Letting Go

Feeling: torn
Well, I just told my girl goodbye for the next couple of weeks. Unless the folks at the rig really hack me off, I'll do one more hitch and be done with drilling oil wells. If they do piss me off though, I will be more than happy to tell them where they can stick it and pack my stuff. If it comes to that, I don't mind riding a boat, just get me back to land. Anyhow, that's not what I'm here to write about. I want to write this about letting my girl go. I think that it's kinda funny because last hitch, she did really well, and I was the one that was all tore up over it. This time, I'm pretty good, and she was kinda upset. Funny how that happens. I hope that she does well while I'm gone. Although I appreciate her missing me, I don't want her to be a mess all the time, ya know? We had a really nice day in the city though, I got to show her where I'll be working from now on, and although she couldn't find it again if you put her a block to the south, gave her a compass, and told her it was due north 300 yards, she is comfortaded by knowing where I'll be spending my time when I'm not offshore. I took her to one of my favorite fast food joints, and she really liked it. Showed her where one of my old apartments was, and she thought that was cool. We did some shopping and got some really cool stuff - she was thrilled, and that makes me happy. I got her a bottle of Godiva chocolate liquor. She tried it later in the night, and seemed to enjoy it. I guess that's pretty much it, I plan on writing a lot tomarrow - or later today, depending on how you look at it, its 3:55 now in the a.m., and I'll wake back up around 6-7 am and take care of my pre hitch stuff, and crash out at like 5pm, wake up at midnight, and take off. L8r, ya'll!
Read 4 comments
ye thanks,your life sounds hetic poor you
Its so hard saying goodbye. I still have vivid memories of saying goodbye to Paul when he was being deployed to Iraq. At the time we had no idea how long he'd be gone, but every month I just thought 'maybe this month.' There were fourteen 'maybe this months' in all. It was tough, but I did it, so I know you two can do this too.
You suck:p I could to find it! Just give me MapQuest and my cellphone so I can call and say "baby, where do I go now?!" I'm not a mess, I was....
just a little emotional from the conversation earlier in the night. I know you'll come home to me soon, I'll be okay. Love you!