Listening to: deftones
i am going to start using my cell as my regular phone, becuase my parents switched me to their plan, they use barely any minutes, so i have roughly 700+ minutes/month now. my cell?
i took you home
set you on the glass
i pulled off your wings
then i laughed
i watched a change in you
its like you never had wings
and you feel so alive
i've watched you change
eh, who gives a fuck anyway.
i'm really thirsty. yesterday in the nurse's office i read about how something like 3/4 of americans are chronically dehydrated. my aunt's cancer may have come back, my cousin broke up with her practically fiance, god knows what else is going on, and meanwhile i just want to go to sleep and never wake up again.
not like in a suicidal way, just like in a, im sick of things way.
and then, just like that, i'm up and ready to fight again.
i am NOT going down so quickly...