[[°º156º°]] UPDAAAATE!!

Listening to: Blink182-Carousel
Feeling: delighted
Wow. Sorry for not updating sooner guys. I've been totally neglecting the diary world all together. I was just too lazy at first, then I had computer problems, and over the past two nights I have been very busy and getting home late. School was hard this week because I have a ton of make-up work. Even still. I have a few tests to make up but I should be okay. I'll just do it all over the holidays. Score. Yes, for us Louisiana people, it is Carnival Season A.K.A. Mardi Gras. This is probably my LEAST favorite holiday. It just reminds me of how stupid people are. Fighting for little pieces of plastic on strings? No, I think not. Many people get drunk. I will definitely not take part. Anyways. Over the past couple of nights I have been going to work with my dad after school. Tomorrow I will too. It gets boring because after a certain time I have no one to talk to. The store closes early because of the parades but of course my dad never gets out on time. Jeez. I'm tired. So, I got my braces off on the 24th. I shall include a picture. I didn't think that I liked my smile but I actually do. I know Kevin is happy about that one. He loves my smile. I haven't really talked to Mike lately. It makes me kind of upset but I don't know. I love him so much. I guess I just don't cry about it as often. Well, I can't say that. I know I will still cry over him and I probably will do it a lot but just lately, I've been too tired to even cry. Well, I better go update Xanga. I'll be going to bed after that. Enjoy the pictures. Comment. I love you all. Peace.
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hey, i am back
and in guam


awesome about your braces!!
like whats your name i'm glad u like my diary thnx your very beautifal how ld r u ? whats your name i'm esteban we should meet sometime i go to buena ya w/b on myspace yeah? my email to find me is rorem78@msn.com-esteban