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Listening to: People Talking.
Wow. Today nothing happened except my parents are starting to put in the bottom cupboards and my aunt and uncle coming around because my brother had to fix their car. So now I'm really bored. Wow. Tomorrow we are going to library and another assortment of places. Whow. Then we are going shop-hop-hop-HOP-ing. AGAIN. I need pants this time. My wardrobe is getting entirly too large and I can't choose what to wear anymore! I'm done. OWARI ~Ja SOPO
Read 4 comments
I'm freakin bored too. Stupid Jackson giving us an ISU to do on the weekend...
Thanks. I kinda like the way it looks now... just needs a little more improvement.
"my parents are starting to put in the bottom cupboards"
Sentance structure states, that you need a...umm...
k, I suck at english, but you need a 'noun' or something in your sentance. I'm not sure exactly what it's called, but it's the thing that thing that tells us what is being put in the cubard.

k, forget that.
What's being put in the cupboard?
Nice journal! You're clothing problem is the oppsite of mine! I always have nothing to wear due to the fact that I hate shopping....
Sorry then =P
It just sounds...Odd...
I've never heard of someone getting new cupboards, so yeah...