Good Times

Feeling: hopeful
So things are good. I got off of work today at about 1, and as I was going home, I spotted an oil change place and stopped in. Really nice place, beautiful shop, nice guys doing the work, but it was kinda pricy. Like twice as much as normal. But I figured that that was cool, I'd just do it once, and find a cheaper place another time. Yeah, I think $40 is WAY too high for an oil change. So I'm hanging out and looking at the busines cards on the wall absentmidedly, then realized that they were adverts for donations to churches. If you mentioned the ad that was ON THE WALL, they'd donate 5% of your ticket to the church of your choice. About this time an older guy comes out from the office, smiles, and introduces himself as the owner. I asked about the donation, and he said no problem, what church do I wanna donate to, and of course, I tell him mine. His eyebrows perk up and he smiles and said he was a parishoner there too. So we got to talking about it, and he just recieved his 4th degree in the Knights of Columbus. I told him that I had my first degree, but that it'd been like 8 years since I've been active, and I wanted to get back in and get the 2nd and 3rd degrees. I also mentioned that I wanted to get involved with the Boy Scout troop that the church sponsored. He smiled and explained that the KC's sponsored the BSA troop, and he'd see what kinda arrangement he could make, and to be expecting a call in a couple of days from the KC's and one next week from the BSA troop. I was so excited! So they got my bill worked up and I didn't realize it until I was driving off that the recipt wasn't as high as I expected, so I looked at it closer this time, and he only charged me like 18 bucks!! That is SO cool! I SO feel like I'm meeting some good people. Making good connections, and am going to do well for myself. I'm really kinda excited. Ya'll take care, and God bless. The Rat
Read 4 comments
awsome friggin diary i F-ing love it well heah i loveeeeeeeeee firegighters do you wanna be one well heah add me to your freinds and i will add you k ttyl hun :)
you wanna know what i think i think you should just fuck off and die cause we all die why is life even worth living cause death is inevitable
that is so awesome. I love little interactions like that, which leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy and great.
hm cool background picture thing.