How is this?

Feeling: frustrated
So I am a new guy on here. Maybe I'm not in the right place. I have searched through other diaries and am finding A LOT of very sad and depressed entries. A few have been nice to read, from folks that are happy with theings in their life, and that is so nice to hear. No matter where my life goes, what happens, what I lose along the way, I do my damnedest to look on the brighter side of things and see what I can take from the experience to grow with and make myself a better person. The holiest, most loving people that I've ever known became that way after hitting bottom and crawling up. I look at it like this: When your life takes a bad turn, you fall into a pit, like a deep well. It has earthen sides, and a rock bottom. As you fall, you realize what's going on, but you can't see how to handle it. There are a couple of things that can happen here. The easy way out is for someone to come get you. To reach into the depts of darkness and grab you, bring you back to realty, and dust you off, and point you in the right direction. This is easy for the faller, but not necessarily the right thing to do. When someone else saves you, what do you learn? NOTHING!! You depend on others to take care of you. You begin to believe that you cannot save yourself or depend on yourself to keep things going how they are supposed to, and you lack the responsibility to stand up for yourself and your actions. The other way out of the pit is to fall until you realize what is going on. At that point, you start grabbing, reaching, and holding onto the sides of the hole; no matter how much it hurts your hands, or if it peels your fingernails off, you don't let go until you stop falling. Then you start climbing. You pull, and drag your tired, bruised body up the straight hard wall. When you start seeing daylight again, it hurts your eyes, but you know that it is where you need to be. You come back to the top, and your true friends are the ones that stuck around to see you make it back. They are there cheering you on, but not touching you, not helping you in any way other than as a moral support. You get back onto your feet, dust yourself off, bandage your wounds, and look around. See what is left. Is the world over? No. Is the situation the same as when you fell? Maybe. But you evaluate what is going on now, and adjust accordingly, find out witch way you need to go, and start again. By this time you have had the time to figure out where you went wrong and how to keep this from happening again. You have become wiser, stronger, more independant, and a fuller person. You have more to offer the world, advise that may keep someone from falling into that same pit. Why is it that so many people let others take care of them? And then they don't understand why they are lost when they don't have that hand there to guide them. And they just don't get it!!! Okay, sorry for going off, I have just had a lot of trying times. I've bounced off of the bottom of a lot of pits, and had to pull myself back up because I did not have anyone there to help me, and I've become such a strong person for it. Why isn't this common sense?
Read 5 comments
Im 14 and Ive seen more things that most people don't see in an entire life time. Ive experienced things most people would only dream of going through in their worst nightmares. I understand what you mean about common sense. A lot of people haven't had to take care of themselves so they don't. It's hard to look on the bright side, but as long as you try that's all that matters, right?

Well, just a random comment. Welcome to sit.
You're too happy to have a diary.

No, heh, a lot of people on here are pretty depressing, but also a handful of people are happy. I look on the brighter side of things because that's the way to go.
XD How true. I understand what you mean. I'm 15..>> My diary isn't depressing...just a bit hard to follow. Random. Anywho, WELCOME! I'm a newbie myself. I just got this thingy ma-bob not to long ago. Hope ya feel welcome here!
See ya around or something!

hm. interesting points you made...
(and you shouldn't apologize for "going off" since it's your diary and you can say whatever you
well, welcome to sitdiary, and i hope you like it here.
have fun!
best wishes,
I definitely have taken on the role of optimistic, caring, loving, strong person in my life. Bad stuff happens, as it does with everyone, but you just need to take it with stride and look forward to better things to come.

I like you.