[[°º21º°]] Fridays suck like FREAKING woah..

Listening to: The Beatles-Blackbird
Feeling: broken
Today was pretty cool how we got to wear anything we wanted at school. I didn't really want to take pictures, I just didn't feel like wearing my uniform. Bleh. Jake is so confusing. So then today after school Alex came over. He just hung out and listened to music and watched tv and stuff. Then Elizabeth came over at around 5:00 so we all just had fun like last Friday. We went to Clearview too. Elizabeth and I saw Secret Window AGAIN. So then like Phillip comes over and starts talking to us. But then he gets like all over Elizabeth and stuff. And she basically ignores me. It made me so FREAKING mad but even more jealous. Whatever.
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Dude, I DID NOT ignore you...just so you know. I still love you like a skinny kid loves cake! How else am I suppose to do it besides annonomous.