[:: 225 ::]

Ohh, I want to kill myself. I'm sooo lonely. Haha. You suck. I'm tired all the time now, the drugs have just gone to my head, like whoa. I can't help it. I got my hands on some crystal meth and wow! Is that a high! But I burnt out real quick. Uhg you're retarded.I'm tired al the time because I'm working six hours at a long-term care facility ever day. This sucks. And I'm not even getting paid for it. I better be getting a cell-phone for this. Haha. Drugs. Haha. Suicide. You people are stupid. I'm like, the best kid in the world. Besides Jeanette. But she's like godly. Whatever. notes: too tired to fic typos. Also, does anyone have a strange sense of deja vu when reading this? notes[2]: could you guys effing comment?

Read 4 comments
I am commenting ^^;;
Aparently crystal meth causes the police to shoot at you, so that they can say that it's bad for you.
*refuses to comment*
what the hell ur not serious if you ever did that shit id kick ur ass to fucking mexico bitch
