when they say promises they mean nothing

the world has turned and left me here. i think tragedy is in my nature. i think i probably thrive on it, as well as change. my life is not tragic, but i am drawn towards tragic things, always being drawn towards that which is haunted or haunting, those books in which the characters slowly suffer, the movies in which innocent people die i am strange and perverse, not by today's standards, but by the standards of the time i should have been born in. ______________________________________ i do feel much better after going to sleep, but my body still hurts, and i'm not sure why. of course the muscles are still sore from the charlie horses, or whatever else you may call them, but new places on my back hurt. it would be funny if i were wasting away and dying. i'm not sure why, but it would. i'm not saying that in a depressed or suicidal way, although i must admit, although i am neither depressed or suicidal, i have an odd fascination with death. especially whatever comes after death, whether its the 'heaven/hell' scenario, reincarnation, becomming a part of everything, or simply wasting away in a grave. filled krispe [sp] creme [sp] donuts give me horrible heartburn, which i guess is just another thing to add to the list. but anyways, i'm off to do whatever. hopefully to get a massage from my mom, since my back is killing me so beautifuly. this weekend is a drag.
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yeah i do that too
its kind of morbid, but its kind of cool to think about death and stuff like that. i had a weird dream last night and it was in kaitlyns house, but it was skinnier and spread over 3 stories. she didnt live there anymore, and i was having a big party because it was going to be my apartment. you and berkley came, and brought like a 24 pack of "water" but it was actually bacardi in water bottles. we all got wasted but he
didnt because he had to drive home or something. and it was raining outside. and we got soaked or something. and then everyone went home and then i was by myself. it was sad
weird dream

yeah this weekend is a drag. i thought it would be all fun and stuff...not quite sure where that idea went. yeah i noticed you had stayed up late lol it was like 3 or something when you wrote you were going to bed. i couldnt stay up past 12, my eyes closed voluntarily/involuntarily [whichever one makes sense] because i woke up at 6:30 yesterday morning. gahhh
even though i am bored, i am not doing homework. nuh-uh.

I'll drink to that.
ya this week end was a drag i was at my grandmas for like the whole weekend, im sorry i couldnt come over to your house, i would have so rather done that then go to my grannys.. well ill talk to you at school tomorrow luv ya bec buhbye