Future Globetrotter

Feeling: eager
Well, I got a call from my boss today on my cell, while I was at work. Was kinda nervous, this does not usually preceed good things. He called me into his office. Told me to sit. Asked what I thought of things. Wow, I'm getting nervous, being as polite as I can, professional. He commented on my earlier comment about wanting to go to Nigeria. I restated that I did not have a problem going overseas. He asked how I had gotten along the last couple of days, testing this tree that I've been working on. I told him things were good, didn't have much faith in my partner, but things were good. He said he was glad, and asked if I wanted to go to Russia with the tree, to install and test it again. I'm certain that I could not control my facial expressions at this point, and the glee was obvious. I had been hoping for this break. To travel halfway around the world and do what I do for a living. To make the company a profit, and to see some things!! WOO HOO!!! I should clarify - I'm actually going to Ukraine, part of what used to be Russia, to work in the Black Sea. Sometime next month! Getting my passport and travel visas lined out now!!! I'm SO excited! Rigrat, world traveler! I will make my layovers in either Amsterdam or Paris.....LOL!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!!!
Read 10 comments
that really rocks. I envy you on that.
OMG, CONGRATS!!!! =D I'm soooo happy for you. It makes me happy to see my friends succeed. :) And WOW,- Russia! (ok, WOW,- UKRAINE!) I'm envious!

Udachi i khoroshego nastroeniya! (Russian for "Good luck & keep well". I happen to be learning the language, at the moment.)

-Bianca ♥

p.s.- I thought your comments to Kate were very touching. I am happy to say that I think I've met one of those "discreet guys". :)
I'm so proud of you babe. I told ya, before long you'll be runnin that place. I'm so glad things are working out the way you'd hoped.
Awesome, truly awesome. Enjoy yourself and keep us posted. Take lots of pictures!!
that is freakin awesome.

can i go with you? i'm fun to travel with. ;)

I loooooove to travel. You should get me to tell you some of my Europe stories sometime-over [belated] berfday cake.

Good luck, and I hope you have internet over yonder.

ryn: Once again, thanks for sharing your wisdom. You are absolutely right. I've firmly believed that very same thing for the last few years. Unfortunately, it was he who came looking for me... So, I guess I failed to apply that logic in this case. :(

Bad feelings, eh? (Intuition was ignored completely on my part. I really have to learn to listen.)

Thanks, again. *hugs*

-Bianca ♥
Thats very freakin kool... Ill be here in MN...
You really are a great guy, you know that?
That'd be awesome, but i dont think i'll have any time away! My mom and i are going for our mary kay seminar, and we're going to be so busy all week. IM me at Scarletflame096 if you want!