woww... so i went to... the mall on... saturday? think so. anyway. went to the mall, leanna conned me into taking photos.
here? lets see if it works mmmk?

so anyway. yes. the first one.. thats actually a good photo, leanna has turtle lips (i'm the dark haired one wearing yellow, arn't i oooglay?) the second i just notived how large this photo is! pffts. oh and my skin isn't really blue... i just smooshed the photo's together when i was done so it became blue? yes. i'm not really blue. in the second one i'm giving the finger, leannas mom saw this me and leanna laughed. third one... i wanted to make a sad face but i started smiling... yes... well... leanna looks incredibly sad in that picture... in the fourth one i was talking so it probably caught me in the middle of saying "Leanna! Your such a tool!" so yes. thats our pictures. now: for the second picture! this ish to my Gundam Wing fans! Am i the only one to notive how alike Quatre and Zechs look? Cuz really.. they look alike. see:

zechs is the first one, with long hair.. he's really hot. yes. hotness of the sexy zechy. thats zechs. z-e-x. like s-e-x but a z instead of the s. don't say z-e-ch. like ch. as in. ch. anyway.... like ch as in ch-ocolate. it's x as in SEX! ok... quatres our guy in pink (all say aww... AWW GOD DAMMIT!) thats the q-man or cat or i;ve even heard him called q-ball before. he's our little billionaire. yup. do you see the likeness? i do. COMMENT! SAY HOW UGLY I AM!
Anyways, cute pics manda.
zechs as in sex...
like sex with zechs... sorta
and isn't the guy in the pink the one that hits on duo all the time (its been a long time since i've seen anything gundam)