
I seriously don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday...and I didn't eat before that since lunch the previous day. Everybody is telling me that I'm wearing thin...and I'm starting to believe them. I don't know what the hell is going on, but I'm just not hungry anymore, and when I do have to eat, I barely eat a thing. Haunted by nightmares and wearing thin. That's me right now. I'm also still uber-worried about Sabrina. Haven't talked to her in a while...and the last time I did she was uber-depressed. I just came on a few minutes ago, and she was on...and she didn't talk to me right away, so I just said "hey" like I normally do, and I didn't get a response. I was about to say it again, and she just signed off. I'm really concerned now. My hands are shaking now... But I've got to go find something to do. My dad will get home soon, and he'll probably flip if he finds me on this thing. That's another thing. He has not stopped yelling and flipping out since I fucking got up this morning. It's like everybody around can't do anything right, so he flips and yells. He called me a fucking idiot this morning, and I swear to god...if I had a gun, he'd be lying on the ground with a bloody hole in his chest. But I'm out for now. Later.
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♥ =] thnx
ouch read my entry
frodo give up on happiness... I have
ooooooooo, frodo's in looooooooove