6:01 PM
Feeling: Somewhat better than last time
Well, I'm not as depressed as last time, but I got a nice e-mail from Sabrina that kinda helped with that. So yeah....still kinda lonely with all these happy people around me, but doing better than last time. It's nice to know somebody out there cares...
But I also got to jam with Dave, the lead guitarist of my band the other day. He's a fucking awesome player. He's gonna fit right in with Grimly Fiendish. So yeah...we just need to find a bassist and we're all set, but until then, it's me, Dave and Adam. Adam just needs to get his drum set from wherever he saw one, Dave needs to get used to making his own stuff, and I've gotta get used to singing and playing again...but other than that, we're fucking alright.
I know that Adam's been playing around with lyrics for a song we call "Mass Hysteria" and I'm working on a song dedicated to my uncle, which I'm going to be playing on his guitar. It'll be sick. We've just gotta get Adam's drum set and jam with all of us in one location afterwards. But I'm SO excited about it.
So yeah....we're Grimly Fiendish, and we're gonna rock you all!!!!! m/
anyways, this is along comment. I want you to feel better now, now i tell ya!!!!