[:: 71.5 ::]

i'm getting used to this whole .5 thing. i'mma do it everytime i do more then one entry in a day, that way you'll know if i wrote more in that day. anyway... this is amanda's wishlist '04. it's kinda sad. sad sad sad. 1. American moula (pour Nuevo Yorko.) 2. Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban DVD (I'm assuming it'll be out by Navidad) 3. Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban Gamecube Game 4. Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code 5. Sweaters! 6. Long sleeve shirts 7. Track pants/yoga gear 8. Cute teeny-bopper underwear (uhg i'm not going underwear shopping, it's way too embarassing) 9. Sleep-pants 10. DVD's, Gamecube games 11. Chapter's gift certificates 12. Anything ANIME (check out Wyldstar!) 13. Anything 'Hello kitty' y 'Spongebobo Squarepanto's' 14. Cd's? 15. Cheap digital watch 16. American moula!!! Alright. there's my christmas list. it's sad. i know. about the udnerwear, my mom does that sort of shopping, i go red in the face when i go but she picks me up granny panties or tighty whities. about the check out wyldstar, it just moved so now it's just up the street (HORRAY!!) and the cheap digital watch, i don't want an expensive one because... i'll lose it or break it in typical amanda-style. anywayy... feel free to buy for amanda! yay!
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lmao, teeny bopper underwear? what exactly is that. and hello kitty is cool.