[[°º160º°]] Photoshoot!

Listening to: The TV
Feeling: creative
My Spring Break will only last five days. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, today, and tomorrow. On Wednesday we have a half day. I think it's stupid that we even have to go to school but whatever. So, I went outside because it feels really good. I decided to take some pictures. Of my cats again obviously. Lol. I only took pictures of Neug though. He looked so cute! Tell me what you think guys! Love you all. ♥ Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Read 28 comments
No, I don't mind... can I add you too?

Last friday I saw the perfect moment to get a picture of two cats and a bunny all together, they were a neighbours pets and all roaming the streets, I should carry my camera on me more often.
Ahhh... A Brand New fan...the best kind. :) I love them. They are fucking great. It would certainly seem that your kitty is a camera whore. It's adorable. I'm doing well, sorta tired. How are you?
im loving your background.
dead poetic is great. :)
aww your cat is cute.

cute cute cute and cute!

and oh yes, I'm a 19 yeard old crazy goon who takes erotic photographs! hahah :]

hi dixie!
hey.. I got MSN its lil_devil2662@hotmail.com

Thanx sooo much!
im doing okay..

made alot of shit from photoshop

love you new layout
its fucking awesome.
dead poetic is great
oh, it looks like a tiger... haha
nice cat.
o ok do you have yahoo or aol?
how bored do you get? lol. why dont you ever take pictures of lucky?
you are more welcome to come by anytime :)
I use to have aim, but my bro got rid of it.... he doesn't like it - thats an ass, but whatever. So nevermind. Later for now.
Do you have yahoo... or only aim?

I've been searching for a new/professional camera to buy - I've narrowed my search down to a Canon EOS20d pretty expensive too, ro I'm searching for a job right now.
I have hotmail, but the messenger hasn't been working for months and I have a yahoo address but no instant messenger. So take your pick if you want my email address...

and you can visit www.photobucket.com/manmachinesuperhuman if you want to check out some of my pictures. They are all abit old now and I don't really have much new ones to load up.
hey i dont know who you are but you put a comment in my diary so if you want i will ttyl
Took me alittle bit of thought to realise whether I'd left you a comment before or something - are you into photography? (probably a dumb question seeing as you have a few pictures in pretty much each entry).

I like your cat, but I like really fluffy cats, they're cuter. later
...and your kitty is incredibly adorable!
Thanks. I heart them as well. Yay! I love Matchbook Romance. They fucking rock. :) Peace kid.
why thank you my dear. your diary is pretty shpiffay as well.
thanks. i still need to work on it though
Also your cate is georgus! Not as cute as mine tho=P
How do you put pics on ? I wanna put on on of my cate.. And me, if i can find ne good ones..
yeah i still have aim, same sn as before just IM me
Whoa.. The pictures of you down below.. Your really pretty!
ive been good, how about yourself? i never updated because i never had any good stories to tell but ill start thinking some up soon here, anyway write me back when you get this
ya I KNOW!!!!!!!!

how the hell are you!?!
im doign okay...
fucking bored..

I miss yew too~
<3 mel
I update every day, sometimes twice a day... that's why I have so many entires.

Yeah, I just had my one year SitD anniversary in January. Whoo hoo. Keep updating, you'll have 400+ in no time, trust me!

That's one cute cat.
