Anger Managment

Listening to: Dead Poetic - Molotov
Feeling: apologetic
During a 1991 trial, attorney Arlo Sommerviold of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, was representing a defendant charged with stealing hogs. After Sommervold put on a spirited defence, the jury ruled that the defendant was not guilty. Sommervold turned to shake hands with his client. But the client had an important question. He asked his lawyer, "Does this mean I can keep the hogs?"
Geography fucking sucks. Thus, I'm writing another patheticly small entry. I hope these tiny things don't become a daily habbit. Whatever. Anyway, I SHOULD be at gym day today. *sigh* As I've said in the past, we only go into the "gym" every other week. The rest of the time we meet in a room and have one of the parents teach something. Today was courtship ettiquete. My mom says I don't need it, thus she kept me home to do my school. And some people wonder why I have no self confidence. My own mother doesn't even think I can get a g/f v_v XD Nah. I'm behind in my school work. Anyway, I figure since I had planned to miss working on school this afternoon anyway, to go to gym day, I can sit here and write this, isntead of doing my geography. Although, right now we're learning about population demographyness. I love this stuff. If possible, you should become a doctor. All those baby boomers are going to need lots of doctors. Doctors will be in high demand. You'll get paid a lot. Which will help, when they raise taxs to pay for the pension plans of the Baby Boomers. ...That's what I've derived from my geography so far today. I still think it's pretty cool to know this stuff. As the army of baby boomers gets older, and retire, that'll open up tons of jobs. And us young people can take them. However, there's things like offshoring, and immigrants that factor into this whole "w00t, I don't need a degree to get a job, I'll just take some old person's place" plan. Just because there are less young people being born in Canada today, than there were back at the end of WWII, doesn't mean that people from other countries can't come and take the place of the people being born. And then, there's the whole "made in China" stuff. "I'm going to go into the wood working buisness!" Then, after you graduate at the top of your class in University, and you've learned to work a table saw blindfolded (You'll probably be a few fingers short) you find out that no one wants to hire someone to build them chairs, desks, or anything else like that in Canada, because you can get them made for 50 cents in China. So you've gone and spent like 16 years of your life learning how to work a table saw, and now you find out that no one needs you. Ain't that a kick in the head. If you do like wood working, you should find something that can only be done in Canada...Like an interior designer..ish person. I don't know what they're called, but if you go to a fancy restraunt, and there's like, a nice wooden overhanging, with all these nice carvings in the wall, and stuff...That's the kind of stuff you should do. You can't get that shipped over from China XD Fuck, I totaly forgot what I was talking about. k, whatever. It's personal life time! Yay! Last night I got to second base! Pfft, yeah right. Actualy, last night I just spent like 5 hours straight playing DDR. Then, I remembered my little brother had rented Splinter Cell, Pandora Tommorow. (I can spell Pandora, but not Tomorrow...) So I'm like "I want to go play splinter cell!" So I ran off to the store, and beat some old lady over the head with a calculator, to get the last copy of it from Zellers. I then realized that I didn't need to do that, as my little brother had rented the game. So I went back to the store, returned the game, apoligized to the old lady, and went out to go lay in the snow and think. (For some reason it tends to get slightly depresing laying out in your backyard in foot-deep snow, watching the snow fall.) I then came back inside, ran up to my brother's room, grabbed the game, and ran back down the stairs. Sadly, I tripped and fell down the stairs, cracking the disk in the process. So then I had to go back to the store, and beat the old lady again. But there was a cop there...How the fuck was I supposed to know that assaulting old ladies was punishable by law? So I then went to jail. However, following the three steps in the Sam Fisher book of sneaking out of jail, I got out. 1) I grabbed a passing guard through the bars, snapped his neck, took the keys, and let myself out. 2) I then hid the body, climbed up a pole, and slid along the roof of the jail, holding on to pipes, and randomly leaning back, and snapping an unsuspecting guard's neck. 3) I got to an open window, with a handy litle wire right above the window, for me to slide out of jail, and into the building beside me. I then proceeded to walk out the door of the building. When I got back, I simply duct taped the old broken cd. I then stuck the game in the playstation, and proceeded to play. Actualy, only the last sentance there was true. If I ever hit an old lady, she'd kick my ass fo' shizzle. Anyway, splintercell is fucking fun. But uber-fucking frustrating. I literaly had to tie the controler to my wrist, because I was whipping it at the couch, and I didn't want to accidently break it. I get frustrated with in-animate objects uber-easily. People I get mad at too sometimes, but it's a lot harder for me to get mad at them...And if I do get mad, I won't swear at them for 5 minutes, and whip them at the wall. Show me a programmer who's never broken a mouse from throwing at the wall, and I'll show you a bullet-proof mouse. Throwing things fucking pwns. Hitting you head on the wall fucking pwns. Running head first into a wall fucking pwns Punching stuff is bad. You could hurt your fingers. I grind my teeth in frustration a lot. Thus I chew a straw. Straws fucking pwn. They help save your teeth. If you're alone, screaming helps too. Screaming is fun. Stabbing things is fun. Just stab really lightly though. Otherwise you might hit your bone, and unless you're swinging at like 1000 km/h, the knife will probably hit the bone, and slide to the side, thus snapping more nerves and veins than you had originaly intended when you went into your blind rage. If your rage lasts for longer than 5 minutes, go out on your trampoline, in 30 below, and practise your flips. I'd be able to practise off my igloo, EXCEPT THAT IT FUCKING MELTED, AND HAS ONLY SNOWED POWDER SINCE! Fuck you sun.
Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by extreme social anxiety. People with this disorder often feel inadequate, avoid social situations, and seek out jobs with little contact with others. They are fearful of being rejected and worry about embarassing themselves in front of others. They exaggerate the potential difficulties of new situations to rationalize avoiding them. Often, they will create fantasy worlds to substitute for the real one. Unlike schizoid personality disorder, avoidant people yearn for social relations yet feel they are unable to obtain them. They are frequently depressed and have low self-confidence.
Edit 16:00----------------------------- Wow, statistics show it's been a week since Deanna's been on (When I introduced her to Mike...I blame Mike for this) Grrrr, I need to apoligize to her about Mike! I wanted to at church, but I went up to her, said hi, and she asked if I wanted to do the overheads at the laptop, and I said sure, so she got up and left, and I sat down. Fuck me.
Read 8 comments
Stupidness. I was stupid enough to go outside and shovel the snow without wearing gloves.

Yeah... go us! They outnumbered us 13 to 4 and we still won!
BTW: We didn't cheat. Only the french guy, ATN cheated.

Beating old ladies to get a video game? You're my hero.

HAHA! Yes! We have to do that too!
We've already putting firecrackers on someones skateboard at making them go off a set. I'm sure we could spare some firecrackers for that too.
Yeah, I could use a double for some of the more... dangerous stunts. You're hired!
Hell yeah dude! Just remember, if you die, its not our fault... :)
I took a bunch of pictures of Max.

Just because you made me feel like an ass haha.

And dont worry about the girlfriend.
Im sure she loves you.
And will remember anniversaries.
And not stab yo' ass :)

"It's personal life time! Yay!
Last night I got to second base."

Lmao. I thought you accually did..I just scroll down with my keyboard. Oh man. Funny stuff.

You make my day. But of course! Your Canadian!

<3 Alanna
now we just need pics of your switchblade-carrying woman and our lives can be complete :)

"patheticly small entry." Hahaha yes darlin small...:p
Lol..the normal ones must b lol...Big. Um nah just people wantin to me kill me (literally) that has made things "quite shit". And the song is Until the Day I Die-Story of the Year