Well, I couldn't go to Sabrina's place yesterday, but she invited me to one of her soccer games this afternoon...so I'll be off to that about 5:30. I know Andrew's going to make a comment about that as soon as he reads it, just like his insanely immature comment on the last entry. If you haven't read it, it's immature. But that's just Andrew I guess...
John's hanging out with his dad this afternoon so I don't have to worry about him this afternoon. Oh well. He didn't want to come anyways.
But Andrew's here now and we're watching Spaceballs, so I think I'll go join him soon. Eventually...
Well, I've got nothing better to do...and I've got to keep myself occupied until about 5:30.
♥ case
and if you delete this, you will be forever banished from poon.
Love ya!!