Listening to: Static x - All In Wait
Feeling: blissful
Okay, well, the bruise has healed on my palm. (Thanks for the bandaid Ryoko ^_^)
So now I had to do something stupid since I have thumbs again! (yay for not being an animal with no thumbs)
Anyway, with my new-found thumbs I decided to cut up a chapstick tube, thingy. It was almost gone, and I don't want to waste it (Anyone who's cut up a chapstick tube knows that there's a little round thingy with extra chapstick in it)
So I grab it with my thumbs, whip out my knife, and place the blade to the back of the tube.
Then I push. Really really hard (Shut up, I'm a nerd...With a knife...I exercise my brain, not my muscles, and therefore will probably have heart failure in the near future)
Okay, well, you know how your parents always say "cut away from you", "don't put your hand there", "stop riding with no hands"? Well, I had my headphones on when my dad told me that.
So I pushed really really hard, and it wouldn't cut through, so I pushed harder, and the knife slipped, and I stabed my little finger.
I was like "Ow! Motherfucker! o0o0o, blood!"
And so, I've been blissfuly drawing stuff with the blood for the past 20 minutes.
It's really starting to burn...
Anyway, the point of this post is to tell you that I can use the spacebar, but I can't press "a" or the left shift. ctrl is kind of weird to press too.
Oh, and I'm going to gym day today (My homeschool group has gym day every monday...Just like skating. Today is basketball ^_^) sooo, if I don't write here ever again, it's because of that heart failure I was talking about earlier.
Either that or people are still mad at me from last week, when I yelled out "n00bs". (Not that I could do better, but they were taking like 5 minutes to figure out how to line up for a freethrow.)
Edit 12:39-----------------------------
Okay, I'm making a poster for geography of what ecozone I want to live in, in Canada. I chose the Arctic lowlands for the following reasons:
1) Cheap computer coolant.
2) Living near hydroelectric dams lessens the chance of electricity going out.
3) Lots of snow. 'cause snow pwns.
4) Fairly secluded.
5) You can go out and kill an animal, and eat it when you get frustrated, and not get in a whole lot of trouble.
What do you think? I'll pass this assignment right?
(Yeah, I'm homeschooled, but my mom doesn't teach me (anymore), I attend an online highschool, and just e-mail my teachers and stuff. So if I do bad, the goverment actualy finds out about it, and then I can't get into university, then I become some bum on the streets of Toronto. (The teachers have brainwashed me))
Edit 16:10-----------------------------
Yay! We owned the other team sooo badly!
Well, not really "we", more like everyone on our team but Deanna, Jessie, and Me.
k, me Deanna, and Jessie are all lazy, and suck at sports (Jessie and Deanna arn't...They just say they are =P) so we just sit there and hide from our team captains. Usualy we have more than 10, and less than 15 people on each team, and you can only have 5 people on the court each shift, so someone has to sit out a double shift. (I got mine to a record of 6)
Eventualy someone notices "Hey, you havn't played in a while, have you?"
Then we get forced in. Well, anyway, the team we were on won by like 300 points. So yay for them. I'll bet they're as glad I didn't play much as I am. There was a staple on the ground, so I went back into bliss *points to title*. I get so stupid when I'm bored -_-
Recap of the day:
-Was stupid and put my finger in the way of a knife.
-Made a geo poster about why I want to move to a more northernly province/territory. (The five reasons)
-Made my team win by not playing.
-Got bored and bled a while.
-Just ran over my toe with my wheelie chair.
Edit 8:10-----------------------------
Wow, I was sitting here, and it sudenly dawned on me, that you guys might want to see why my geography grades will sudenly drop.
I'm sooo going to fail this assignment =P
Since it's the ONLY school I did today, I guess I could have done something better...*shrugs* Oh well.

This will probably be the last year for the Devils, the rink we play at is closing end of the season and the new place isn't confirmed yet :(
A year without hockey? How will we cope?
Do you go to AMDEC?
Because I do, it sucks, and I'm trying to find other people who hate it so I can convince my parents it's shitty.