Listening to: Broken- seether ft amy lee
Feeling: old
Sitting here sadly in a corner
Knees drawn up to my chest
Mind and body wrecked in sorrow
As tears course down my face
I pray to a God i firmly believe in
As I curse him in the same breath
I look at ME with wondering eyes
Pitying the sorrowful person ive become
I look deep into my wretched soul
Cursing the sheer emptiness inside
Emptiness put their by my stupidity
As I stand over the huddling form of me
I have gotten what I deserve from life
I had no right to the wonderful love we had
I could should have fought her for you
Now I see the shell of me slowly cracking
Oozing with pain and misery within my soul
High above all the broken pieces
Lays my pulsating heart as it lies alone.
I wish I could pick it up and mend it
Why am I sitting in this bleak corner?
Why am I alone and sorrowful
How do I start to leave this hurt behind
Is there another place my heary belongs?
coment plzz
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take out the spaces
thats a reallly goood poem
it make sa lot of sense too.
then pick out a cursor and when you find the one you like copy the code in the box next to the cursor
and then paste it in the header info box when you go to preferences
comment back when you get it or if you need help