[[°º77º°]] Tuesdays..damn them..

Feeling: torn
It's almost 12:00AM. I'm REALLY tired. I just had a lot of homework to do and stuff. I stayed out today until like 9:00. I wanted to come home earlier than that but oh well. AT LEAST I got my hair straightened. Lol. That's really all I wanted to accomplish today. Today was the first day back from my four day weekend. Lol. Oh well. I have a lot of things to make up. Today was boring. I don't have the time or the energy to keep writing. Night everyone.
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yo dixie what's up? i'm DEPRESSED. lol, no not really, just still kinda bugged about the whole..***** thing. WOW JIMMY URINE IS SOOOOO FRICKEN HOTT! WE HAVE TO RAPE HIM AT A CONCERT OR SOMETHING!