
Listening to: Silence
Feeling: stubborn
UGH!! I'm stressing! This trip is gonna kill me before I even go on it! I still have no visa, and today I got the travel advance paperwork started for a 1500 dollar advance. Along with that I am taking about 5-600 of my own money. I also started looking at moneybelts. I want to get 2 - one that is like a regular belt, with a compartment built in to store small amounts of cash....and another, that you wear under your clothes, to carry gross cash, passport, ID, etc. I am going to take over 2000 US dollars to this friggen almost third world country??!?!?!? Makes me wanna look for an anal pouch! I bet they don't check there when the master pick-pockets come to town!! LOL! Anyway! Yeah, the stress is setting in, and shopping for luggage is NOT helping!! Anyone checked luggage prices lately?!?!? Thank goodness for my sister, the queen of internet investigators! YEAH!! Check THIS out! Anyhow, gonna run to the mall tomarrow and pick this up, and one of my money belts. UGH! I HATE spending cash! So for anyone who is wandering about where I am headed, HERE is the CIA's website on the Ukraine. I had to find it today, to see what kinda clothes to pack. I gotta get some rest. Ya'll take care, and God bless!
Read 7 comments
Can they do traveler's checks there? That might be a dumb question, but I honestly dont know the answer!
I don't recall ever saying he didn't have time for me when he had his job. I think at that point, he had a semi-set schedule, & we were able to make plans for things.

I think the difference now is that he has no obligations & he is going wild with freedom doing everything he hasn't done for months. I am not standing up for him, I am just saying he seems like he is tiring himself w/other stuff, then he doesn't make time/energy for me.
don't stress too much. you will have a wonderful time and an awesome experience.

just be smart and be safe and i'm sure you will be fine. :)
that is reaaaaaally freaking affordable for luggage, go you (and your sister for finding it!).

I have never even pondered a money belt in my life. I wish you a lot of luck, as I am not even familiar with how the Ukraine is. I am sure you'll be fine.

I didn't realize that Ukraine is right next to one of my favorite [and a very cheap] countries--POLAND. Go there, go there and eat your heart out. Mmmmmmmmmm.

I ate one of the best meals I've ever eaten in my life in Prague. It's a beautiful city.

Don't stress too hard. You'll get there somehow, and it'll be worth every dollar.


PS. You know, I just thought--you're going to be frackin making money while you're over there. You're making money travelling. Awesome. [There's a positive way of looking at the money situation]
Try not to stress. Everything will work out. Remember you are going there to work and will therefore be making money.
I laughed at the size description of the Ukraine on that website you posted. It said : "slightly smaller than Texas". Come on Riggy, if you can handle Texas, you can handle the Ukraine.

No worries!!!
