All Over the Place

Feeling: homesick
So I'm sitting here listening to Bon Jovi's "Born to be My Baby." I think every guy in a relationship needs to listen to this occasionally, to help him remember where his priorities are. I know Bon Jovi is SO 80's and 90's, but its great music, and they recently came out with a new album -"This Left Feels Right" - and they put a bluesy spin on a lot of their hits, and now it's GREAT for slow dancing and slow loving. Wow, great stuff. It's really romantic music, as is most of his stuff, and I am a hopeless romantic. So it suits me great. I am so glad I have my girl. She has made me, without realizing it, be more considerate, caring, and loving......a lot more giving. She has hit a soft spot in me. Normally I'm a real hard-liner, but with her, I bend the rules, I make things work that normally I'd have walked away from. And I feel like a better person all of the time now, I feel like I have something really great going for me. Dang, I haven't felt like this in literally years. And even then it did not last this long. I feel like the lukiest man in the world. I am so glad that this hitch is winding down. I keep getting more and more frustrated with my supervisors, and I am SO ready to tell them to order me a chopper. Anyhow, just a few more days, and friday, I'll be back home.....that's a nice thought. Hanging out with my baby, Getting her surprise taken care of, getting moved and ready for my new job. I've decided not to worry much about the new job, although I'm sure that as the time draws near I will. I figured that if they picked me out of everybody that wants to work for them, I must be prety good at something, and I'll get along just fine. I'm getting really excited about it. I've talked to a few guys out here with different companies that do what I will be doing, and they asked what kinda deal I got, and when I gave them the undetailed rundown, they were really impressed. I'm so excited!! Well, I suppose that I'd better wrap this up, I need to get to sleep! Only downside to not being single - lack of sleep. While I'm out here, we chat till late, eventhough she tries to get off so I can sleep, I don't let her. And lack of sleep at home, well.....uhhh, you know. You kids take care, and God bless!!
Read 8 comments
Your girl is lucky. It's nice to be in a relationship in which the other person really makes you a better person. Paul used to say I do that for him. Then he got lost in himself and couldn't see me anymore.

Have a good day.
I wanna know the surprise!!! I am even bad at waiting to find out OTHER people's surprises! :) Also... thank you for the comment "I am glad I am not YOUR husband!" Ouch!! hehe, jk I know what your meant!
ok sorry but I have to share this... I went to add you to my list of friends, and then automatically it brings me to your friends page, which you haven’t added anyone to your friends page, so... it says to me "SORRY Rigrat DOESNT HAVE ANY FRIENDS!" LoL... I dunno why, but I found that really funny... SitD was dogging you man! Are you going to sit there and take it?
why don't you and your girlfriend have each other on your friends lists? and leave your comments as anonymous.... just curious :)
That girl is so lucky to have you. You sound like you've really found what you want =)
Good luck with your new job, sounds like you'll like it more than your current one =)

p.s. thanks for the note, it actually made me laugh a little =)
Mmmmmmmmmmhmmmhmmm...cake, cake, cake.


Did you take your background picture and photoshop it? Because it's freakin awesome. I'd always wanted to ask you that, I just always forgot. :P

How'd I do all that?!
Hang in there babe, it's almost done, then you won't have to put up with that junk on a regular basis anymore. And you'll be here with ME! And giving me my super surprise! And then you'll be starting your new great job, which I'm so so proud of you for getting.