Hello, hello!by imperfectionListening to: Frank Sinatra-Somewhere Beyond The Sea
Feeling: alive
Yes, yes. I feel ALIVE. My entry is dedicated to Colin because he is a sweetheart and makes me smile so much! Thank you Colin for always listening to me! I love you for it!!
I know, I know. It's been a long time since I updated. I'm really sorry guys. I don't know why I haven't updated. I've been pretty lazy I guess. Jeez. I'm lazy. Lol.
So, I'm still failing Geometry. I failed ALL last semester, I will also fail this quarter and the only way I can POSSIBLY pass is if I get an 'A' next quarter. Yeah. As if that will happen. Give me a break. Even though I'm a Freshman, I'm going to take it in summer school. I don't feel like taking ANOTHER Sophomore class next year! I will already have to take Biology. That is going to be my only Sophomore class. The rest will be Junior classes. Wooo! ^_^
I have homework to do but I have no possible way to do it because my printer will not work. Yes, that makes me VERY angry. I freaking hate my computer as of now. Oh well. Maybe I'll get it fixed sometime soon.
Well, I went to Dauphin Island last weekend. I only took like three pictures. I was so sick the whole weekend but I went anyway. I had as much fun as I could have possibly had. I will post those few pictures plus some recent pictures of me.
Comment if you wanna. ;) I miss all of you very much. I'm sorry for neglecting my sitDiary friends. Love you all!
meh. idk really. its pretty much anything my mother does seems to piss me of as of late.
its like i have IMS or something according to pretty much any girl i talk to lol.
i heart cats.
nice diary, dead poetic is awesome.
AIM: xflyawayangel07x
o yay ur online im going to talk to you.. lol
you mind if i add you to my friends list?
we seem to have interesting conversations once in a while.
and you?
lol it seems familiar...but idk.
better update more young lady! cause otherwiseeeeee!!!! muhahahehehehehe
I've been bored...all the time. it sucks.
sorry you were sick on your trip that had to suck.
don't feel bad about failing geometry...I'm failing algebra 1...