[[°º128º°]] I have to be just like you..

Feeling: distracted
Not too long ago I realized how much I love photography. When I got my Xanga up again a while back, I was look around and found this girl's Xanga. Her name's Jill Lambing. She's like the best photographer ever. I love her pictures so much. That is why, I have to be just like her. That's her. She's so pertyyyyy. ^_^ http://www.jlambing.com/ That's her website in case you ever decide to check her out. Here's a few pictures off of her Xanga.. Her photos are so freaking amazing. Jeez. I just love them so much. I took some pictures today also. Enjoy. I love that thing. I hope you enjoyed my pictures. I love you all. Later.
Read 4 comments
are those ass beads?
photography is my favorite. visit me.
by the way one of those pictures happened to be fuckingamazing. its my header now because im in love
I like the lady's pictures and your pictures best. =)

Pretty picture entry.