[:: 88.5 ::]

Listening to: Gackt - Doomsday
1.Name: Amanda 2.Last: Robinabobbin 3.Born: July 15th 1989 4.Died: I… haven’t? 5.City: Oshawwwa 6.Prov: Ontario 7.Grade: 10 8.School: Don-Evan 9.Boy Friend: Yes (tehe) 10.Name Of Boy Friend?: Andoo-chan (tehe) 11.Girl Friend: Uh… no? 12.Name Of Girl Friend: Once again… no. 13.How Long Have You Known Your Boy Friend: Like… grade 9, but we didn’t talk.. 14.How Long Have You Known Your Girl Friend: Ack. Stop with the girlfriend questions… jeeze… 15.Have You Ever Loved Someone?: Yes 16.Do You Love Someone Now?: My mom? Gackt? 17.Do I Like Anyone Else?: Gackt (sorry Andoo.) 18.Ever Cheated On Someone: No. 19.Do You Know Someone Who Ever Cheated On: Yah. Hehe. 20.Who: Tehe… 21.What Would You Say To Someone That Cheated On Someone: You’re a tool. But a funny one. 22.Are You Attracted To Anyone Else: Gackt-kun? 23.Best Friend: Leena. 24.Fav. Drink: Cranberry/Raspberry carbonated water 25.Fav. Animal: BEEEEJAYYY. 26.Fav. Sport: Hockeh 27.Fav. Colour: Blue/Grey/Black 28.Fav. Music: Gackt? 29.What Kind Of Music Do You Hate: Le Rap. Et le Crap. 30.Do I Smoke: No. 31.Do I Drink: No. 32.Hair Colour?: Blacky 33.Eyes: Browny 34.Height: 5’2 35.Weight: Gordo. 125-ish 36.Any Animals: Si. 37.Names/What Kind: BJ-le doggeh. 38.Do You Believe In God: What kind of god? 39.Do You Believe In The Devil: What kind of devil? 40.Do You Believe In Spirits: Mhm.. 41.Have You Ever Killed Someone?: No. 42.Do you like flowers?: Si. 43.What Kind?: Roses, other pretty ones. 44.What Colour?: Red/black. 45.Have You Ever Been Scared That You Were Going to Loose Something?: Yes 46.What?: The ones I love. 47.Do You See The Person You Like Alot?: Yes? 48.Do You Ever Get Mad At Him/Her?: Not really…(only when he insults Gackt.) 49.Why?: I just said? 50.If The World Was Coming To A End And You Had 3 Wishes, What Would They Be?: For the world not to end? To stop it coming, no one needs to see that and… to meet Gackt.
Read 18 comments
maine... hahaha
Oo...this thingy looks entertaining...i shall also make one :)
I know =)

i'm trying to get to 100
yes. yes it does.
haha well that's good.
haha yes
oh yeah..

I know =) it was madd crazy
haha yeah.

the most i've gotten is like 215 on my other diary =)
shut up.... lol
ohh.. so canada?
haha nice.

where are you from?
haha yeah I have like nothing else to do.. besides homework but who does that.. =)
that's alright.. people think my obsession with freddy is weird..

..well actually it kinda is if you think about it lol =)
Awwwwwwwwwww... I've been forgotten... I'm not loved... no sex for you... I'm stealing my broken black sex bracelet back...

hey. nice diary =)
Aww! You have a boyfriend! ^^ Yay for Amanda!
i wana do this thing