[[°º147º°]] For you..

Feeling: hyper
This song makes me think of Mike. I like it. I love him. Still. I always will. He'll still be my Romeo no matter what. I took some pictures a few minutes ago. I love my haircut soooo much. Enjoy. Isn't my kittay deh cutest?! I love you all so much. Thank you for the support.
Read 6 comments
how are you?
im doing okay i guess...

i love your pics...

love you too <3

Happy birthday on Saturday! :) Have a good day!
Hey kutie, luv ur site, im thinkin of actually updating mine or i might just delete it, nothing really to write anymore. neways jus wanted to say hi, byebye

haircuts rock. as yours does.
tell me what kind of lipstick you have on or i will be forced to kill you.

please and thank you.

schhweet haircut by the way. im in need for one..my hair is long but i'd like some layers or something purdy looking..i dont knowwwww. i want to dye it sexyful colors but im afraid i wont like it.

change is good right??

Your kitty is so cute!!