You are the Paladin, the
ultimate warrior for God. The Paladin
represents all that is good in the world.
Paladins fight evil at all costs. They do not
care for material pleasures of this world. They
have sworn their lives away to protecting the
innocent, avenging the victims of cruel
murders, and chasing after those who deserve
their punishments. The Paladin will do anything
to fulfill their duties. They will even
sacrifice themselves to save
Color: White
DoveGem: Diamond
Who would you be if you were a character in an epic fantasy? (beautiful pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

CLOUD You are Cloud. You spend a lot of time wondering
about your past, and trying to figure out who
you really are. Above all, you will protect
those weaker than yourself, and those that are
innocent. You are willing to die for what you
believe in, an dwish to keep your friends out
of harms way, even if you know hat they can
help you.
Ultimate Final Fantasy VII Quiz: Which Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
ARAGORN. You are a savior. You do not wish to accept your
fate and you hide from your true self. Despite
this you are a strong warrior and a loyal
friend. You are the truest of heroes when you
find it in yourself at last. You are a Noble
What kind of hero are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which South Park boy are you?
this quiz was made by Zuzu!