
i love this book. i share a lot of views about the future with it. and its strange because the feed sounds somewhat like the internet. the book is very ironic in some places, showing how stupid people can be... "'There's a forest,' said Violet. 'It's called Jefferson Park. We're thinking about going either there, or out to beef country.' My dad nodded. 'It'll have to be beef country,' he said. 'The forest's gone.' 'Jefferson Park?' He nodded, then squinted while he like clawed something off the roof of his mouth with his tongue. He told us, 'Yeah, Jefferson Park? Yeah. That was knocked down to make an air factory.' 'You're kidding!' said Violet. 'Yeah, that's what happened,' said Dad, shrugging. "You got to have air.' Violet pointed out, 'Trees make air,' which kind of worried me because I knew Dad would think it was snotty. My father stared at her for a long time. Then he said, 'Yeah. Sure. Do you know how inefficient trees are, next to an air factory?' 'But we need trees!' 'For what?' he said. 'I mean, they're nice, and it's too bad, but like...Do you know how much real estate costs?'" Feed by M.T. Anderson tehres better parts but they are too long to type because im tired and lazy my mattress came. i love my new bed. so...what happened in my hottub at the last party? i didnt know anything did...weird.
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nothing happened with me because iiiiii didnt go in the hottub. :) i win.
remember when your parents took you to that therapist once in 9th
if possible, can you tell me about it? supposedly my mom is worried about me in the fact that i am not having fun in my 'care-free' days of
my life. which kind of pisses me off, but i think i want to be prepared and expect whats coming before i just go to one. bc its kindof intimidating.
anywyas, that book sounds good. i still have to finish the phantom. im so bad with reading books, i never have time.
well i love you lots.
something happened in your hottub? with who? i didnt know anything happened either. why does everything always happen in your hottub? lol anyways..i dont think i can go to new melle tonight :/...have fun though. buhbye
woah i didn't think anyone else on the planet had read that book..i love it! its crazy good and yea it is like the internet in alot of ways.

x x x