Listening to: L'arc en Ciel - Kiss Kuchizuke
Ahaha. Today was boring, like everything else. I stepped out of my house and went "OoAH!" because it was icy.
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Anyways. Leanna did that whole thing where I feel like I'm unwanted and so did Nikki in 4th period. Fun.
I have to do a history script on the 1950's and I have... english homework? I don't know if I have english homework or not.
I don't want to go to school tomorrow. It's such a drag. Ahh. (Angsts.)
So there were 5 people in my Spanish class today. Ho-yeah. Fun.
My posts keep getting more and more boring. Nikki and Cavell want me to go see 'Coach Carter' on Saturday and so do I, but I don't know if I want to, yaknow? Oh well.
SOPO (Who's tired.)
Nah, I'm just joking. I just said that 'cause I know Nikki reads this stuff *points to comment below*
Okay, so anyway, yeah, go see the movie, and tell us what it's like! Spoil the ending! Just make the posts more exciting! T_T =P
And I have no idea what 'Ickleback' is. Did you find it in one of my posts? (ctrl+f didn't find it =P)