Listening to: string quintet in E major
somehow in the past few days, all of my personalities and all of my dreams have come together into one...what is this feeling? have i found myself?
has the so thought impossible actually happened?
although i have premonitions that this sudden finding myself business will only last a certain amount of time, afterwhich i will have many personalities and dreams again, who knows, maybe it will last longer than i think.
i hate nights like this, when i sit in front of the computer and wait for what i've been looking forward to through school or work, and it doesn't happen.
i remember over the summer when i was foolish and hopeful enough to believe someone when they told me they loved me. and believe his stupid promises that someday we would meet each other.
im just...ignorant i guess. maybe it's in my nature. but i want to be the good kind of ignorant. the kind where you know so little that you can never be upset...
well, pooper. i give up.