Which vampire from the Vampire Chronicles By Anne Rice are you?

You are Marius. Marius is a Child of the Millennia, or one of the few vampires who make it through more than a thousand years, and actually, Marius is over 2500 years old, having seen centuries of war, religion, plague, and disaster, and is somewhat disillusioned by it. He claims to have no religion, and was once a grand painter in Venice, before his happiness was destroyed by a Satanist Roman coven. Marius' sorrows are many, but he tries to find peace in a chaotic modern world. He is essentially the govenor of Those Who Must Be Kept until they are both eventually destroyed. Mon Amour, Marius, such pain!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Who would you be in the War of Armageddon?
Heaven's Army
You'd be best fit to fight for Heaven's Army. You tend to be a do-gooder. But you're rigid in your beliefs and things that are ingrained in your head stay there. You're not easy to argue with because you don't sacrifice your beliefs easily, this can be either good or bad depending on what kind of situation you're in. You defend the good with an iron fist and a strong will. You do not back down, even if it means your own destruction. It's in your nature. You will directly battle the forces of evil in the last days, be ready.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
uuugghhh thats not what marius looks like!!!!!! -shakes fists-
o well
side by side we stand..
our army could be... "anti- wiggers"
with me and u as majors!!!!
that would be friggin awsome man!!
well c ya tomorrow,