn.
So anyways...I need something to count down now...Now that Val is 19, and Deanna didn't go back to her job, I have nothing left to count down.
I know! I'll count down how many assignments I have left before I'm done school.
Math: 9 assignments, two tests, final exam.
Computer Science: 12 assignments, final exam.
My two favorite subjects. And they're the two courses that are taking the longest to complete.
Anyway, I'm back to my old standard of 6,000 words.
I'd have more if I did the quizes...But meh. If there's not sarcastic answers, then there's no point in filling them out, 'cause no one wants to sit and read my normal answers.
Oh and um yes...he stole the car coz he felt like going driving
Neway i look hot so im goin out...Toodles huni
Yeah, Blindside, DP and Underoath are great bands, ive heard them, they just dont get played enough for me to post on my hit or shitlist =P
So, when IS math gonna be over? Seems like its gonna take you forever
Yeah atreyus pretty much the coolest thing to ever grace the face of this planet..or at least one of the coolest.
Im gonna add u to my friends.
Cause i am sweet.
I miss my robbie....
and wohoo! you read mine!
you left brainer, arrgghh! left brainers are math brainers, you're evil, leave them quiz makers alone, maybe they cant count! =P
im in grade 8 piano too, and i totally agree with the job thing, my mother keeps thinking having some grade 8 piano thing would look good on my job applications i guess..
but i failed like 2 grades before so myeah =P
lol. jk..
And it was about 2am I think, when I went to bed last night
That's a shit load of shit.
:( sorry about your nose.
why does it do that??
ha ha! :) meah, just kidding.
P.s. you cant visit me in BC ^^;
I shall paint loads of anti-math shit all over town and post them on my diary. Bwahahaha...=P
and you're right, i am old. i should have a life. and a job. so it's a good thing i do. though, i was told i was also a loser by my brother who read the videogame entry.
woo, go us
and yes my old diary name was the atreyu song.
one of my favorites, may i add..
Shopping is way better than maths....I went shopping just before actually...Not proper shopping just spur of the moment needed to buy clothes shopping....Heh I saw kellan to which made me happyful
Newho um the guy, stole his dads car and got caught...he like dusnt have a licence or anything coz hes 15...And i was tellin him how much shit he would get in if he got caught and wot happened he got caught so now