Nikki's on drugs

Listening to: Coma - Guns \'N Roses
Feeling: bored
"Way away from here I'll be Way aaway so you can't see How it feels to be alone and Not believe anything." - Yellowcard, Way Away Back in ComTech...yet again. And I'm really bored. Friggin Jordan and Greg are using their sweet precious time on the damn editor computer, now it's Kaitlin. Damn these kids and using their sweet precious time on the computer Andrew really needs to use it right now. Well, those damn kids are finally off. Andrew's going for Andrew! He's running like the million dollar man. Noooooo......wait. he made it. Well, we'll be done by the end of this damn period. This sucks. I'm still grounded from using my home computer, and this class is done in three days. Dammit. Oh well, life is full of shit I don't having to come to ComTech to update this thinger. I feel like blasting Metallica. Too bad I'm in school. Damn school.
Read 6 comments
why is nikki on drugs and not sharing with cell hasn't rung nikki! anyhu frodo get off the computer! go back to working on class! okay I thinki I'm done cept what does andrew need to use? coke crack heroine?lol ttyl-cassie xox
your just jealous that you dont get any drugs, muahaha
Yay for using'ness!
now we've all had a bit of green stuff in our lives (that stoned guy from before the christmas break) lol
lol....yes...this computer I was on in the library was the only thing keeping me to each his own...oh well whatcha gonna do?since you're grounded? if you don't mind me asking why you grounded?-cassie xox
FRODO! My dearest!

"Hi Frodo!"

I am so unloved.